DSI Lecture Series | Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions
with Erin McElroy
In this presentation, Erin McElroy will discuss Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions in Postsocialist Times, just...
Trans Technologies Book Launch Event
Author Oliver Haimson in Conversation with Kishonna Gray
March 12, 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m....
STS 25th Anniversary Conference | Keynote, "Inside-Out Earth"
Gabrielle Hecht
New energy systems accumulate on top of old ones. So do their wastes. Today, massive increases in discarded matter remain invisible in...
STS 25th Anniversary Conference, March 14
The U-M Science, Technology, and Society Program is excited to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a conference featuring distinguished...
DSI Lecture Series | Data Heresy: A Queer Incomputable Tale
Elisa Giardina Papa in Conversation with Lisa Nakamura
In this talk, Elisa Giardina Papa will outline the theoretical and archival research which informs two of her experimental video...