The Week of: Oct 20, 2024
Event Types
- Workshop / Seminar(108)
- Careers / Jobs(102)
- Exhibition(86)
- Lecture / Discussion(70)
- Other(54)
- Social / Informal Gathering(38)
- Performance(27)
- Meeting(16)
- Presentation(16)
- Sporting Event(14)
- Livestream / Virtual(13)
- Film Screening(12)
- Tours(11)
- Well-being(5)
- Exercise / Fitness(4)
- Reception / Open House(4)
- Recreational / Games(4)
- Auditions(3)
- Class / Instruction(2)
- Conference / Symposium(2)
- Community Service(1)
- Fair / Festival(1)
- Rally / Mass Meeting(1)
- University Career Center(101)
- Maize Pages Student Organizations(51)
- Sessions @ Michigan(40)
- International Institute(27)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(25)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(22)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(21)
- Department of Mathematics(20)
- University Library(15)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(14)
- Michigan Athletics(14)
- Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies(13)
- Arts Initiative(12)
- Planetarium & Dome Theater at the Museum of Natural History(12)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(12)
- Department of Political Science(11)
- Museum of Natural History(11)
- Slavic Languages & Literatures(11)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(10)
- Residential College(10)
- School of Information(10)
- Department of Middle East Studies(9)
- Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)(9)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(8)
- Department of Physics(8)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(8)
- Ginsberg Center(8)
- Institute for the Humanities(8)
- Keene Theater(8)
- Rackham Graduate School(8)
- Science Learning Center(8)
- Wallace House Center for Journalists(8)
- Arab and Muslim American Studies (AMAS)(7)
- Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies(7)
- Department of History(7)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(7)
- African Studies Center(6)
- Center for South Asian Studies(6)
- Department of English Language and Literature(6)
- Department of Linguistics(6)
- Michigan Engineering Transfer Support (METS)(6)
- Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)(6)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Law(6)
- Office of New Student Programs ONSP(6)
- Transfer Connections(6)
- optiMize(6)
- Center for Campus Involvement CCI(5)
- Prison Creative Arts Project(5)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(5)
- U-M Arts & Culture(5)
- Archaeology at Michigan(4)
- Bentley Historical Library(4)
- Comparative Literature(4)
- Department of American Culture(4)
- Department of Sociology(4)
- Engineering Career Resource Center(4)
- Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy(4)
- Institute for Social Research(4)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(4)
- Marsal Family School of Education(4)
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS)(4)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(4)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(4)
- Spectrum Center(4)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(4)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(3)
- Department of Anthropology(3)
- Department of Astronomy(3)
- Disability Equity Office(3)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(3)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(3)
- Michigan Community Scholars Program(3)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(3)
- Turn Up Turnout(3)
- University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program(3)
- Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry(3)
- A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning(2)
- Center for Global and Intercultural Study(2)
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies(2)
- Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR)(2)
- Department of Economics(2)
- Department of Economics Seminars(2)
- Department of Statistics(2)
- Digital Studies Institute(2)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(2)
- English Language & Literature - MFA Program in Creative Writing(2)
- Faculty Senate(2)
- Frankel Center for Judaic Studies(2)
- Global Scholars Program(2)
- Hopwood Awards Program(2)
- Humanities Collaboratory(2)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(2)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(2)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Tours(2)
- LSA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(2)
- LSA Honors Program(2)
- LSA Opportunity Hub(2)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics(2)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Seminars(2)
- M-LEAD(2)
- Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering(2)
- Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP)(2)
- Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA(2)
- Native American Studies(2)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(2)
- Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(2)
- Organizational Learning(2)
- Organizational Studies Program (OS)(2)
- RC Players(2)
- Sanger Leadership Center(2)
- Student Sustainability Coalition(2)
- The Center for the Study of Complex Systems(2)
- University Musical Society (UMS)(2)
- Wolverine Wellness(2)
- Zell Visiting Writers Series(2)
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Alumni Association(1)
- Applied Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM) Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Applied Physics(1)
- Arts at Michigan(1)
- Astronomy Colloquia(1)
- Biological Chemistry(1)
- Black Welcome Week(1)
- CM-AMO Seminars(1)
- Campus Farm(1)
- Center for Armenian Studies(1)
- Center for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design(1)
- Center for Emerging Democracies(1)
- Center for Japanese Studies(1)
- Center for Racial Justice(1)
- Chemical Engineering(1)
- Classical Studies(1)
- Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering(1)
- Colloquium Series - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Communication and Media(1)
- Commutative Algebra Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- DCMB Seminar Series(1)
- DCMB Tools and Technology Seminar(1)
- Department Colloquia(1)
- Department of Chemistry(1)
- Department of Human Genetics(1)
- Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology(1)
- Department of Psychology(1)
- Department of Statistics Seminar Series(1)
- Digital Accessible Futures Lab(1)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(1)
- Duderstadt Center(1)
- EEB Thursday Seminars(1)
- EEB Tuesday Lunch Seminars(1)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences(1)
- Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies(1)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(1)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering(1)
- Engineering Education Research(1)
- English Language Institute(1)
- Epidemiology(1)
- Group, Lie and Number Theory Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- HEP - Astro Seminars(1)
- HET Brown Bag Series(1)
- HET Seminars(1)
- HSSP(1)
- Heartfulness Meditation at UMich(1)
- Housing Solutions for Health Equity(1)
- ISR-Zwerdling Seminar in Labor Economics(1)
- Institute for Global Change Biology IGCB(1)
- Integrable Systems and Random Matrix Theory Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Interdepartmental Program in Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology(1)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies - ICOS(1)
- Interdisciplinary QC/CM Seminars(1)
- International Programs in Engineering(1)
- Judaic Studies(1)
- Judo at the Univeristy of Michigan(1)
- LSA AEM(1)
- LSA Biophysics(1)
- LSA Student Government(1)
- LSA Web Services(1)
- La Casa(1)
- Language Resource Center(1)
- Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Brown Bag Seminars(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics High Energy Theory Seminars(1)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(1)
- Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts(1)
- Mary A. Rackham Institute(1)
- Materials Science and Engineering(1)
- Math Undergraduate Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum(1)
- Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics(1)
- Michigan Center for Early Christian Studies(1)
- Michigan Computer Graphics(1)
- Michigan Dining(1)
- Michigan IT(1)
- Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society(1)
- Michigan Institute for Research in Astrophysics(1)
- Michigan Medicine(1)
- Michigan Quantum Research Institute Seminars(1)
- Michigan Ross Center for Positive Organizations(1)
- Michigan in Washington Program(1)
- Mindfulness @ Umich(1)
- Museum Studies Program(1)
- Museum of Anthropological Archaeology(1)
- Nam Center for Korean Studies(1)
- Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences(1)
- Office of Campus Sustainability(1)
- Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships (ONSF)(1)
- Office of Research School of Dentistry(1)
- Organizational Excellence(1)
- Planet Blue(1)
- Poverty Solutions(1)
- Program in Biology(1)
- Psychology Undergraduates(1)
- Quantum Research Institute(1)
- RTG Seminar on Number Theory - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Rackham Forum for Research on Medieval Studies(1)
- Rackham Professional Development and Engagement(1)
- Representation Stability Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD)(1)
- Research Museums Center(1)
- STAR Scholars Program(1)
- School for Environment and Sustainability(1)
- School of Public Health(1)
- School of Social Work(1)
- School of Social Work Community Engagement(1)
- Social Psychology(1)
- Society of Women Engineers(1)
- Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics (CID)(1)
- Student AIM Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Analysis Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Commutative Algebra Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Dynamics/Geometry/Topology Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Life Sustainability(1)
- Student Logic and History of Math Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Number Theory Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Students Against Domestic Abuse(1)
- Survey Research Center(1)
- Sweetland Center for Writing(1)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(1)
- U-M Structural Biology(1)
- UMICH Votes(1)
- Undergrad Physics Events(1)
- University of Michigan Speech Neurophysiology Lab(1)
- University of Michigan Sustainable Food Program (UMSFP)(1)
- WISE Residence Program(1)
- Weiser Center for Real Estate(1)
- Weiser Diplomacy Center(1)
- William Davidson Institute(1)
- William L. Clements Library(1)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(1)
- See All Groups (251 total)
- Off Campus Location(99)
- Weiser Hall(23)
- Museum of Natural History(22)
- Museum of Art(20)
- East Hall(17)
- Haven Hall(10)
- Michigan Union(10)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(10)
- East Quadrangle(9)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(8)
- LSA Building(8)
- North Quad(8)
- West Hall(8)
- Angell Hall(7)
- Thayer Academic Building(7)
- Burton Memorial Tower(6)
- Michigan League(6)
- Modern Languages Building(6)
- Earl V. Moore Building(5)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(5)
- Weill Hall (Ford School)(5)
- 202 S. Thayer(4)
- Biological Sciences Building(4)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building(4)
- Institute For Social Research(4)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(4)
- Student Activities Building(4)
- Tisch Hall(4)
- Detroit Observatory(3)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(3)
- Palmer Commons(3)
- Undergraduate Science Building(3)
- 1100 North University Building(2)
- Dana Building(2)
- Duderstadt Center(2)
- Hill Auditorium(2)
- Industrial and Operations Engineering Building(2)
- Intramural Sports Building(2)
- Lorch Hall(2)
- Mason Hall(2)
- Michigan Stadium(2)
- Pierpont Commons(2)
- Power Center for the Performing Arts(2)
- Ross School of Business(2)
- South Quad(2)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(2)
- The Connector(2)
- U-M Soccer Stadium(2)
- Walgreen Drama Center(2)
- Yost Ice Arena(2)
- Alice Lloyd Hall(1)
- Alumni Center(1)
- Alumni Field(1)
- Angell Hall(1)
- Chrysler Center(1)
- Climate and Space Research Building(1)
- Cooley Building(1)
- Crisler Arena(1)
- Dance Building(1)
- Dental & W.K. Kellogg Institute(1)
- Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building(1)
- Herbert H. Dow Building(1)
- Life Sciences Institute(1)
- Lurie Robert H. Engin. Ctr(1)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens(1)
- Medical Science Unit I(1)
- Michigan Boathouse(1)
- Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project(1)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 32(1)
- Public Health I (Vaughan Building)(1)
- Randall Laboratory(1)
- School of Education(1)
- School of Social Work Building(1)
- Shapiro Library(1)
- Stearns Building(1)
- The Law Quad(1)
- William Clements Library(1)
- See All Locations (77 total)
October 20th, 2024
2024 MIT Tournament
Come compete with us in Poomsae and Sparring at MIT!!
