Harbingers of Dreams

An exhibition by Teresa Tolliver, Paula and Edwin Sidman Fellow in the Arts

Born in 1945, artist, educator, and mentor Teresa Tolliver has lived and worked in South Central L.A. for three decades. In 2022, she opened...

Sky Eye

On the Detroit Observatory Dome

Sky Eye will gaze from the dome of the Detroit Observatory on the evening of Oct 28 - viewable from Palmer Commons, Palmer Field, Alice...

Wonder Walks

Preparing for dormancy

November theme: Chilling out. November brings much colder temperatures, leaves are off the trees and only those hardly birds and mammals are...

Digital Engrams

An installation Jean Yokes Woodhead Visiting Artist Gabriela Ruiz

The notion that our brains actually create memories first stored and then revisited has been contemplated since the time of Plato and...

Museums in Practice

Access and Museums: Making Meaning through Online and Digital Connections

Join us via Zoom for the Museum Studies Program’s third annual Virtual Panel Discussion considering access and accessibility concerns in...