Gabriel Kahane

8980: Book of Travelers

The day after the 2016 presidential election, singer-songwriter Gabriel Kahane boarded a train at Penn Station and traveled 8,980 miles...

CWPS Graduate Student Capstone Presentations

Megan Bascom, Traci Lombre, Masimba Hwati, LJ Foust, Kelly Hirina, El Chen, Xiaoxi Zhang, Ruby Macdougall, Jeffrey Siegfried, Kaleigh Wilder, Rebecca Selin

November 20, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Room 1405 // East Quad // 701 E. University...

Mr. B

Born in Flint and a true Michigan institution, Mr. B (Mark Braun) is a rare living link to the early days of boogie woogie, having learned...