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Demet Kayabaşı
PhD Candidate - Department of Linguistics

Title: Emphatic Markers & Encoding of Event Participants
in the Syntax-Semantics Interface

Abstract: Anaphoric items like “myself” are widely studied in relation to dependency phenomena like reflexivity (e.g. “I hurt myself.”). Reflexives interact with the argument structure and can saturate A-positions across languages (Faltz 2016, Büring 2005). However, it is also cross-linguistic common for the same anaphors in some languages also mark a relation that does not alter the argument structure while still maintaining a co-referential relationship with an argument (Dechaume & Wiltschko 2017 i.a.), also known as an emphatic marker (e.g. “I tied my shoelaces myself.”). Using data from both spoken and signed languages, this talk presents an analysis of both the event and information structural role of anaphors, and why the functions go together.

Yu-Chuan Lucy Chiang
PhD Candidate - Department of Linguistics

Title: Acquisition of light verb syntax by Mandarin Bilinguals

Abstract: This talk discusses the acquisition of the syntax of so-called light verb constructions in Mandarin by adult English-Mandarin heritage bilinguals and adult L2 Mandarinspeakers. Light verbs contribute limited semantic content in the verb phrases they form with dependent nouns in Mandarin (Huang 2015; Lin 2014). Questions arise as to how the verb phrase da dianhua ‘(tele)phone/call (someone)’ can be formed in parallel to the lexical meaning ‘hit (the) telephone’. Some syntactic structures can be used to distinguish the two meanings, such as passives and topicalization. Since these structures involve complex syntax and semantics properties, the acquisition of light verbs raises some interesting questions about bilinguals. An online acceptability judgment experiment via PCIbex was conducted to address such questions. Based on the results, Mandarin-English bilinguals’ judgments on light verbs showed distinct patterns, suggesting that the grammar of Mandarin light verbs differs among the three groups of speakers.

This event will be hybrid, as well as zoom

Livestream Information

December 1, 2023 (Friday) 4:00pm
Meeting ID: 91857099548

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