Event Types
Commuting Infrastructure in Fragmented Cities
Olivia Bordeu, Princeton University
Cities are often divided into local governments, each responsible for their local commuting infrastructure used by local residents, workers,...
Turning the Ratchet: Dynamic Screening with Multiple Agents
Dong Wei, University of California, Santa Cruz
We study a dynamic contracting problem with multiple agents and limited commitment. A principal seeks to screen efficient agents using...
Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics: Tuesday, March 18
Christian Moser, Columbia Business School
Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics: Tuesday, March 25
Taha Choukhmane, MIT Sloan School of Management
International Economics Seminar: Thursday, March 27
Joe Shapiro, University of California, Berkeley
Economic Theory Seminar: Friday, March 28
Wooyoung Lim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics: Tuesday, April 1
Victoria Gregory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
International Economics Seminar: Thursday, April 3
Fernando Leibovici, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics: Tuesday, April 15
Huiyu Li, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
The Long-run Effects of Transportation Productivity on the US Economy
Kerem Coşar, University of Virginia
We quantify the aggregate, regional and sectoral impacts of transportation productivity growth on the US economy over the period 1947-2017....
Nonlinear Fixed Points and Stationarity: Economic Applications
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Bocconi University
We consider the fixed points of nonlinear operators that naturally arise in games and general equilibrium models with endogenous networks,...