Presented By: DCMB Seminar Series
DCMB Weekly Seminar
Indika Rajapakse, PhD, "Synchrony and its Breakdown"
Abstract: Synchronization occurs all around us. It underlies how fireflies flash as one, how human heart cells beat in unison, and how superconductors conduct electricity with no resistance. Synchronization is present in the precision of the cell cycle, and we can explore how breakdown of precision leads to disease. The many unique and fundamental functions of different cell types are achieved over and over independently, through a form of synchronization involving choreography of many proteins and genes. I will share a general historic and descriptive introduction to synchrony, including the classic work of Alan Turing. I will present some new work done jointly with Cleve Moler (MathWorks) and Steve Smale (UC Berkeley), where biology has inspired us to build new mathematical techniques to explore synchrony and its breakdown.
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