Leadership Extravaganza!!
Leadership Extravaganza!!...
Rethinking the History of Antisemitism in Michigan
Panel Discussion
On Monday, February 10, from 6-8 pm, the Library of Michigan will host the panel: “Rethinking the History of Antisemitism in Michigan.”...
Bringing Dialogic Skills to the Work Team
This workshop will cover the theory and practice of using various dialogue tools in the workplace. We will cover some of the underpinnings...
Why is it so difficult to talk about the conflict in Israel and Palestine
Raoul Wallenberg Conversation Series
This panel aims to unpack the contemporary implications of the conflict in our own campus community, fostering a nuanced dialogue that...
What are the driving forces behind hatred?
Raoul Wallenberg Conversation Series
This panel discussion will highlight the connecting threads between forms of ethno-religious hatred, like Islamophobia and antisemitism, and...
Responding to Offensive Jokes and Microaggressions
Microaggressions are statements, actions, or incidents that involve indirect, subtle, intentional or unintentional discrimination against...
What Is Genocide and Should We Name It?
Raoul Wallenberg Conversation Series
This expert panel delves into the concept of genocide, exploring its historical origins, legal implications, and the profound impact of its...
Dialogue When There Is a Disagreement about Facts
Join us for a special DDNRC-led workshop on dialogue when there is a disagreement about facts....
Feedback: How to Give It, Get It and Not Sweat It
Participants will engage in an interactive and dialogic conversation about feedback in the workplace. We will review how to ask for...