Event Types
- Sessions @ Michigan(11)
- University Career Center(9)
- International Institute(6)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(5)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(5)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(4)
- Arts Initiative(3)
- Department of English Language and Literature(3)
- Department of Mathematics(3)
- Department of Physics(3)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(3)
- Rackham Graduate School(3)
- University Library(3)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(3)
- Department of Astronomy(2)
- Department of Chemistry(2)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(2)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(2)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(2)
- Maize Pages Student Organizations(2)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(2)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(2)
- University Unions(2)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(2)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(2)
- Advanced Research Computing (ARC)(1)
- Algebraic Geometry Learning Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Applied Physics(1)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(1)
- Bentley Historical Library(1)
- Biomedical Engineering(1)
- Business+Tech at Michigan Ross(1)
- Cell & Developmental Biology(1)
- Center for Entrepreneurship(1)
- Center for Japanese Studies(1)
- Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies CMENAS(1)
- Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies(1)
- Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies(1)
- Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering(1)
- DCMB Tools and Technology Seminar(1)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(1)
- Department of Economics(1)
- Department of Economics Seminars(1)
- Department of Sociology(1)
- Differential Equations Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Difficult Dialogues(1)
- Disability Equity Office(1)
- Dissertation Defense - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Donia Human Rights Center(1)
- EEB Thursday Seminars(1)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(1)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering(1)
- Engineering Education Research(1)
- Epidemiology(1)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(1)
- Ginsberg Center(1)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(1)
- Hopwood Awards Program(1)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(1)
- Institute for Social Research(1)
- Interdisciplinary QC/CM Seminars(1)
- International Economics(1)
- Kinesiology Community Programs(1)
- LSA Opportunity Hub(1)
- LSA Student Government(1)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Mary A. Rackham Institute(1)
- Materials Chemistry(1)
- Materials Science and Engineering(1)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum(1)
- Michigan Medicine(1)
- Michigan Quantum Research Institute Seminars(1)
- Michigan Robotics(1)
- Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)(1)
- National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID)(1)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(1)
- Organizational Learning(1)
- Pi Tau Sigma(1)
- Program in Biology(1)
- Quantum Research Institute(1)
- Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops(1)
- Raoul Wallenberg Institute(1)
- Residential College(1)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(1)
- Ross School of Business(1)
- Science Learning Center(1)
- Slavic Languages & Literatures(1)
- Student Life(1)
- Students Organize for Syria (SOS)(1)
- Sweetland Center for Writing(1)
- The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR)(1)
- Trash Club(1)
- University Health & Counseling (UHC)(1)
- University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program(1)
- University of Michigan Retirees Association (UMRA)(1)
- William L. Clements Library(1)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(1)
- See All Groups (98 total)
- Off Campus Location(19)
- Angell Hall(3)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(3)
- LSA Building(3)
- Michigan Union(3)
- Museum of Art(3)
- East Hall(2)
- Industrial and Operations Engineering Building(2)
- Lane Hall(2)
- Michigan League(2)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(2)
- Weiser Hall(2)
- West Hall(2)
- Betsy Barbour House(1)
- Biological Sciences Building(1)
- Burton Memorial Tower(1)
- Chemistry Dow Lab(1)
- Climate and Space Research Building(1)
- Dana Building(1)
- Detroit Observatory(1)
- East Quadrangle(1)
- Ford Robotics Building(1)
- GG Brown Laboratory(1)
- Institute For Social Research(1)
- International Center(1)
- Lorch Hall(1)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(1)
- Lurie Biomedical Engineering (formerly ATL)(1)
- Lurie Robert H. Engin. Ctr(1)
- Mary Markley Hall(1)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens(1)
- Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project(1)
- Modern Languages Building(1)
- Mosher-Jordan Hall(1)
- Palmer Commons(1)
- Pierpont Commons(1)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(1)
- Ross School of Business(1)
- School of Education(1)
- Stockwell Hall(1)
- Student Activities Building(1)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(1)
- Walgreen Drama Center(1)
- West Quadrangle(1)
- William Clements Library(1)
- Yost Ice Arena(1)
- See All Locations (46 total)