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Head Of The Charles 2024
I'm walkin' here
Life Time Big Sugar Classic
Life Time Grand Prix finale
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Great Lakes Adiban Society - 8th Annual Workshop
The Great Lakes Adiban Society is pleased to announce the schedule for its eighth annual workshop, to be held at the University of Michigan,...
Conference Triple Header against Adrian
The Michigan Club Softball Team will compete in 3 conference games, Home against Adrian on Sunday, October 20th.
Great Lakes Adiban Society - 8th Annual Workshop
The Great Lakes Adiban Society is pleased to announce the schedule for its eighth annual workshop, to be held at the University of Michigan,...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
H2O Sunday Service
Come join us for praise and worship with students and alumni from UoM at the Rackham Building (4th floor).
Great Lakes Adiban Society - 8th Annual Workshop
The Great Lakes Adiban Society is pleased to announce the schedule for its eighth annual workshop, to be held at the University of Michigan,...
Cow Eye Dissection
Have you ever wondered how we see? To take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world– by dissecting a cow’s eye. How is it...
Foundations of Photographing (Ethically)
Art Making Workshop with sara faraj
Workshop attendees will learn about the essential elements to consider when making photographs and developing narratives. Participants are...
Connector Study Tables
Come study with the Connector Community Assistants each Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Connector (West Quad).
We Are Stars
What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins. Connect life on...
Tour: Walking with Whales
Discover a world where prehistoric whales had four limbs and walked on land! Learn about how whales and dolphins made the transition from...
National Portfolio Day - Kalamazoo, MI
National Portfolio Day (In-Person)1-5 pm EDT, October 20, 2024Richmond Center for Visual Arts, Western Michigan University1903 West Michigan...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Discovery Demo: How to Become a Fossil
Explore how fossils form and what parts of animals can become fossilized. How old are the earliest fossils? How old does something have to...
Bat Boy the Musical
The Department of Musical Theatre at Encore
The Encore welcomes back U-M’s prestigious School of Music, Theatre & Dance for their production of Bat Boy. Weaving a captivating...
Nature Play Pop-Ups
Based in Gaffield Children’s Garden at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Nature Play Pop-ups are opportunities for children across ages and...
Sunday Drop-In Tour | A Glimpse of the Kelsey Museum in French
Cecilia Mercante
Prepare your passport! This Sunday Drop-In Tour will take you back in time to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Greece, Egypt, and...
Tales of the Maya Skies
Tales of the Maya Skies immerses viewers in the wonders of Maya science, cosmology and myth. This beautifully illustrated story takes us...
Ulysses | Elevator Repair Service
(Presented by UMS)
James Joyce’s Ulysses has fascinated, perplexed, scandalized, and even defeated readers for over a century....
What is Asexuality?
Ace Week 2024
Join us in celebrating the asexual community at U-M. Kicking off Ace Week with "What is Asexuality Week?" on Sunday, October 20th,...
Cow Eye Dissection
Have you ever wondered how we see? To take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world– by dissecting a cow’s eye. How is it...
Karate Practice
"True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in...
Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival — Warda (2014)
Stream the Egyptian horror film from October 17 to 24
Welcome to Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival 2024!...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Dinner and Worship
Come by the Wesley Foundation for worship and a free meal each Sunday evening of the academic year.
Open Dance Practice
Workshop open to all members and nonmembers. All skill levels welcome - people with no previous experience are encouraged to attend! We will...
ASAP Support Group
Weekly ED Support Group
Disney + Movie Screening - Nightmare Before Christmas
Disney+ is hosting a Halloween moving screening on campus! Goodies and giveaways for the first 100 people!...
Noah Gundersen w/Abby Gundersen
Ledges 10 Year Anniversary
Marking the 10th anniversary of his acclaimed album, Ledges, Noah Gundersen will play intimate, stripped-back shows with his sister Abby...
Genki Endo, taiko
As the leader of Yamakiya Taiko, a group of talented young musicians, GENKI ENDO brings unmatched energy, precision, and passion to every...
Movie Night with Telegraph Quartet
Chamber Music Artists-in-Residence Recital
Acclaimed Telegraph Quartet, now in residency at the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, performs a recital hosted by the Departments of...
October 21st, 2024
2024 MIT Tournament
Come compete with us in Poomsae and Sparring at MIT!!
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Head Of The Charles 2024
I'm walkin' here
Life Time Big Sugar Classic
Life Time Grand Prix finale
Transfer Student Week 2024
The University of Michigan celebrates transfer students and their journeys October 21-25, 2024 in honor of National Transfer Student Week!...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
WCEE Exhibition. Verses from a Nation in Transition. Ukraine in Photographs by Joseph Sywenkyj
Joseph Sywenkyj, 2024-25 WCEE Distinguished Fellow and Knight-Wallace Fellow, U-M
Joseph Sywenkyj is the 2024-25 Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia’s Distinguished Fellow, and a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University...
ELO | Theme Year Case Study Competition
Join us for a case study competition!...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Steve Glazer Art Exhibition
Motor City Griots
Steve Glazer earned his BFA in art with a concentration in ceramics from Eastern Michigan University, a master’s degree in art from...
Susan Moran Exhibition
"Observed & Collected"
Susan Moran’s work is inspired by the natural world and our place in it. She collects and arranges images, builds and subtracts, and uses...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
"Fall & Rebound: Reflections on a career in performance and arts administration" with Tara Sheena (BFA '11), SMTD Alumni Award Winner
Tara Sheena presents a talk reflecting on her career in performance and arts administration, in celebration of her SMTD Alumni Awards. Free...
Framing & Facilitating High Stakes Discussions: Election Edition
Part of Promoting Democracy Teaching Series
Workshop Description: Do you plan to engage your students in classroom discussions about the 2024 elections ot current political issues? How...
Internship Lab
RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: you ready to start...
LSA@Play Makers Series: Macramé
College of LSA Student Event
Stop by this LSA Makers Series event to learn basic macramé knots to create your own design. Supplies and snacks will be provided....
North American Stainless Info Session
North American Stainless (NAS) NAS is located in Ghent, Kentucky which is about halfway between Louisville and Cincinnati. NAS is the...
Law School Admission Panel
Join Deans and Directors of Admission from USC, Duke, Northwestern, UC Irvine, and Marquette for a discussion about their program offerings,...
Law School Admission Panel
Join Deans and Directors of Admission from USC, Duke, Northwestern, UC Irvine, and Marquette for a discussion about their program offerings,...
NE ScribeAmerica Virtual Information Session 10/21/2024
Are you looking at a future career in healthcare and need clinical experience? If so, join us for our upcoming virtual info session to...
Pastries and Pumpkin Painting
Join the Office of New Student Programs in celebrating National Transfer Student Week while we enjoy some fall-themed pastries and...
Seminar Series in Human Genetics
“Chromatin regulatory mechanisms in Autism spectrum disorders” by Sofia Lizarraga, PhD from Brown University.
Please join us for the next installment of our Fall Seminar Series in Human Genetics on Monday, October 21, “Chromatin regulatory...
IGCB Seminar Series: Towards a Resilient and Equitable Water Future: Addressing Water Quality Challenges in a Changing Climate
Runzi Wang, University of California Davis
Institute for Global Change Biology Seminar Series - Prof Runzi Wang...
A Dissertation Chapter Workshop: Marianna Hagler's (English L&L) "Double Vision: Transformations of Tender Buttons in Harryette Mullen and Tracie Morris"
A Dissertation Workshop: Marianna Hagler's (English L&L) "Double Vision: Transformations of Tender Buttons in Harryette Mullen and Tracie Morris"
Marianna Hagler’s Dissertation Chapter Workshop
Abstract: This article examines how two poets, Tracie Morris and Harryette Mullen, reimagine Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons through their...
CMENAS 2024 Fall Colloquium Series & Author Talk. When Stars are Scattered
Omar Mohamed, Author
CMENAS Fall Colloquium Series: 12-2 PM (555 Weiser Hall) - to attend, register at
Fall Festival North
Please join us for some fall activities! We will have a table with cider and donuts, a craft table, a picture cutout for photo...
FoRMS October Meeting
Jennifer Playstead
Come listen to Jennifer share some details from her research about the enslavement of early Americans on the Barbary Coast!
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Gender and Politics
The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Gender and Politics (IGAP) is a Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop for scholars interested in studying the...
Jenna Moon, carillon
SMTD doctoral alumna Jenna Moon performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the Burton Memorial...
Peer Writing Consultant Program Application Deadline
The deadline to apply to Peer Writing Consultant Program for Winter 2025 is noon, Monday, October 21st. The PWCP trains undergraduate...
Practice Job Talk Series
Most Mondays at noon, the Political Science Graduate Students on the market will be holding Practice Job Talks. All talks will be held in...
RMF Research in Progress: October 21st
RMF Research in Progress
RMF Research in Progress gives Rackham Merit Fellows an opportunity to share their research with their peers in the RMF community. During...
Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars
The MICDE PhD Student Seminar Series showcases the research of students in the Ph.D. in Scientific Computing. These events are open to the...
Science Success Series- Mindful Mondays
Mindful Monday 6
Give your brain some rejuvenation by taking a mindful study break. Come join us for an hour of connection, conversation, and crafts with...
Student Logic and History of Math Seminar: Hilbert's Problems, Independence, and Undecidability
Dhruv Kulshreshtha
In his address to the Paris meeting of the International Congress of Mathematics in 1900, David Hilbert delivered one of the most...
🌊 Dive Into BOEM’s Office of Resource Evaluation! 🚀(Oct 2024)
🌊 Dive Into BOEM’s Office of Resource Evaluation! 🚀Curious about shaping the future of offshore energy? 🌅 Join us for an exciting...
Tiffany Ng, carillon
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell...
A Career in Audit!
You’ve been curious about audit, right? Join us to learnmore about audit from experienced leaders at the Texas State Auditor’s Office....
Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday...
Virtual Infosession with Third Bridge! (October 21st)
Are you ready to launch 🚀 your career in the world of #consulting, #privateequity, #finance, #sales, #research, #communications, and...
Navigating the U.S. Job Search for International Students
Do you plan to work in the United States after finishing your degree? This program is designed to help international students maximize their...
RTG Number Theory Seminar: A crash course on derived categories and perverse sheaves
Robert Cass
Abstract: I will give an overview of derived categories, l-adic sheaves and perverse sheaves, with an eye toward topics needed in the...
Community and Cookies
Ace Week 2024
Join us in celebrating the asexual community at U-M. Kicking off Ace Week with "What is Asexuality Week?" on Sunday, October 20th,...
Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival — Warda (2014)
Stream the Egyptian horror film from October 17 to 24
Welcome to Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival 2024!...
HEP-Astro Seminar | Fundamental Physics Studies in Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astronomy
Christopher Fryer (Los Alamos National Lab)
The era of time domain and multi-messenger astronomy is not only leading to the development of a much broader set of detectors and...
Virtual Information Session
Join us for a virtual, hour-long info session on undergraduate programs at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design,...
Virtual TechPrep - From Internship Success to Full-Time Impact
Join us for our virtual TechPrep series, “From Internship Success to Full-Time Impact”, taking place on Monday, October 21 at 12 pm PT /...
Bosch Presents: Software Development (and using AI tools)
Lisa John, director of software and systems engineering for Bosch in the USA, will talk about software development and using AI toolsJohn...
DAAD Info Session & CGIS Study Abroad Fest
Monday, October 21, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Remote
Interested in study abroad, graduate school in Germany, or a chance to intern in Germany as a STEM student? The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer...
RCGD Fall Seminar Series: The Social Psychology of Systemic Racism (Michael Kraus)
The Narrative of Racial Progress
Oct. 21, 2024: Michael Kraus (Northwestern)...
Arthur Aiton Lecture: In Search of a Slave Ship: Memory, History, and Reparations—The Quilombo of Bracuí, 1852
Martha Abreu, Fluminense Federal University
The quilombola [maroon] community of Bracuí in Brazil has preserved the history of the African slave trade on their lands for nearly two...
Essentialities of Peace in the Middle East
Weiser Diplomacy Center Ambassadors’ Forum in cooperation with the American Academy of Diplomacy - Co-sponsored by The Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies (CMENAS)
Ambassador (ret.) Jacob Wallis, Ambassador (ret.) Susan Ziadeh, Ambassador (ret.) David Satterfield, and Ambassador (ret.) Ronald E....
FREE Virtual Session: SLP Interviewing Tips
Join us for a free virtual session! Throughout the school year, Cherokee County School District offers 30-minute workshops designed for...
GLNT: Affine Ringel duality and Bezrukavnikov's equivalence
Calder Morton-Ferguson (Stanford)
Abstract: Ringel duality is a fundamental symmetry on Category O associated to a semisimple Lie algebra. It is realized by the so-called...
Numerical solutions of Riemann-Hilbert problems on disjoint intervals
Cade Ballew (University of Washington)
We present a general approach to numerically compute the solutions of Riemann-Hilbert problems with jump conditions supported on disjoint...
Stars and Shadows: The Politics of Interracial Friendship from Jefferson to Obama
Prof. Saladin Ambar
Dr. Saladin Ambar is Professor of Political Science and Senior Scholar at the Center on the American Governor at Rutgers University’s...
Web-matching duality in degree 2
Veronica Lang
Webs are special classes of planar bipartite graphs with boundary, and vector spaces of webs are representations of GL_n. In 2022, Chris...
Flutist Hadar Noiberg
Sally Fleming Master Class Series
Guest artist Hadar Noiberg conducts a master class with the flute students of Professor Amy Porter; free and open to the public as part of...
Financial Services (FS) Sales: Interview Workshop
Prepare for the FS Sales interview with a walkthrough of behavioral interview best practices with a Capital One associate! We'll...
WCEE Distinguished Lecture. Verses from a Nation in Transition. Ukraine in Photographs by Joseph Sywenkyj
Joseph Sywenkyj, 2024-25 WCEE Distinguished Fellow and Knight-Wallace Fellow, U-M
Joseph Sywenkyj is the 2024-25 Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia’s Distinguished Fellow, and a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University...
Citi Business 101 Panel Discussion
Citi looks forward to engaging with undergraduate students while we are on campus at University of Michigan. Join our Business...
CMENAS 2024 Fall Colloquium Series & Author Talk. When Stars are Scattered
Omar Mohamed, Author
CMENAS Fall Colloquium Series: 12-2 PM (555 Weiser Hall) - to attend, register at
Halloween Game Night aMplify
Hello Transfer Students!! We hope your semester is going well and you had a restful fall break!...
Resume Lab
*RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: getting started building...
Zouk Dance Lessons
Hey zoukers! I'm excited to announce that our lessons are back!Zouk is a Brazilian social partner dance. Our beginner's lesson...
2024 Capstone Masters Projects Overview Session (Required)
2024 Capstone Master's Projects Overview Session
Learn about the process for taking part in your Capstone experience through masters projects. Avik Basu, instructor for the winter semester...
Transfer Appreciation Week: Transfer Alumni Panel!
Join us as we kick off Transfer Appreciation Week with a Transfer Alumni Panel on Monday, October 21st from 7:00-8:00pm EST via Zoom!...
Why Vote? An Intergenerational Voting Dialogue
The Ginsberg Center, Michigan Community Scholars Program, and the Washtenaw Regional Organizing Coalition (WeROC) are collaborating to...
Work for Housing Equity with Justice InDeed!
Deed Transcription Session for Students
Looking for a way to make a difference right here in Washtenaw County? Need service hours for a course or organization?...
Hadar Noiberg, flute with Stephen Rush, piano
Flutist Hadar Noiberg performs a guest recital accompanied by Stephen Rush, piano. Also featuring members of the flute studio of Professor...
October 22nd, 2024
2024 MIT Tournament
Come compete with us in Poomsae and Sparring at MIT!!
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Transfer Student Week 2024
The University of Michigan celebrates transfer students and their journeys October 21-25, 2024 in honor of National Transfer Student Week!...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
WCEE Exhibition. Verses from a Nation in Transition. Ukraine in Photographs by Joseph Sywenkyj
Joseph Sywenkyj, 2024-25 WCEE Distinguished Fellow and Knight-Wallace Fellow, U-M
Joseph Sywenkyj is the 2024-25 Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia’s Distinguished Fellow, and a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University...
Chemical Engineering Career Chats
Hey Chemical Engineering Students - This is for YOU!...
ELO | Theme Year Case Study Competition
Join us for a case study competition!...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Navigating USAJOBS & Introduction to Federal Resume Writing (22 OCT 2024)
Army Civilian Careers invites you to participate in a virtual informational session on federal resume writing, navigating USAJOBS website,...
Steve Glazer Art Exhibition
Motor City Griots
Steve Glazer earned his BFA in art with a concentration in ceramics from Eastern Michigan University, a master’s degree in art from...
Susan Moran Exhibition
"Observed & Collected"
Susan Moran’s work is inspired by the natural world and our place in it. She collects and arranges images, builds and subtracts, and uses...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
An Introduction to GenAI Governance and Sensitive Data Use Guidelines at Michigan Medicine
Transforming Your Research with Generative AI tutorial series
About this session:...
Cell Polarity: From Molecules to Embryos-Department of Biological Chemistry Seminar
Dr. Dan Dickinson, University of Texas, Austin
Dr. Dan Dickinson will present the Department of Biological Chemistry Seminar on Tuesday 10/22/24 at 12:00pm in room 5330 MS I.
Citi Career Conversations | Meet & Greet
Join Citi for our Career Conversations in the Ross Winter Garden. We invite students to stop by and talk with our business representatives...
GalleryDAAS Exhibition: "Hip Hop @ 50"
It's Back! Now–December 20
It's back! Brought to you by the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS), GalleryDAAS celebrates the 50th anniversary of...
Grant Office Hours for Student Sustainability Coalition: Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund & Social and Environmental Grants
The Student Sustainability Coalition manages $200,000 worth of grant money that we allocate to student groups who are working on projects...
Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Presents - Backpacks to Briefcases
In 2015, JNJ launched WISTEM2D-Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing, and Design (STEM2D)-initiative to promote...
Limitations & Accommodations: What Does That Mean?
NDEAM 2024
Have you found yourself facing disability-related limitations and barriers in the workplace but are unsure what would help? Join the...
Meet with Mayo Clinic at the People of Color Career Fair (Minneapolis, MN)
Mayo Clinic will be attending the People of Color Career Fair on October 22nd! Patients faced with life-changing illnesses find a...
2024 BIG10 Graduate Student & Postdoc Industry Recruitment Event (Virtual)
Calling all graduate students and postdocs from all 18 Big TenInstitutions! Are you interested in exploring or finding a position in...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Are You LinkedIn?
