Event Types
- Sessions @ Michigan(15)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(5)
- International Institute(4)
- Maize Pages Student Organizations(3)
- Residential College(3)
- School of Public Health Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program(3)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(3)
- Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies(2)
- Department of Sociology(2)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(2)
- Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering(2)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(2)
- Student Life Sustainability(2)
- University Health & Counseling (UHC)(2)
- University Library(2)
- University Unions(2)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(2)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(2)
- Arts Initiative(1)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(1)
- Biological Chemistry(1)
- CM-AMO Seminars(1)
- Center for Emerging Democracies(1)
- Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing(1)
- Center for Racial Justice(1)
- Colloquium Series - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Communication and Media(1)
- Comprehensive Studies Program(1)
- Department of American Culture(1)
- Department of Chemistry(1)
- Department of Economics(1)
- Department of Economics Seminars(1)
- Department of History(1)
- Department of Linguistics(1)
- Department of Mathematics(1)
- Department of Physics(1)
- Department of Psychology(1)
- Digital Studies Institute(1)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(1)
- Eisenberg Family Depression Center(1)
- Epidemiology(1)
- Evolution & Human Adaptations Program (EHAP)(1)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(1)
- Ginsberg Center(1)
- Global Scholars Program(1)
- Graham Sustainability Institute(1)
- HSSP(1)
- Inorganic Chemistry(1)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(1)
- Institute for Social Research(1)
- Institute for the Humanities(1)
- Kinesiology Community Programs(1)
- LSA First-Gen Commitment(1)
- LSA First-Year Student Recruitment(1)
- LSA Honors Program(1)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(1)
- Living Arts(1)
- Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts(1)
- Mary A. Rackham Institute(1)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum(1)
- Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics(1)
- Michigan Community Scholars Program(1)
- Michigan Dining(1)
- Michigan Housing(1)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(1)
- Michigan Learning Communities(1)
- Michigan Medicine(1)
- Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars(1)
- National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID)(1)
- Organizational Learning(1)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(1)
- Prison Creative Arts Project(1)
- Rackham Graduate School(1)
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)(1)
- Slavic Languages & Literatures(1)
- Student Life(1)
- Student Sustainability Coalition(1)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(1)
- U-M Electric Vehicle Center(1)
- U-M Injury Prevention Center(1)
- UM Sustainable Food Systems Initiative(1)
- University Career Center(1)
- WISE Residence Program(1)
- William L. Clements Library(1)
- See All Groups (84 total)
- Off Campus Location(16)
- Weiser Hall(6)
- Museum of Art(3)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(3)
- Bursley Hall(2)
- Burton Memorial Tower(2)
- Earl V. Moore Building(2)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(2)
- Michigan Union(2)
- 202 S. Thayer(1)
- Chemistry Dow Lab(1)
- Dance Building(1)
- Duderstadt Center(1)
- East Hall(1)
- East Quadrangle(1)
- LSA Building(1)
- Lane Hall(1)
- Lorch Hall(1)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(1)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens(1)
- Medical Science Unit I(1)
- Palmer Commons(1)
- Pierpont Commons(1)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(1)
- West Hall(1)
- West Quadrangle(1)
- William Clements Library(1)
- See All Locations (27 total)
New Events
2025 Postdoctoral Orientation Sessions
April 2025 Postdoc Orientation
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) offers a monthly orientation session for new and incoming postdocs. Orientation includes...
Postdoctoral Orientation
Each month, an orientation session is offered for all new and incoming postdocs. The orientation session includes information about the role...
Safer Prescribing Series: MOUD and Acute Pain Management
Join us for our fourth Safer Prescribing Series webinar discussing medications for opioid user disorder (MOUD) and acute pain management....
The Impact of Racial Segregation on College Attainment in Spatial Equilibrium
Victoria Gregory, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
This paper seeks to understand the forces that maintain racial segregation and the Black-White gap in college attainment, as well as their...
Center for Emerging Democracies Book Talk. The Social Roots of Authoritarianism
Speaker: Natalia Forrat, Lecturer, Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Michigan. Respondent: Erica Frantz, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University
Attend in person or via Zoom. Zoom registration at
Department of Biological Chemistry Irwin Goldstein Lecture: Mucins and O-glycosylation in Health and Disease
Dr. Kelly Ten-Hagen, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH
Please join us for a seminar at 12 noon in 3330 MS I.
Harness U-M Maizey and MiMaizey for Teaching and Learning
Sponsored by ITS Instructional Support
Discover how to enhance your classroom with U-M Maizey by integrating it seamlessly with Canvas and using it as an innovative assistant for...
Kathy Beck, carillon
Kathy Beck performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the Burton Memorial Tower. The largest...
