The Last Puritan: Norman Holmes Pearson in the American Century
Greg Barnhisel (Duquesne University)
Norman Holmes Pearson’s life embodied the Cold War alliance among US artists, scholars, and the national-security state that coalesced...
Publication Methods Workshop: From Draft to Print
Greg Barnhisel (Duquesne University)
Learn more about the academic book publication process, from the first draft to the printed, published monograph! We will pre-circulate a...
Museums, Technologies and Civic Transformations
Seb Chan, Director & CEO of ACMI (Australian Center for the Moving Image), Melbourne, Australia
Predictably, the first quarter of the 21st century has seen museums significantly transformed by media technology and networked society, yet...
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Group for Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops on topics such as science communication with RELATE, politics with IWAP and IWCP, and more. A full list of past and current workshops is available at the related link.