Are You LinkedIn?” It is a faculty member ( requesting it for a Kinesiology class. They want it in person on October 22nd...
Tables 4 Transfers!
Celebrate National Transfer Student Week by joining us in the Newnan Academic Advising Center! Enjoy a bagel and mingle with other transfer...
TSC Internship & Co-Op Career Fair
Join us for Technology Service Corporation's (TSC) Virtual Internship & Co-op Career Fair, an unparalleled opportunity to...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Markups Across the Income Distribution: Measurement and Implications
Kunal Sangani, Northwestern University
I examine the relationship between customer income and firm markups using rich data on household transactions and wholesale costs. Over the...
National Transfer Student Week | Cider and Donuts with the SLC
SLC Professional and Undergraduate Student Staff
Come join the Science Learning Center (SLC) for some fall cider and donuts. Learn about SLC programs and services while connecting with...
Seminar Series: Conrad Kosowsky
Join us on Tuesday, October 22nd from 11:30AM-1:00PM in Weiser 747 for our Seminar Series featuring Conrad Kosowsky. Conrad is a current...
[DEICP] Writing a Diversity Statement
Writing a Diveristy Statement
Increasingly, hiring committees are interested in how prospective faculty job candidates will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion...
A talent acquisition pro’s guide to capitalizing on your career
Looking to work in the world of finance? On October 22 at 12:00pm PT, join Handshake and Santander Talent Acquisition Manager SherrySmith to...
CAA Careers: Music and Comedy Touring
CAA represents many of the most successful professionals working in music, television, film, theatre, video games, sports, and digital...
Weekly gathering for students, staff, and faculty to build community with the Trotter Team and discuss the week’s events....
Cyber Resiliency and Measurement Challenge
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division is hosting a Collegiate Cyber Challenge: Where Minds Meet Machine. During this event...
EEB Tuesday Seminar Series -- Four Lightning Talks
Abrianna Soule, Madelyn Foulkes, Will Weaver, Ben Nicholas
This event is part of our ongoing Tuesday Seminar Series....
ELO | UMSI Semester Exchange Meet & Greet
UMSI Semester Exchange Program: Meet & Greet Lunches...
Fall 2024 Crowe National Case Competition
Register today for the fall 2024 Crowe National Case Competition! We are excited to announce the fall 2024 Crowe National Case...
GCC Denmark: Reproductive Health Information Session
[CGIS] GCC Denmark: Reproductive Health
GCC Denmark: Reproductive Health Info Session
Want to learn more about GCC Denmark: Reproductive Health? Attend this session with CGIS Advisor Callie Rouse and GCC Denmark Faculty Lead...
How To Evaluate and Negotiate a Job Offer
Getting a full-time job offer can be exciting and stressful at the same time!...
Julie Zhu, carillon
Julie Zhu, President's Postdoctoral Fellow, performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the...
LRCCS Noon Lecture Series | Revolutionary Stagecraft: Theater, Technology, and Politics in Modern China
Tarryn Li-Min Chun, Assistant Professor, Department of Film, Television and Theatre, University of Notre Dame
Attend in person or via Zoom:...
MA in Higher Education Info Session
During this information session, our staff and a current student will provide an overview of what makes us a top ranked education program!...
Political Speech and The Public Square
Fall 2024 Event Title: What’s at Stake for Me in the 2024 Election?...
Sales with a Mission: Understanding Sales Careers at Exact Sciences
Are you interested in a career in sales? Are you curious onhow you can make a meaningful impact with your future sales career? Join us for...
Sentara Registered Nurse Lunch & Learn
Let's have lunch together! I'm Christina Berry, Sentara's RN Student Liaison and I am hosting live lunch & learn...
Writing a Diversity Statement
Increasingly, hiring committees are interested in how prospective faculty job candidates will contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion...
Hear, Here: Humanities Up Close
"Join the Conversation!: How Placemaking Conquered Community Development," with Jacob Lederman
With the “Hear, Here” series, we aim to facilitate conversations around new research in the humanities. Faculty fellows at the Institute...
Mayo Clinic Department of Laboratory Medicine Careers Webinar 10/22/2024
We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for our upcoming Mayo Clinic Laboratory Careers Webinar. Join us for an enlightening...
Political Economy Workshop
The Ford School's International Policy Center is a co-sponsor of the 2024-2025 Political Economy Workshop events....
Resume Lab
*RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: getting started building...
🚀BOEM/BSEE's Monthly USAjobs/Federal Hiring Q&A (Oct 2024)🚀
🚀 BOEM/BSEE's Monthly USAjobs/Federal Hiring Q&A 🚀Hey future federal rockstars! 🌟 Ready to kick-start your journey...
Eva Albalghiti, carillon
Graduate student Eva Albalghiti performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell (bourdon)...
MICDE ACES Mini-Symposium 2024
Accelerating Scientific Discovery: The Intersection between Advanced Algorithms, AI, and HPC Architecture
This year’s focus of the Advanced Computational Science & Engineering Showcase (ACES) mini-symposium is connecting advanced...
Economic Sociology and Organizations (ESO) Workshop
Fall 2024 Semester Line-Up:...
Hannaford DEI Panel & Info Session
Calling all recent grads and current students interested in a career with Hannaford Supermarkets! You may not realize that Hannaford has...
MFG Day 2024: Schneider Career Panel
Join Schneider Electric on Tuesday, October 22nd from 2-3pm CT for an exclusive virtual event tailored for students. Get ready to gain...
German Lecturer, Silvia Grzeskowiak (, brings German chocolate to snack on and games to play (e.g. Tabu), all while...
The Intelligence and Cybersecurity Diversity Fellowship 10/22 Recruitment Roundtable
Are you looking for a summer job? Are you interested in working for one of the largest Federal Government Agencies? Well, look no further....
French Conversation Hour: Pause - Café
Enjoy coffee, tea, and snacks while improving your French skills! Chat for 10 minutes or the whole hour! All language levels welcome.
Climate & Space Open House
Ever wondered what it takes to study Climate & Space Sciences and Engineering at U-M?...
Exploring Product Management at Medline
Have you ever wondered what a product manager is at Medlineand what the position entails? Why are they a vital part of Medline? Medline...
Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival — Warda (2014)
Stream the Egyptian horror film from October 17 to 24
Welcome to Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival 2024!...
International Students Career Series: How to Build Your Network
You can’t start networking unless you know where to begin! As an international student, it can be intimidating when thinking aboutthe idea...
Learn More about MTR's Paid Summer Fellowships that work towards Equal Education!
Interested in teaching and looking for a paid summer learning experience that gives you hands-on teaching experience? Join the Memphis...
Santander Culture Engagement and Inclusion Overview (Virtual Session)
Join the Campus Recruitment Team as we dive into Santander's culture, engagement and inclusion (CEI) initiatives! Hear from one of our...
Step Up Speak out: A Panel for Domestic Violence Awareness Month featuring Congresswoman Dingell
Interested in gender equity or intimate partner violence prevention? Students Against Domestic Abuse will host Congresswoman Debbie Dingell...
Student CA Seminar - Kähler Differentials and Generic Smoothness
Barry Henaku
Abstract: A derivation is a function that generalizes certain aspects of the derivative operator in an algebraic setting. In this talk, we...
Fall Info Session: AmeriCorps Math Tutor Opportunities & Benefits for 25-26 SY
Are you starting to think about the next steps for your professional growth? Whether you're taking a gap year, preparing for graduate...
Urban Tech Collective Lecture | Soft City Sensing
Anders Koed Madsen
The Urban Tech Collective, a lab housed in the Digital Studies Institute, is hosting Professor Anders Koed Madsen for a guest lecture,...
Center for Emerging Democracies (@umichDemocracy) Book Talk | Democracy in Darkness
Katlyn Carter | Assistant Professor Department of History | University of Notre Dame
Attend in person or via Zoom. Zoom registration at:
CFPB Director's Financial Analyst Program Open House session 10/22/2024
The CFPB will host two drop-in Open House sessions, via Microsoft Teams, for an opportunity to meet with the DFA Program recruitment team...
CM-AMO Seminar | Layer-By-Layer Engineering and Deciphering of Topological Orders in Magnetic Topological Insulators
Shuolong Yang (University of Chicago)
The advent of intrinsic magnetic topological insulators enables us to envisage various low-dimensional topological orders, such as the...
Colloquium Seminar: Nonlocal PDEs and Quantum Optics
John Schotland (Yale)
Quantum optics is the quantum theory of the interaction of light and matter. This talk will present a survey of recent results on related...
Commercial Banking Virtual Information Session Summer 2025
Meet the HR and Commercial Banking Team to learn more aboutyour career at Citi! Join us for an interactive discussion that will assist your...
Consider the lung as a sensory organ
Xin Sun, Ph.D.
Director UCSD Lung Center University of California San Diego
GCC Czechia & Austria: Jewish Europe Information Session
CGIS Advisor Callie Rouse / Professor Scott Spector
Want to learn more about GCC Czechia & Austria: Jewish Europe? Attend this session with CGIS Advisor Callie Rouse and GCC Faculty Lead...
Get to Know Boosterthon: A School Fundraising Company
If you love the idea of impacting students, working with an amazing team, thriving in a high-energy environment, and having fun, Boosterthon...
How to get involved in research as an undergraduate (and what to do if you can't find a position this year)
STAR Scholars Program
Getting involved in research is a great way to build your skills and get the “behind the scenes” look into the science that you later...
Level up with Mayo Clinic: Nurse Internship & Residency Program
Nursing students looking to expand their knowledge and critical thinking skills are invited to learn about a variety of internship and...
