Join us on the second Friday of each month at the University of Michigan Museum of Art. Looking for a reason to feel good? Let art, music, and culture lift you up. Reconnect and recharge each month at Feel Good Friday.
October is Feel Good Vote!
Developed in collaboration with visiting Artist Philippa Pham Hughes!
Artist Philippa Hughes takes over UMMA’s monthly Feel Good Friday event with an interactive night of political issues and artists — Artistic expression is one of the most powerful ways to spark conversation and in this museum “late nite” event, Hughes will pair Michigan-based artists with policy experts to develop interactive installations about important issues.
Featuring: Philippa Hughes: Philippa Hughes is a social practice artist from Washington, D.C., partnering with UMMA to develop conversational events aimed at healing America’s political divide. Marjorie Gaber: Marjorie Gaber aka Marge Makes Comics is an illustrator, cartoonist, and writer based in Dearborn, Michigan. Deirdre Smith: Deidre D.S.SENSE Smith is an emcee / singer / songwriter from Detroit, MI who classifies her work as “a reflection of my city and the best it has to offer — complete with emotion and urban innovation.”
Free and open to the public.
Join us on the second Friday of each month at the University of Michigan Museum of Art. Looking for a reason to feel good? Let art, music, and culture lift you up. Reconnect and recharge each month at Feel Good Friday.
October is Feel Good Vote!
Developed in collaboration with visiting Artist Philippa Pham Hughes!
Artist Philippa Hughes takes over UMMA’s monthly Feel Good Friday event with an interactive night of political issues and artists — Artistic expression is one of the most powerful ways to spark conversation and in this museum “late nite” event, Hughes will pair Michigan-based artists with policy experts to develop interactive installations about important issues.
Featuring: Philippa Hughes: Philippa Hughes is a social practice artist from Washington, D.C., partnering with UMMA to develop conversational events aimed at healing America’s political divide. Marjorie Gaber: Marjorie Gaber aka Marge Makes Comics is an illustrator, cartoonist, and writer based in Dearborn, Michigan. Deirdre Smith: Deidre D.S.SENSE Smith is an emcee / singer / songwriter from Detroit, MI who classifies her work as “a reflection of my city and the best it has to offer — complete with emotion and urban innovation.”
Free and open to the public.
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