April 9th, 2023


A Department of Theatre & Drama Production

A modern spin on “Everyman,” the classic inquiry of life, love, and death (and one of the first plays on record)....

April 10th, 2023


Write-ins for Graduate Students

Write-Together sessions provide structure, accountability, and support for graduate writers working on writing at any stage, from papers to...

Resume Lab

Just getting started building a resume? Have a draft but not sure how to make it better? Want to learn about resources available to revise...

Launching the Webb Telescope: Managing Global Teams In Turbulent Times

Gregory Robinson, 33-Year Veteran of NASA, Former Director, James Webb Space Telescope, TIME Magazine 100 Most Influential People of 2022, Columbia University Faculty

When Greg Robinson took over the leadership of the James Webb Space Telescope, it was years behind schedule, billions over budget, tarnished...

RNA Innovation Seminar: Haiyuan Yu, Cornell University

Dissect Enhancer Architecture and Map Regulatory Genomic Landscape Across Diverse Cell and Tissue Types Through Nascent Transcriptome Studies

HYBRID SEMINAR: In-person: BSRB, ABC seminar rooms zoom: https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XvoLbRtiS2aqhdFJoQTyMQ

April 11th, 2023

Cognitive Science Seminar Series

Jeonghwa Cho (PhD Candidate, Department of Linguistics)

The Cognitive Science Seminar Series is an informal gathering of graduate students and faculty from multiple departments with an interest in...

Books in Motion

Special Collections After Hours

The stars of the pop up world aren’t household names, but there are some heavy hitters in the Special Collections Research Center!...

April 12th, 2023

Skills, Majors, and Jobs: Does Higher Education Respond?

Brad Hershbein, W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (with Johnathan G. Conzelmann, Steven W. Hemelt, Shawn Martin, Andrew Simon, and Kevin M. Stange)

How do college students and postsecondary institutions react to changes in skill demand in the U.S. labor market? This relationship is of...

Parent & Family Engagement Virtual Conversation Series

Multiple conference events and sessions

April - Virtual Conversation: A Closer Look at Campus Resources for Disability Accommodations and Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

This is the registration site for upcoming webinars for the parents, guardians, and families of current UM students.  Registration is...

April 13th, 2023

UMRA- U-M Retirees Association Presents: People-Centric Language Computing

Dr. Rada Mihalcea, Janice M. Jenkins Collegiate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Director of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, University of Michigan College of Engineering

Language is not only about the words, it is also about the people. While much of the work in computational linguistics has focused almost...

Orion Artemis I Mission Overview

Corey Brooker, Senior Manager – Orion System Environments & Specialty Engineering

Abstract: Orion’s Artemis I vehicle flew around the moon and back on November 16th, 2022 to December 11th, 2022. Orion was launched by...

Resume Lab

Just getting started building a resume? Have a draft but not sure how to make it better? Want to learn about resources available to revise...


A chamber opera

Jules Massenet’s adaptation of Goethe’s The Sorrow’s of Young Werther. The opera begins when young Werther agrees to accompany the...


Presented by UMGASS

A satire of the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, Patience drops us in the center of the "civil war" between the...


Presented by UMGASS

A satire of the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, Patience drops us in the center of the "civil war" between the...

April 14th, 2023

That Brown Show

Presented by Michigan Sahana

That Brown Show [TBS] brings together premier South Asian performance groups at the University of Michigan. Together through a variety of...


A chamber opera

Jules Massenet’s adaptation of Goethe’s The Sorrow’s of Young Werther. The opera begins when young Werther agrees to accompany the...

Closing Time

Stand Up Comedy Show

The final show of the year from Amateur Hour Stand-Up Comedy. Mosey on down to the MLB (Modern Language Building) on Central Campus, Lecture...


Presented by UMGASS

A satire of the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, Patience drops us in the center of the "civil war" between the...

April 15th, 2023


Presented by UMGASS

A satire of the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, Patience drops us in the center of the "civil war" between the...


Presented by UMGASS

A satire of the aesthetic movement of the late 19th century, Patience drops us in the center of the "civil war" between the...