Nam Center Colloquium Series | Borderland Dreams: the Transnational Lives of Korean Chinese Workers
June Hee Kwon, Associate Professor, Sacremento State University
Attend in person or via zoom:
Transfer Student Week: Ice Cream Social
Celebrate Transfer Student Week with make-your-own sundaes! Stop by the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives on Tuesday, October 22...
Undergraduate Seminar: Prime Factorization in a Principal Ideal Domain
Gavin Bell
Integers can be uniquely factored into a product of prime numbers, however this property doesn't hold in all rings. We will discuss...
Jewish Law and Gentile Hearers: The Goals of the Apostle Paul
Guest Lecture by Paula Fredriksen
Paul, the "apostle to the gentiles," urges his ex-pagan auditors to observe some Jewish law, but he is not (perhaps especially...
Scientific Computing Student Club General Meeting
Hey Everyone! Starting this semester, we will begin to work on club projects as well as host workshops during our club meetings. For this...
Student Analysis Seminar: One Dimensional Wave Kinetic Theory
Katja Vassilev
We will give an overview of wave kinetic theory, focusing on the one-dimensional MMT system. This system, which encompasses the 1D NLS, is...
The Silenced Muse: Deciphering Emily Hale's Legacy with Sara Fitzgerald
University of Michigan Alumna, Sara Fitzgerald
The University of Michigan community is delighted to welcome back to campus esteemed Alumna, prolific author, and the first woman...
Flag Football practice!
Flag Football practice!
The LoG (M) Projects' Talk Presentation
Our LoGM students have made visualizations and formed, proved, and disproved conjectures in many fields of mathematics, including: complex...
U-M History Film Series: The Campaign
David Tamayo and Eric Toups
When incumbent Congressman Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) commits a major gaffe, two wealthy CEOs decide to try to gain influence in their...
Dinner for Democracy: The Judiciary
Turn Up Turnout
Note: this is an in-person event on the Ann Arbor Campus...
ELI Student to Student Event: Halloween Celebration!
Celebrate Halloween with other U-M international students and get into the Halloween spirit!...
ELI Student to Student Event: Halloween Celebration!
Celebrate Halloween with other U-M international students and get into the Halloween spirit!...
MCSP Social Justice Film Series: Raise Your Voice
Prof. Saladin Ambar
Raise Your Voice follows the student journalists at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School navigating their school mass shooting as both...
Trotter Distinguished Leadership Series: APIA Voter Panel
The Trotter Distinguished Leadership Series is designed to increase healthy discourse and learning throughout the University of Michigan by...
Championing Equity: Black Educator Initiative Showcase and Q&A
Are you passionate about education and driven tomake a positive impact? “I tell my students,‘When you get these jobs that you...
Miracolo a Milano Film Screening
II Cineforum: Italian Classics on Campus
An old woman finds a baby among the cauliflowers in her garden. She takes care of the orphan, and calls him Totò. When she dies, he is sent...
Houlihan Lokey Investment Banking First Look: Diversity Information Session
Houlihan Lokey is committed to cultivating a diverse and inclusive workplace where employees from all backgrounds feel valued and empowered....
MA with Teacher Certification Info Session
During this information session, our staff and a current student will provide an overview of what makes us a top ranked education program!...
That Tuesday Thing: Christmas and Advent Celebration
That Tuesday Thing is a community gathering to engage in various study opportunities or fun activities....
[Cancelled] Pre-Concert Lecture: University Choir
There will be no Pre-Concert Lecture prior to the University Choir performance. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Teach For America Corps Info Session + Q&A
Interested in learning more about Teach For America and jump-starting a purpose-driven career? Join us for an upcoming informational session...
Alexander Scott, conducting
Graduate student in conducting Alexander Scott performs a recital.
University Choir
Stars Above and Water Below
Visiting professor of choral music, Dr. Reed Criddle, leads the University Choir in a program that focuses on the sublime and the heavenly,...
October 23rd, 2024
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Transfer Student Week 2024
The University of Michigan celebrates transfer students and their journeys October 21-25, 2024 in honor of National Transfer Student Week!...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
WCEE Exhibition. Verses from a Nation in Transition. Ukraine in Photographs by Joseph Sywenkyj
Joseph Sywenkyj, 2024-25 WCEE Distinguished Fellow and Knight-Wallace Fellow, U-M
Joseph Sywenkyj is the 2024-25 Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia’s Distinguished Fellow, and a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University...
WE24 Schneider Electric Recruitment
Connect with Schneider Electric at WE24 in Chicago! We’llbe recruiting Society of Women Engineers members leading up to and on-site at the...
Disability Mentoring Day at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
You’re Invited to Disability Mentoring Day at theFederal Reserve Bank of New York! Join us on October 23rd, 2024 from 9am-2pm EST...
ELO | Theme Year Case Study Competition
Join us for a case study competition!...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Pre-Law Drop-Ins
During pre-law drop-in hours, pre-law advisors are available to answer quick questions from all U-M Ann Arbor students and alumni....
Responding to Mental Health Concerns in the Workplace
Presenter: Kelcey Stratton, Tom Waldecker
Course details and registration are available on the Organizational Learning website.
Steve Glazer Art Exhibition
Motor City Griots
Steve Glazer earned his BFA in art with a concentration in ceramics from Eastern Michigan University, a master’s degree in art from...
Susan Moran Exhibition
"Observed & Collected"
Susan Moran’s work is inspired by the natural world and our place in it. She collects and arranges images, builds and subtracts, and uses...
Talent Acquisition Bootcamp
Presenter: Talent Acquisition
Course details and registration are available on the Organizational Learning website.
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
Welcome Wednesdays with the Alumni Association
The Alumni Association of the University of Michigan hosts Welcome Wednesdays for U-M students most Wednesday mornings throughout the fall...
Work for Housing Equity with Justice InDeed!
Deed Transcription Session for Faculty & Staff
Looking for a tangible way to improve equity in Washtenaw County?...
DAF Lab | Crip Mentoring: Creating Accessible Conferences
Virtual conversation featuring Michele Friedner, Ruth Osorio, and Victor Zhuang
This roundtable conversation considers what it means to design accessible conference presentations, as well as how to survive and navigate...
GalleryDAAS Exhibition: "Hip Hop @ 50"
It's Back! Now–December 20
It's back! Brought to you by the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS), GalleryDAAS celebrates the 50th anniversary of...
German Convo on the Go
Meet at Burton Tower for a 1-hour walk and talk in German with Mary Gell ( This event happens 'rain or shine.'...
Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) CareerFair 2024
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) is hosting a career fair open to the public! We will be hosting a career...
SC2 Coffee Hour
Stop By for a Coffee. Just find us in the coffee shop, and we will order it for you. Coffee Hour also provides an opportunity to ask any...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Arbor Glyph
An exhibition presented by the Stamps Student-led Exhibition Committee
Arbor Glyph is an installation centered around a collective painting of trees, created by Stamps students and activated by a colorful...
Bachelor in General Studies (BGS) Open House
Join us for a BGS Open House in the Newnan Academic Advising Center! Drop by anytime between 11am and 1pm to pick up a free BGS t-shirt,...
ECE Distinguished Seminar Series - Antimonide type-II superlattices and heterovalent integration: From MBE growth, materials physics, to device applications
Professor Yong-Hang Zhang, Director of the Center for Photonics Innovation School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering Arizona State University
Engineering Company Day
Company Days allow engineering students the opportunity to engage with organizations for recruitment and networking purposes....
Great Lakes Seminar Series: Stephanie C. Kane
The Science and Art of Collaborative Flood Forecasting: Rivers, Lakes and their Expert-Inhabitants
How do we pull together those with skills and talents steeped in disciplinary knowledge and inhabitant experience to interpret and respond...
Great Lakes Seminar Series: Stephanie C. Kane
The Science and Art of Collaborative Flood Forecasting: Rivers, Lakes and their Expert-Inhabitants
How do we pull together those with skills and talents steeped in disciplinary knowledge and inhabitant experience to interpret and respond...
Job interview "dos and don'ts"
On October 23 at 11AM PT, join Handshake and Sam Owens, career coach and author of HarperCollins Leadership’s I Hate Job Interviews, for a...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
ELO | Year of Democracy: Voter Misinformation Workshop
Join Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Cliff Lampe for a workshop on misinformation propagated during the election season. In this session,...
A Soviet Sultanate Book Discussion with Paolo Sartori_Central Asian Studies
A Soviet Sultanate Book Discussion with Dr. Paolo Sartori
I write with fantastic news - on October 23rd, 2024 at 12:00pm the Central Asian Studies RIW will be holding a moderated Zoom discussion...
All Majors Welcomed: A Career at Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
CAA is a leading entertainment, sports, and media agency. We represent many of the most successful professionals working in...
Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry
Readings by Marianna Kiyanovska, moderated by Alex Averbuch
Marianna Kiyanovska, one of Ukraine’s most acclaimed poets, will read from her renowned work The Voices of Babyn Yar (trans. by Oksana...
HET Brown Bag Seminar | Two Exact Results on 2d CFTs
Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech)
As I will discuss in my Ta-You Wu Lecture, exact statements about conformal field theories can be used to identify and derive constraints on...
Is Sign Language Universal? A Brief History of ASL
NDEAM 2024
Come learn about the history of American Sign Language (ASL) and its fascinating origins. In this workshop, we will take a brief look at the...
North Campus Mindfulness Meditation Drop-In (Online)
Take a moment to create some space to breathe and invite a sense of calm into your day. This is a guided mindfulness meditation drop-in...
Tiffany Ng, carillon
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the Burton...
Transfer Student Week Relaxation Station
M-Connect and METS invite you to celebrate Transfer Student Week by relaxing! Transfer students in any major are invited to join us for...
Coral Reef Tank Visit
Join Professor Jim Bardwell for a peek behind the scenes at his large coral reef tank featuring many species of coral, anemone, and fish....
