Event Types
Colloquium Lecture: Toward Information Geometric Mechanics
Florian Schaefer (Georgia Tech)
Shock waves in high-speed gas dynamics cause severe numerical difficulties for classical solvers and scientific machine learning. This talk...
Colloquium Seminar: Dynamical algebraic combinatorics and webs
Jessica Striker (NDSU)
Many combinatorial objects with strikingly good enumerative formulae also have remarkable dynamical behavior and underlying algebraic...
Colloquium Seminar: A remarkable ball quotient, the Monster group, and algebraic geometry
Eduard Looijenga (U. of Chicago)
About 27 years ago Allcock found a ball quotient of dimension 13, which is intriguing for at least two reasons: its expected connections...
Colloquium Seminar: Motivic invariants of birational maps
Evgeny Shinder (University of Sheffield)
I will talk about my joint work with Hsueh-Yung Lin, on constructing new homomorphisms from Cremona groups, and more generally groups of...
Colloquim Seminar: Stable functions on groups
Gabe Conant (University of Illinois, Chicago)
In 2011, Malliaris and Shelah proved a strong form of Szemeredi's regularity lemma for the class of "stable graphs", which...