Presented By: Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics
HET Seminar | How to constrain your favo(u)rite theory
Mark Goodsell (LPTHE, Jussieu, Paris)
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LHC searches typically publish limits on not only specific models, but specific scenarios within a model. For a theorist to confront a different model or scenario to the latest limits therefore requires a whole chain of tools and calculations to map from Lagrangian parameters to data. With the immense range of possible models now under consideration this begs for automation and genericity. Along with an overview of the state of the art of this toolchain, I will review my recent work, in particular on generic unitarity calculations in the context of the SARAH package; and on recasting both prompt and long-lived LHC searches for electroweakinos so that they can be applied to any model.
LHC searches typically publish limits on not only specific models, but specific scenarios within a model. For a theorist to confront a different model or scenario to the latest limits therefore requires a whole chain of tools and calculations to map from Lagrangian parameters to data. With the immense range of possible models now under consideration this begs for automation and genericity. Along with an overview of the state of the art of this toolchain, I will review my recent work, in particular on generic unitarity calculations in the context of the SARAH package; and on recasting both prompt and long-lived LHC searches for electroweakinos so that they can be applied to any model.