Alum Connection Grad School Series- Master of Social Work with Layna Johnson
Are you considering a career in social work or mental health? Join us as LSA Alum Layna Johnson shares her inspiring journey—from her...
Clinical Research Coordinator Virtual Careers Webinar 10/23
Join our Mayo Clinic virtual Research careers webinar whereyou will have the opportunity to learn about our Clinical Research Coordinator...
Interdisciplinary QC-CM Seminar | Johnson Noise Thermometry Using Ohmic and Hydrodynamic Electrons
Brian Skinner (Ohio State University)
Current through a resistor exhibits temperature-dependent white noise fluctuations called Johnson-Nyquist noise. For a 2D electron system,...
Plant with Us!
Do you want to start a garden? We will be providing free pots, soil, seeds, and decoration supplies for anyone who wants to take home a...
Positive Links Speaker Series
The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change that Inspires a Better Future
Positive Links Speaker Series: The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change that Inspires a Better Future...
Pre-Law Drop-Ins
During pre-law drop-in hours, pre-law advisors are available to answer quick questions from all U-M Ann Arbor students and alumni....
Discussion Group
The psycholinguistics discussion group is a meeting of several lab groups from Linguistics, Psychology, and other departments that all share...
Sikich: Sneak Peek of Mentorship/Training for Interns
Join us for the virtual event "Sikich: Sneak Peek of Onboarding/Training for Interns" from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM CT. If you're...
Jenna Moon, carillon
SMTD doctoral alumna Jenna Moon performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell (bourdon)...
Empowering Blue: Improving How We Meet
Do you ever walk away from a meeting unsure why it happened or what the result was? We'll share tips on building effective agendas,...
From First Impressions to Final Follow-Ups: Mastering the Interview
This session will cover key tips to help you feel confidentfor your next interview, whether it’s virtual or in-person. Chelsea Ewing,...
Grant Office Hours for Student Sustainability Coalition: Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund & Social and Environmental Grants
The Student Sustainability Coalition manages $200,000 worth of grant money that we allocate to student groups who are working on projects...
Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday...
Reveal or Conceal? Employer Learning in the Labor Market for Computer Scientists
Alice Wu, University of Wisconsin–Madison
This paper tests for employer learning about worker ability and quantifies the impact of learning on job mobility and innovation output in...
Exploring McKenney's Inc.: Unlocking Doors to Exciting Opportunities
Embark on a journey to unravel the essence of McKenney's inour exclusive event, "Exploring McKenney's Inc: Unlocking Doors to...
2024 Ta-You Wu Lecture in Physics | Constraints on Quantum Gravity
Professor Hirosi Ooguri (California Institute of Technology/University of Tokyo)
Abstract: Superstring theory is currently the best candidate for the ultimate unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics....
EAS 568 Mends-day Wednesday
Don’t toss it 🚮—mend it! 🪡 Join us for Mends-Day Wednesdays on October 9 & 23 and November 6 & 20 from 3-5 PM in Room...
GSBES x SHPE-G Pumpkin Carving
GSBES x SHPE-G Pumpkin Carving/ Decorating
Join SHPE-G and GSBES for a spooky pumpkin carving event on the Wave Field in celebration of the Halloween season! Stop by at any time...
Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival — Warda (2014)
Stream the Egyptian horror film from October 17 to 24
Welcome to Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival 2024!...
Inclusive Leadership: Creating Inclusive Environments
Inclusive Leadership - Creating Inclusive Environments
Inclusive Leadership: Creating an Inclusive Environment
Having diverse individuals on a team or in an organization does not automatically make that space inclusive. Inclusive leaders create...
Inclusive Leadership: Creating Inclusive Environments
Having diverse individuals on a team or in an organization does not automatically make that space inclusive. Inclusive leaders create...
Chat in German and express yourself creatively. Crafting, coloring, painting, drawing, knitting, sewing, crochet, embroidery, origami? You...
LBMC Virtual Firm Showcase
Are you interested in learning more about opportunities at LBMC? Join LBMC for a virtual firm showcase on October 23rd at 3pm...
Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics: Wonderful Compactification I
Ying Wang
To prove log convexity of certain sequences of numbers, one wants to realize those numbers as intersection numbers of certain cohomology...
SMBC Resume Review Workshop
The SMBC Resume Review Workshop is meant to provide insighton how to make your resume become a reflection of your professionalism. We...
Student Number Theory: Representation of p-adic groups, Bernstein Decomposition and beyond
Kaya Lakein
The goal of this talk is to state Bernstein's theorem, which gives a decomposition of the category of smooth representations of a...
TCS Tech Talk: Generative AI
Go beyond the hype of Chat GPT in its insightful session. Explore groundbreaking applications of Generative AI, hear from industry leaders...
Virtual Info Session for Future Teachers
For Prospective Residency, STEM Fellowship, and Literacy Fellowship applicants to learn about Memphis Teacher Residency (MTR) mission,...
Art is the Highest Form of Hope
Sixty Years of Teaching, Studio Practice, Activism and Life
Join us on October 23 at 3:30 pm in the Keene Theater for “Art is the Highest Form of Hope: Sixty Years of Teaching, Studio Practice,...
IOE Coffee Chats
Come join us for some coffee and snacks, catch up with friends, or simply take a break from your busy schedule. We’d love to see you...
Pathways Into Teaching-Marshall Teacher Residency
The Pathways Into Teaching workshop is an overview of the various pathways into teaching, including Master's programs, Intern Programs...
A Day in the Life: Technology at GM Financial
GM Financial is set to change the auto finance industry andis leading the path of embarking on tech modernization – we have a startup...
Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Tautological classes, perverse filtrations, and moduli of one-dimensional sheaves
Weite Pi (Yale)
Tautological classes have been instrumental in the cohomological study of moduli of bundles and sheaves since the 1980s. A natural...
Application Still Open Future of Real Estate Competition
Join the Weiser Center for Real Estate for the Fourth Annual Future of Real Estate Competition: REIT Challenge 2024!...
DCMB / CCMB Weekly Seminar
Wei Vivian Li, PhD (UCLA), “Detecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Spatial Gene Expression Variation”
Disillusioned: Five Families and the Unraveling of America's Suburbs
a conversation with author and journalist Benjamin Herold
Join the Center for Racial Justice in welcoming author and journalist Benjamin Herold for a conversation about his latest book...
Have Funding - Will Travel
Janelle Fosler, Fellowships & Grants Coordinator, LSA International Institute
Come join us for a funding opportunity expo for all U-M students! Explore a variety of fellowships, scholarships, and grants for your...
Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Mental Health Training Program would like to invite you to join us and a panel of experts at one...
Student AIM Seminar
Internship/Fellowship Panel & Casual Networking Mixer
Internship/Fellowship Panel:...
USA - Campus - EY Careers in Assurance: Audit
How can a career in building trust build a better working world? Our Audit teammates understand the factors that drive business performance,...
Voting Access and Civic Engagement: Careers in Public Service & Law
Michigan Deputy Secretary of State Aghogho Edevbie
Interested in playing a vital role in the democratic process?...
Voting Access and Civic Engagement: Careers in Public Service & Law with Special Guest Michigan Deputy Secretary of State Aghogho Edevbie
Voting Access and Civic Engagement: Careers in Public Service & Law
Interested in playing a vital role in the democratic process?...
William Blair's IB Insights - Virtual information session (Oct. 23rd 2024)
Build a Solid Foundation with William BlairAt William Blair we believe that investing in the growth and success of our employees is critical...
Voice Studio Recital
Students from the Department of Voice & Opera perform a recital.
Discover Your Place at City Year
Discover if a year of service in the classroom supporting student growth is right for you. Join this 45-minute-long virtual info session and...
Dinner for Democracy: Third Parties
Turn Up Turnout
Note: this is a virtual event open to students on all three University of Michigan campuses....
KKR Corporate Information Session
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024...
Late Antiquity in Heavy Metal Music
Jeremy Swist, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Grand Valley State University
One of the most prolific forms of the reception of the ancient world is the popular music genre of heavy metal. Hundreds of bands all over...
WISE Nights In
Our WISE Mentors & Ambassadors are planning a series of social events for women in STEM at UM called WISE Nights In! Join us for free...
Deutschtisch im Max Kade Haus
Deutschtisch is a weekly event in the North Quad dining hall for Max Kade residents and visitors from outside of Max Kade Haus to speak...
Harambee! A Harvest Festival
Join us for an evening of food, music, line dancing with an instructor, games, pumpkin painting, and success and wellness resources!
Keurig Dr Pepper - Sales, Selling and Analytics Career Panel
Join us for an exciting virtual Keurig Dr Pepper Sales, Selling, and Analytics Career Panel on October 23rd from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PMCT! This...
Michigan Computer Graphics - General Meeting
At Michigan Computer Graphics (MCG), our goal is to offer all interested campus members a unique platform to explore, learn, discuss, and...
NiSource Networking Reception at SWE Conference 2024
Come join us for a fun and interactive networking reception hosted by NiSource at the SWE 24 Conference! This in-person event will be held...
One Nation, Divergent Views
Wallace House Presents: Journalists’ take on the eve of the election
As part of the University of Michigan’s Year of Democracy, Civic Empowerment, and Global Engagement initiative, this special event will...
One Nation, Divergent Views: A Pre-Election Roundtable
Vince Hutchings, Lydia Polgreen, María Elena Salinas, Bret Stephens, Stephen Henderson
An Invitation to a Special Election Event...
Science Café: Disinformation, Social Media, and Elections
Ariel Hasell, Barbara McQuade
Where do you get your news? How do "fake news" and social media affect your perspectives? New U-M research and scholarship can...