LRCCS Noon Lecture Series | Divine Intimacy, Frustration and the Madness of the City: Changing Transhuman Kinship in China
Robert P. Weller, Professor of Anthropology, Boston University
Attend in person or via Zoom:
Mental Health on College Campuses Conference
From Insight to Action
Join us April 1-2, 2025 at Rackham Graduate School in Ann Arbor, Michigan for this in-person conference dedicated to helping create...
Advocating for equity
Supporting Jewish Students and Colleagues During Significant Holidays
A culture where identities do not predict outcomes is achieved through equitable behaviors, practices, policies and systems. This track...
Bring a Folding Chair: Making Room at the Table for Health Equity
Multiple conference events and sessions
Bring a Folding Chair: Making Room at the Table for Health Equity - Livestream
Join us at SPH at 1pm on April 1, 2025 in the Cornely Community Room (Rm 1680 SPH I) for a short lecture by Dr. Renee Branch Canady...
Eva Albalghiti & Eric Whitmer, carillon
Graduate student Eva Albalghiti & Musicology PhD student Eric Whitmer perform on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument...
Major Insights Virtual Panel Series - Ted Talk
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DSI Lecture Series | Data Heresy: A Queer Incomputable Tale
Elisa Giardina Papa in Conversation with Lisa Nakamura
In this talk, Elisa Giardina Papa will outline the theoretical and archival research which informs two of her experimental video...
DSI Lecture Series | Data Heresy: A Queer Incomputable Tale with Elisa Giardina Papa and Lisa Nakamura
DSI Lecture Series | Data Heresy: A Queer Incomputable Tale
In this talk, Elisa Giardina Papa will outline the theoretical and archival research which informs two of her experimental video...
Webinar: Community Building through Collaborative Science: Evolution of the Mangrove Coast Collaborative
The Mangrove Coast Collaborative (MCC) project (2020 – 2024) began in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria (September 2017). Jobos...
Bonding and Reactivity in Low-Coordinate Late Transition Metal Complexes
Joseph Sadighi (Georgia Tech)
Low-coordinate complexes of the late transition metals exhibit unusual bonding and reactivity. The N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand...
Central Campus Residential Development Furniture Fair Kick-Off Event
Furniture Fair
Engage with Student Life leadership on furniture selections for new Housing and Dining facilities!...
CM-AMO Seminar | Entanglement complexity and precision measurement with cold atom qubits
Grant Biedermann (University of Oklahoma)
The spin and motional degrees of freedom of ultracold atoms along with our ability to manipulate them with electric and magnetic fields form...
EHAP Lecture Series: Why Do People Cooperate? Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Cooperative Motives, Behaviors and Emotions
Diego Guevara-Beltram, University of Arizona
People who successfully navigate life’s many challenges often do so through cooperative efforts. However, successful cooperation also...
EV Center Symposium
Save the Date: EV Symposium – April 1-2, 2025...
Paranoid Patriotism Redux: The Radical Right and the Nation
The 2025 The Annual Betty Ch’maj Distinguished American Studies Lecture Series, delivered by Robin D.G. Kelley
Join us for the 2025 Annual Betty Ch'Maj Lecture: “Paranoid Patriotism Redux: The Radical Right and the Nation,” delivered by...
Scientific Computing in the Physical Sciences
Academic opportunities and fellowships for graduate students who combine Scientific Computing with Applied Physics, Astronomy, Biophysics,...
Winter 2025 MICDE information sessions
Scientific Computing in the Physical Sciences
MICDE (Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering) manages three academic programs that current U-M graduate students...
Empowerment Self-Defense 2024-25
Winter 2025 Session #4 (Pressure Points)
U-M students, faculty and staff are invited to take control of their personal safety by learning physical and verbal strategies to counter...
PM Program: From Hypothesis to Headlines
PM Program: Apr. 1
From Hypothesis to Headlines
Join us for a fun and empowering workshop on science communication, where you'll learn how to confidently present your ideas across...
Chamber Music & Dance with a View!
Free 30 Minute Rush Hour Concerts
Enjoy LIVE collaborative performances featuring talented faculty & students from the U-M School of Music, Theatre and Dance in an...
Chia-Ying Shen, piano
Graduate student Chia-Ying Shen performs a master's degree recital.
Cooking with Chef Sonia
Join the Maize and Blue Cupboard and Chef Sonia to learn a recipe created with ingredients from the Cupboard!
Trombone Studio Recital
Trombone students of Professor David Jackson perform a recital.
Call for Submissions: SAPAC rEVOLUTION Art Show
SAPAC's very own Survivor Empowerment and Ally Support (SEAS) Program is excited to announce that we are accepting submissions for our...