June 6th, 2025
Event Types
New Events
Center for Urban Teaching Summer School Teacher Meet-and-Greet
Allow participants in the Center for Urban Teaching’s summer school internship to commune one more time virtually before meeting inperson...
Ongoing Attractions and Exhibits
Redefining the Crown
The Voices of Black Breast Cancer Survivors
In Winter 2025, the Lane Hall exhibit space will feature a portraiture series titled Redefining the Crown showcasing the powerful stories of...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Heartfulness Guided Meditation
Pushyami Gundala
Heartfulness Guided Meditation is a weekly, drop-in program designed to help you Mental well-being....