Stuttering Support Group
This Stuttering Support Group is open to any teens and adults who stutter. It provides a safe space to connect, share experiences, and...
Triangle Insights Group Info Session | University of Michigan PhD
Join us to learn about a career in life sciences consultingand understand how we blend scientific expertise and business acumen to guide...
Volunteers Needed to Audit Polling Locations for Accessibility for Voters with Disabilities in Washtenaw County!
Join the School of Social Work and Detroit Disability Power
The UMSSW is partnering with Detroit Disability Power (DDP) to expand their access audits of polling locations to Washtenaw County!...
Karate Practice
"True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in...
Katie Barnes: How Did We Get Here? Queer and Trans Athletes in Sports
LGBT History Month keynote
Join us for an interview-style talkback and Q&A with ESPN sports journalist Katie Barnes, who will discuss their work covering...
Music Meditation Session + Free Dinner!
Join us every Wednesday in East Quad 1511 from 6:30-7:30 for a fun evening of meditation with live musical accompaniment, breathing...
Poetry Reading with Zafer Şenocak, 2024 Max Kade Writer-in-Residence
This will be a bilingual Poetry Reading in Turkish and English from Zafer Şenocak's latest book, First Light (Zephyr Press,...
Swing Ann Arbor: Weekly Beginner Lesson + Social Dance
Swing Ann Arbor hosts a beginner drop-in lesson and social dance every Wednesday! No partner or experience needed. You do not need to be...
Tacos n' Trivia
Iconic Moments in the Humanities
Tacos n' Trivia: Iconic Moments in the Humanities
Ready for a journey across different centuries, places, and disciplines? Join the public humanities interns for an evening full of fun and...
Arab and Muslim Americans and the U.S. Presidential Election: Uncommitted or Unrequited?
Youssef Chouhoud
Muslim Americans are deeply concerned about the Gaza crisis, for some it is prioritized over other issues. Despite being integrated into...
Canvas of Identity
Latine Heritage Month 2024
"Canvas of Identity" is not just an art exhibition but a celebration of culture and diversity. We are excited to invite you to...
Japanese "Onigiri" Rice-Ball Making
Join the Japanese Language Circle for special programming: learn how to make a convenience-store style Japanese rice-ball, or...
Pass the Mic
A virtual open mic event featuring student writers from all 3 U-M campuses!...
Q+A (Queer and Affirming)
A discussion group for LGBTQIA2S+ Christians and Allies
We'll gather for discussion, Bible or book studies, and discover the intersection of faith and identity. This group is for the...
Undergraduate Teacher Education Info Session
During this information session, our staff and a current student will provide an overview of what makes us a top ranked education program!...
Both Sides Now: The Music and Lives of Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen
A performance by Robbie Schaefer and Danielle Wertz
With these words, we are drawn into the world of Both Sides Now, a theatrical concert that explores the music and lives of long-time friends...
Bujinkan Budo Training Session
During the Fall 2024 semester, Bujinkan Budo Club training will be held on Wednesdays from 20:00 - 21:30 (8-9:30pm) at the Intramural...
October 24th, 2024
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Noon at Night presents: Frequency of Grief
Gathering a Communal Space for Grief through Food and Sound
Noon at Night presents Frequency of Grief, an experimental dinner theatre that explores how we can process both personal and collective...
Caterpillar at WE24
Join Caterpillar for the world's largest conference for women in engineering and technology at WE24 in Chicago. Visit us at booth...
How to Submit a Travel & Expense Request to the SSC for Adult Hospitals
How to Submit a Travel and Expense Request to the SSC (option 2)
This session will provide instructions (30 minutes) on how to submit a request to the Shared Services Center (SSC) for processing. ...
SWE Annual Conference and Career Fair 2024
Ready to launch your engineering career? Join us at the SWE24Annual Conference and Career Fair! As an undergraduate engineering...
Transfer Student Week 2024
The University of Michigan celebrates transfer students and their journeys October 21-25, 2024 in honor of National Transfer Student Week!...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
WCEE Exhibition. Verses from a Nation in Transition. Ukraine in Photographs by Joseph Sywenkyj
Joseph Sywenkyj, 2024-25 WCEE Distinguished Fellow and Knight-Wallace Fellow, U-M
Joseph Sywenkyj is the 2024-25 Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia’s Distinguished Fellow, and a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University...
42nd Thomas Francis Jr. Memorial Lecture
Ana V. Diez Roux
Celebrating 25th Anniversary of the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health (CSEPH)....
DEI 2.0 Year One Progress Report Information Session (Virtual)
Dr. Tabbye Chavous, Vice Provost for Equity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer
The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion invites you to a dynamic and thought-provoking session on our first year of progress on the...
ELO | Theme Year Case Study Competition
Join us for a case study competition!...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Pre-Law Drop-Ins
During pre-law drop-in hours, pre-law advisors are available to answer quick questions from all U-M Ann Arbor students and alumni....
Steve Glazer Art Exhibition
Motor City Griots
Steve Glazer earned his BFA in art with a concentration in ceramics from Eastern Michigan University, a master’s degree in art from...
Susan Moran Exhibition
"Observed & Collected"
Susan Moran’s work is inspired by the natural world and our place in it. She collects and arranges images, builds and subtracts, and uses...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
TNE Journal Club
Oct 24 - Mark Nissen
The Translational Neural Engineering (TNE) Group is a hybrid weekly neural engineering focused journal club every Thursday at 9:00 AM. TNE...
Transfer Student Week: Commuter Student Coffee Break
All commuting transfer students are invited to stop by the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI) on Thursday, October 24...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
GalleryDAAS Exhibition: "Hip Hop @ 50"
It's Back! Now–December 20
It's back! Brought to you by the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS), GalleryDAAS celebrates the 50th anniversary of...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Arbor Glyph
An exhibition presented by the Stamps Student-led Exhibition Committee
Arbor Glyph is an installation centered around a collective painting of trees, created by Stamps students and activated by a colorful...
Guided Tour of the Clements Library
Join us to learn more about the history of the Clements Library, its programs, and collections. Highlights include Benjamin West's...
Kellogg Predoctoral Research Fellowships
Thinking about applying to a PhD program? Attend this informational webinar to learn what makes the Kellogg predoctoral Research Fellow...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Navigate Webinar: Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Resources for Research Administrators
Navigate Webinar: U-M Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Resources for Research Administrators
In this webinar, presenters Danielle Sheen, Janet Follo, and Kevin Ferrell will provide an overview of EHS programs and services. They will...
Quantum Research Institute Seminar | An optical tweezer array in a cryogenic environment
Cindy Regal, Baur-SPIE Chair in Optics and Photonics and JILA Fellow and Professor of Physics
Scalable Rydberg atom arrays are a fast evolving platform for programmable quantum computation and simulation. We present a new system for...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Breaking the 4th Wall: Secrets of Science Communication from Museums, Movies and Memory
Jade Marks
Oral Health Sciences Seminar Series...
CANCELED - CJS Noon Lecture Series | Techno-Menses: Period Products and FemTech in Japan
Maura Stephens-Chu, 2024–25 Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan
We apologize that we have had to cancel this event....
Cool role spotlight: how this social media pro built his "extremely online" career
Interested in a career centered around creating content? OnOctober 24 at 12:00PM PT join us for a virtual session with Attentive’sSr....
DCM&B Tools and Technology Seminar
Jialin Liu, “CytoSignal Detects Locations and Dynamics of Ligand-Receptor Signaling at Cellular Resolution from Spatial Transcriptomic Data”
Nearby cells within tissues communicate through ligand-receptor signaling interactions. Emerging spatial transcriptomic technologies provide...
Info Session for U of Michigan- Northwestern's MS in Education & Social Policy
Attend a live-streamed information session about the Masterof Science in Education & Social Policy Program at Northwestern...
Medicine, Aging, Science & Health (MASH) Workshop
Fall 2024 Semester Line-Up:...
Partisan Hostility and American Democracy
ISR Insights Speaker Series featuring John Barry Ryan & Yanna Krupnikov
For generations, experts argued that American politics needed cohesive parties to function effectively. Now many fear that strong partisan...
Pro Football Hall of Fame "Before the Snap" ft. Dajah Stallings
The Pro Football Hall of Fame is proud to offer a series for learners in high school, college and beyond! “Before the Snap” gives an...
The Farm Stand
The Farm Stand is a weekly pop-up market and education project that sells produce grown by students for students. It is held on Thursdays...
Tiffany Ng & Eric Whitmer, carillon
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng & Musicology PhD student Eric Whitmer performson the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53...
UMich x ArtBound Initiative: Intern abroad with top creative companies this Summer
UMich Students - Secure a guaranteed creative Summer internship in Berlin, London, Melbourne, Sydney, New York,Chicago or Los Angeles...
E-Mobility Around the World: Lessons and Opportunities from Mexico, Costa Rica and the Philippines
Despite some cooling of electric vehicle sales in the U.S. market, emerging markets around the world are creating their own hot spots on the...
Hub Workshop: Personal Statement Workshop
One of the biggest hurdles for many in the grad school application process is the Personal Statement. This workshop will support you in the...
Pre-Law Drop-Ins
During pre-law drop-in hours, pre-law advisors are available to answer quick questions from all U-M Ann Arbor students and alumni....
Lon Mitchell, carillon
Lon Mitchell performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell (bourdon) weighing 6 tons....
ChE SEMINAR: Cole DeForest, University of Washington
"Engineering Native Biological Complexity from the Inside–out and Outside–in"
A reception with light refreshments will be held in the B32 lobby before the seminar from 1-1:30 p.m....
Education Abroad Provider Information Sessions 2024-25
London School of Economics (LSE) Summer School Info Session
Learn about study, internship, and teach abroad providers through information sessions hosted by the organizations themselves.
