Africa Workshop with Ray Silverman

"Painting and Piety: Contemporary Visual Practice in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church”

For the last 30-40 years mechanically reproduced (printed) religious imagery that originates from outside Ethiopia has been imported in...

Value the Voice: Mistakes that Made Me Better

Presented by the U-M Comprehensive Studies Program​ and Department of Afroamerican and African Studies

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of educational entertainment known to mankind. From the West African tradition of the Griot to...

Art Spiegelman: Comics is the Yiddish of Art

Co-Presented by the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, the International Institute's Conflict and Peace Initiative, and the Penny Stamps Distinguished Speaker Series

Artist and Illustrator Art Spiegelman is known widely for his Pulitzer Prize-winning literary graphic novel Maus, a Holocaust narrative that...