ResNavs at UMix Winter Welcome
Meet the U-M Resource Navigators, otherwise known as ResNavs, at the UMix Winter Welcome. You'll hear more about them in Weekly Things...
ResNavs @ Winterfest (Signage)
Look for this signage at Winterfest and use the QR code to make a ResNav appointment!...
ResNavs @ Winterfest (Signage)
Look for this signage at Winterfest and use the QR code to make a ResNav appointment!...
ResNavs #SoYF Book Fair
#SoYF (Smile on Your Face) events are designed to be 5-minute wellness breaks where you participate in something identified in U-M's 8...
ResNavs #SoYF February Financial Wellness & Planning
#SoYF (Smile on Your Face) events are designed to be 5-minute wellness breaks where you participate in something identified in U-M's 8...
ResNavs #SoYF Shamrock Kits
#SoYF (Smile on Your Face) events are designed to be 5-minute wellness breaks where you participate in something identified in U-M's 8...