1027 E. Huron Building |
109 East Madison |
1100 North University Building |
1100 North University Building |
1100 North University Building |
1310 North University Court Building |
1327 Geddes Building |
1443 Washtenaw Ave Building |
202 S. Thayer |
300 N Ingalls Building |
305 W Liberty |
523 S. Division St. Building |
523 S. Division St. Building |
611 Church |
715 N. University (Student Legal Services) |
Academic Center |
Administrative Services Building |
Alice Lloyd Hall |
Alumni Center |
Alumni Field |
Angell Hall |
Angell Hall |
Arbor Lakes |
Argus I Building |
Argus II |
Art and Architecture Building |
Art and Architecture Building |
Art and Architecture Building |
Association for Asian Studies |
Bahna Wrestling Center |
Baits House I |
Baits House II |
Bentley Historical Library |
Betsy Barbour House |
Biological Sciences Building |
Bonisteel Interdisciplinary Research Building |
Boyer Building |
Bradford House |
Brehm Tower |
Buhl Res Cen for Human Genetics |
Buhr Building |
Burnham House |
Bursley Hall |
Burton Memorial Tower |
Business Engagement Center and Office of Technology Transfer |
Campus Farm |
Campus Safety Services Building |
Cancer Center |
Cancer Center |
Center for Academic Innovation |
Center for the Education of Women |
Central Campus Classroom Building |
Central Campus Recreation Building (Bell Pool - Under Construction) |
Central Campus Recreation Building (Bell Pool) |
Central Power Plant |
Chemistry Dow Lab |
Chrysler Center |
Cliff Keen Arena |
Climate and Space Research Building |
Clinical Faculty Office Building |
Coliseum |
Cooley Building |
Couzens Hall |
Crisler Arena |
Dana Building |
Dana Natural Resources Building |
Dance Building |
Dental & W.K. Kellogg Institute |
Detroit Center |
Detroit Observatory |
Diag - Central Campus |
Donald B. Canham Natatorium |
Duderstadt Center |
E.S. George Reserve |
Earl V. Moore Building |
East Hall |
East Quadrangle |
Elbel Field |
Elbel Field Locker Building |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building |
Engineering Research Building (ERB - formerly IST) |
Environmental and Water Resources Engineering |
Executive Residence (Business School) |
Executive Residence (Ross Business School) |
Family Assessment Clinic |
Fleming Administration Building |
Fleming Building |
Fletcher Hall |
Ford Robotics Building |
Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building |
Frankel Cardiovascular Center |
Galleria |
Gates Lecture Hall, UM Biological Station |
Gerald Ford Library |
Gerstacker Building |
GG Brown Laboratory |
Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning |
Gorguze Family Laboratory |
Hartwig Administration Building |
Hatcher Graduate Library |
Haven Hall |
Health Management Research Center |
Health Service |
Henderson House |
Herbert H. Dow Building |
Hill Auditorium |
Hillel (Mandell L Berman Center) |
Hutchins Hall |
Indoor Track Building |
Indoor Training Center |
Industrial and Operations Engineering Building |
Ingalls Mall |
Institute For Social Research |
Institute of Continuing Legal Education |
International Center |
Intramural Sports Building |
Jeff T. Blau Hall |
Jeffries Hall |
Junge Champions Center |
Kellogg Eye Center |
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology |
Key Office |
Kraus Natural Science |
Kresge (Business School) |
Kresge (Business School) |
Kresge Hearing Research |
Kresge Medical Research Building III |
Kresge Medical Research I |
Kresge Medical Research II |
Lane Hall |
Law Library |
Lawyer's Club & Munger Residences |
Life Sciences Institute |
Lipsey Student Publications Building |
Lorch Hall |
LSA Administration Annex |
LSA Building |
Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower |
Lurie Biomedical Engineering |
Lurie Biomedical Engineering (formerly ATL) |
Lurie Robert H. Engin. Ctr |
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre |
Marsal Family School of Education |
Martha Cook Residence |
Mary Markley Hall |
Mary Sue Coleman Hall |
Mary Sue Coleman Hall |
Mason Hall |
Maternal Child Health Center |
Matthaei Botanical Gardens |
Mcity |
Medical Inn |
Medical Science Research Building 1 |
Medical Science Research Building 2 |
Medical Science Research Building 3 |
Medical Science Unit I |
Medical Science Unit II |
Michigan Boathouse |
Michigan League |
Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project |
Michigan Stadium |
Michigan Union |
Mike & Mary Wallace House |
Mitchell Field |
Modern Languages Building |
Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute |
Mosher-Jordan Hall |
Mott Children's Hospital |
Munger Graduate Residences |
Museum of Art |
Museum of Natural History |
Naval Arch. & Marine Engineering |
Newberry Residence |
News and Information Svcs Bldg |
Nichols Arboretum |
North Campus Administrative Complex |
North Campus Facilities Services Building |
North Campus Recreation Building |
North Campus Research Complex Building 10 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 14 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 16 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 18 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 20 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 22 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 25 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 26 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 28 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 30 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 32 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 35 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 36 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 50 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 520 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 60 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 80 |
North Campus Research Complex Building 90 |
North Campus Service Building I |
North Quad |
Northwood Community Center |
Northwood I Apartments |
Northwood I Apartments |
Northwood II Apartments |
Northwood II Apartments |
Northwood III Apartments |
Northwood III Apartments |
Northwood IV Apartments |
Northwood IV Apartments |
Northwood V Apartments |
Nuclear Engineering Laboratories |
Off Campus Location |
One North Main |
Oosterbaan Field House |
Oxford Housing |
Palmer Commons |
Palmer Field |
Palmer Field Temporary Facility |
Perry Building |
Pharmacy College |
Phyllis Ocker Field Hockey Field |
Physical Properties Building |
Pierpont Commons |
Power Center for the Performing Arts |
Public Health I (Vaughan Building) |
Public Health II |
Rachel Upjohn Building |
Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.) |
Radrick Farms |
Randall Laboratory |
Ray Fisher Baseball Stadium |
Regents Plaza |
Research Museums Center |
Revelli Hall |
Ross School of Business |
Ruthven Administration Building |
Schembechler Hall |
School of Education |
School of Information North |
School of Kinesiology Building |
School of Nursing |
School of Nursing |
School of Nursing Building 1 |
School of Public Health Bldg I and Crossroads and Tower |
School of Social Work Building |
Shapiro Library |
Shared Services Center |
Simpson Institute |
South Hall |
South Quad |
Stearns Building |
Stockwell Hall |
Student Activities Building |
Student Activities Building |
Tappan Auxiliary Building |
Tappan Hall |
Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building |
Taubman Center |
Taubman Library |
Thayer Academic Building |
The Connector |
The Grove |
The Law Quad |
Tisch Hall |
Towsley Center for Children |
Towsley Center for Cont. Med Ed |
Transportation Research Institute |
Transportation Services Building |
Trotter Multicultural Center |
U-M Lacrosse Stadium |
U-M Soccer Stadium |
U-M Track and Field Stadium |
UM Golf Course |
UMSI Engagement Center |
Undergraduate Science Building |
University Hospitals |
V. Vaughan |
Varsity Tennis Bldg |
Vera Baits Housing |
Walgreen Drama Center |
Walter E Lay Auto Lab |
Wave Field |
Weidenbach Hall |
Weill Hall (Ford School) |
Weiser Hall |
West Hall |
West Quadrangle |
William Clements Library |
Wilson Center |
Wilson Center |
Wolverine Tower |
Women's Hospitals |
Work Gallery 306 South State Street |
Wyly Hall (Business School) |
Yost Ice Arena |