Event Types
- University Career Center(24)
- Department of Mathematics(7)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(6)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(6)
- Department of Physics(4)
- International Institute(4)
- Maize Pages Student Organizations(4)
- University Library(4)
- Department of Sociology(3)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(3)
- Rackham Graduate School(3)
- Sessions @ Michigan(3)
- Department of Chemistry(2)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(2)
- Institute for Social Research(2)
- Institute for the Humanities(2)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(2)
- Museum of Natural History(2)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(2)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(2)
- Program in Biology(2)
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)(2)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(2)
- Aerospace Engineering(1)
- African Studies Center(1)
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Alumni Association(1)
- Black Maternity Equity Collective(1)
- CEW+(1)
- Center for Academic Innovation(1)
- Center for Campus Involvement CCI(1)
- Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies(1)
- Chemical Engineering(1)
- Chitwan Valley Family Study(1)
- Computer Science and Engineering Division(1)
- Copernicus Center for Polish Studies(1)
- Department Colloquia(1)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(1)
- Department of Astronomy(1)
- Department of English Language and Literature(1)
- Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology(1)
- Department of Political Science(1)
- Digital Studies Institute(1)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(1)
- Eisenberg Family Depression Center(1)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(1)
- Faculty Senate(1)
- Financial/Actuarial Mathematics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(1)
- HEP - Astro Seminars(1)
- HET Brown Bag Series(1)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(1)
- International Center(1)
- LSA UG Biology & Neuroscience Programs(1)
- Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Brown Bag Seminars(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Seminars(1)
- Mechanical Engineering(1)
- Michigan Engineering C.A.R.E. Center(1)
- Michigan Finance and Mathematics Society(1)
- Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society(1)
- Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science(1)
- Michigan Robotics(1)
- Mindfulness @ Umich(1)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(1)
- Office of Global Public Health(1)
- Organic Chemistry(1)
- Organizational Learning(1)
- Poetry and Poetics Workshop(1)
- Population Studies Center(1)
- RTG Seminar on Geometry, Dynamics and Topology - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Representation Stability Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- School of Public Health(1)
- School of Social Work(1)
- Science Learning Center(1)
- Special Events - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Spectrum Center(1)
- Student Number Theory Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Survey Research Center(1)
- Sweetland Center for Writing(1)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(1)
- University Unions(1)
- William L. Clements Library(1)
- Wolverine Wellness(1)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(1)
- American Chemical Society Polymer Division - Student Chapter(0)
- American Society for Engineering Education Student Chapter(0)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers(0)
- ArtsEngine(0)
- Biointerfaces Institute(0)
- Biomedical Engineering(0)
- CAEN(0)
- CRLT-Engin(0)
- Center for Engineering Diversity and Outreach (CEDO) (0)
- Center for Entrepreneurship(0)
- Center for Research on Learning and Teaching in Engineering(0)
- Center for Socially Engaged Design(0)
- Chemical Engineering Graduate Society(0)
- Chinese Students and Scholars Association [Archive](0)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering(0)
- Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering(0)
- Earthquake Engineering Research Ins. Student Chapter(0)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(0)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering(0)
- Engineering Advising Center(0)
- Engineering Career Resource Center(0)
- Engineering Education Research(0)
- Engineering Global Leadership Honors Society(0)
- Engineering Graduate Symposium Committee(0)
- Engineering Honors & Engagement Programs(0)
- Engineering Office of Student Affairs OSA(0)
- Engineering Student Government(0)
- Engineering Technical Communications(0)
- Food Industry Student Association(0)
- Global Health Design Initiative(0)
- Graduate Society of Women Engineers(0)
- Integrative Systems + Design(0)
- International Programs in Engineering(0)
- Lurie Nanofabrication Facility(0)
- Materials Science and Engineering(0)
- Mcubed(0)
- Mechanical Engineering Graduate Council(0)
- Michigan Engineering(0)
- Michigan Engineering Transfer Support (METS)(0)
- Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering(0)
- Multidisciplinary Design Program(0)
- Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering(0)
- Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences(0)
- Office of Advancement, College of Engineering(0)
- Phalombe Initiative for Education(0)
- Sling Health(0)
- Society of Minority Engineers & Scientists Graduate Students(0)
- Tau Beta Pi(0)
- University of Michigan Mechanical Engineering(0)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(0)
- Women in Science and Engineering Residence Program Committee(0)
- See All Groups (137 total)
New Events
Engineered Perspectives: A Black History Month Workshop on Diversity and Understanding
Joint program between ChE, ME, and AERO Engineering departments.
Join us for lunch and and an interactive workshop to commemorate Black History Month. The workshop will be facilitated by Lawrielle West of...
Campus Mind Works: Winter Blues & Sleep
Lunch Wellness Workshop
Join us for a lunch workshop and wellness group where we will learn strategies to cope with changes in mood during the winter and ways to...
IOE Social Hour
Get yourself a treat during the school day in the IOE Commons from 1-2pm while supplies last. All are welcome to stop by!...
Ziwet Lecture III | Hamilton-Jacobi equations in the Wasserstein space
Wilfrid Gangbo (UCLA)
We show that the classical theory of well-posedness for viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations in infinite-dimensional Hilbert...
UUWeekly: LEGO® Competition
It's time for some friendly competition! Join us for snacks, LEGO® building, prizes, and relaxing time with friends. Please register...
2024 U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships
WHEN: Sat, Feb. 24, 2024WHERE: Las Vegas, NV
Bujinkan Budo Training Session
During the Winter 2024 semester, Bujinkan Budo Club training will be held on Wednesdays from 19:00 - 21:00 (7-9pm) at the Intramural Sports...
Swing Ann Arbor: Weekly Social Dance
Dance in Ann Arbor’s most vibrant swing dance community! Swing Dance is an umbrella term for several different dance styles. At Swing Ann...