Exploring Students' Learning Experience in Virtual Reality Based on the Community of Inquiry Framework
Isaac Dunmoye / University of Georgia
This study explores the predictive and mediating roles of social and teaching presence on cognitive presence within a virtual reality...
Interviewing 101: How to Stand Out During the Selection Process
Calling all those who have an upcoming interview or want tobrush up on their interviewing skills! The Hilton Early Talent Partnerships Team...
Brooke Charter Schools Associate Teacher Virtual Information Session
Are you ready to launch your career as a teacher at one of the top-performing schools in Boston? Join us for a virtualinformation session...
M&T Bank Information Blitz - 10/24/2024
Come join the Early Talent Team at M&T Bank for a fun and fast session to learn about what it's like to work at a Community...
[DEICP] Change It Up!© Bystander Intervention
[DEICP] Change It Up - Bystander Intervention
Change It Up!© Bystander Intervention
Change It Up!© brings bystander intervention skills to students for the purpose of building supportive and respectful communities. Change...
2024 Your Future @ Roche: Mass Spectrometry
Your Future @ Roche: Mass Spectrometry will give you an exciting look into how Roche is advancing their mission with a lens toward diversity...
Change It Up!© Bystander Intervention
Change It Up!© brings bystander intervention skills to students for the purpose of building supportive and respectful communities. Change...
Exact Sciences- Wisconsin STEM Connect: Virtual Career Kick off
Are you majoring in a STEM field? Are you curious about howyou can apply that to the biotechnology industry to make a difference?Join us for...
Example event
these are the descriptions of the event
Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival — Warda (2014)
Stream the Egyptian horror film from October 17 to 24
Welcome to Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival 2024!...
Hopwood Tea
All are welcome to tea, coffee, light refreshments, and conviviality in a beautiful, historic setting.
Internship Lab
RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: you ready to...
SMBC – Ask Me Anything
Join us for a virtual "Ask Me Anything" with a member of the Campus Recruitment team at SMBC. This event is for current...
Tech Talk: PC Gaming Tips
For those just getting started or looking to optimize their gear, get some guidance on set-up, peripherals and more! Get the inside scoop...
Wipfli 101: Navigating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Polarized Environment
Join us for an engaging and insightful session tailored forstudents transitioning into the workforce. This event aims to provide a...
Introduction to Internal Resources for Humanities Scholarship
2024-25 Research Orientation Series
The Humanities Collaboratory is offering its second annual Research Orientation Series beginning in September 2024. This is a series of four...
The Department of Astronomy 2024-2025 Colloquium Series Presents:
Dr. Anatoly Spitkovsky, Professor, Princeton University
"Ab-initio studies of particle acceleration in astrophysical shocks"...
2024 Biannual Lecture in Honor of Barbara Hodgdon
Professor Amy Rodgers, Mount Holyoke College
Revenant Genealogies: Dance, Critical Theory, and the Future(s) of the Humanities...
AmeriCorps NCCC: Application and Selection Webinar
Get your application ready so you can travel and make a difference as an AmeriCorps member in the NCCC program starting this winter...
EEB Thursday Seminar Series - Neotropical riverine cichlids: adaptive radiation and macroevolution at continental scales
Hernán López-Fernández, University of Michigan
This event is part of our ongoing Thursday Seminar Series.
Grow Your Career Series: Business Strategy & Improvement at Whole Foods Market
At Whole Foods Market your growth matters. Join us for our weekly Grow your Career Series where you can learn more about career growth and...
In Conversation with Professor Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
Professor Don Tomaskovic-Devey will join us for an informal conversation about the research coming out of the Comparative Organizational...
LACS Indigenous Traditions of Resistance to Extractivism Series. Lecture and Workshop with Lorena Kab'nal
Lecture (Oct. 24) & Workshop (Oct. 25)
Lecture (October 24, 4-6 PM, MLB 4th Floor Commons): Ancestral and Indigenous Epistemologies: Principles for Living with Dignity in Times of...
MFA Info Session
Learn more about the MFA in Art program at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design in this virtual, online...
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Connect Cafe, October 24th
Take your coffee break with our recruitment team via live chat to learn about our positions at Miami-Dade County Public Schools!Join us...
Ottoman Passports: Security and Geographic Mobility, 1876-1908
Ilkay Yilmaz, Freie Universität Berlin
Abstract: İlkay Yılmaz reconsiders the history of two political issues, the Armenian and Macedonian questions, approaching both through...
Rep Stability/Comm Alg Seminar: HSL Numbers for Local Cohomology of Pointed Semigroup Rings
Havi Ellers
Abstract: The Hartshorne-Speiser-Lyubeznik number (HSL number) is a nilpotency index for modules with a Frobenius action. One important...
STEM RCA: In Person Kickoff
ONSF Director, Melissa Vert
The STEM Research Career Award is a U-M based scholarship opportunity for sophomores and juniors in STEM. By applying for STEM RCA, you will...
Student DGT
Henry Talbott: How to Think About Teichmuller Space
Title: How to Think About Teichmuller Space...
2024 Rod Little Lectureship Seminar with Amy Herring, ScD
2024 Rod Little Lectureship with Amy Herring, ScD
A reception will follow the seminar for all registered attendees. The reception will be open until 7:00 PM in the Rackham Graduate School...
Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Fall Job Fair
BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE by being part of something special with TEAM BCPS!Baltimore County Public Schools is nationally...
Resilient Grounds Goals Town Hall
With the existing Huron River protection goal sunsetting in 2025, the Office of Campus Sustainability has been leading a workstream to...
2024 Evercore Intro to Investment Banking Session - Michigan
Evercore is hosting an educational event for Freshmen and Sophomores at Michigan. The session will include an overview of Investment Banking...
A Day in the Life: Sales Intern Edition
You're invited to attend Gallagher's “A Day inthe Life: Sales Intern Edition” Virtual SessionDate & Time: October 24th...
ELO | Lightning Talks with UMSI Advisory Board Members
Join UMSI Advisory Board members to learn more about their perspectives and experiences related to the Future of Work.
International Trick or Treating
Diversity Peer Educators, Abeng Multicultural Council
Join the Abeng Culticultural Council for International Trick or Treating where you can come meet members of Abeng Multicultural Council and...
Precision Stitch: Mastering Suturing Techniques for Aspiring Physicians
"Precision Stitch" is a hands-on workshop specifically designed for pre-med students eager to develop essential suturing skills....
Dinner for Democracy: Third Parties
Turn Up Turnout
Note: this is an in-person event on the Ann Arbor Campus...
High Stakes Culture Series
Election Overload: Patriotism and Country Music: Who Owns What?
In the last few years, a series of “culture wars” have been ignited across the country. Activists from all points of the political...
Penny Stamps Speaker Series - Irma Boom
Boom Books
Irma Boom, commonly referred to as the “Queen of Books,” is a book maker based in Amsterdam. She redefines the boundaries of book design...
Reading and Q&A with Leslie Jamison
Zell Visiting Writers Series
Login here (no pre-registration needed):
WISE Nights In
Our WISE Mentors & Ambassadors are planning a series of social events for women in STEM at UM called WISE Nights In! Join us for free...
Apologetics: Challenge your thinking (over pizza!) with Ratio Christi Thursdays.
Hi all,We are excited to invite you to Ratio Christi Meeting this Thursday 10/24 from 6-7 pm! The question for this week is: "Is...
DAAS Diasporic Dialogues
A Conversation on J-Dilla and Dilla Time between Dan Charnas (NYU) and Stephen Ward (U-M)
Dilla Time...
M-CLIC presents: The "CLIC-N-CUTZ" Barbershop Series (10/24/24)
Men of Color Leading & Investing in Community (M-CLIC) presents: "The CLIC-N-CUTZ" Barbershop Series! Topic: "First-Gen...
October Book Club | Stacey Swann’s “Olympus, Texas”
Shannon Ness
Attend the October session of our monthly book club! This event is open to all adults who have an interest in fiction, mythology, and the...
Don't let the Sun: A Libretto about the History of Sundown Towns
Theodore Wiprud, Richard Wesley, and Louise Toppin
Join us on Thursday, October 24 at 6:30 pm in the Britton Recital Hall (Earl V. Moore Building) for a table reading with musical excerpts of...
Raine Information Session & Networking Event
The Raine Group is a leading global merchant bank with an integrated focus on both advisory and principal investments in the Technology,...
Connector Movie Night
Join the Connector Community Assistants for TV and movie night every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. in the Connector (West Quad). Free popcorn for...
Star Wars Watch Party
Come join some fellow Star Wars fans and watch iconic story arc episodes from Star Wars the Clone Wars! Democracy will choose exactly what...
Bechtel Professional Networking Event
📅SAVE THE DATE: October 24, Chicago, IL. Come meet members of the Bechtel team! 🎉Bechtel will be hosting anetworking event for...
Halaloween: A Muslim Horror Film Festival – In Flames (Pakistan, 2023)
In-person screening of Pakistani horror film on October 24, 7:30 PM at the State Theatre
This screening is ONLY in person at the State Theatre in Ann Arbor. RSVP for free here:
Exploring the 19th Century Solar System
Explore the exciting mysteries and discoveries of the 19th Century Solar System and see Saturn through a 168-year-old telescope!...
Exploring the 19th Century Solar System
Explore the exciting mysteries and discoveries of the 19th Century Solar System and see Saturn through a 168-year-old telescope!...
Insider Talk with a Senior Director at Adobe
Join us for an exclusive Insider Talk with Margaret, Senior Director of Corporate Strategy at Adobe. You'llgain firsthand insights...
Sixpence None the Richer w/sg Kylee Phillips
Presented by The Ark
Sixpence None the Richer began taking shape in New Braunfels, Texas in the early ‘90s, when guitarist Matt Slocum met vocalist Leigh Nash...
October 25th, 2024
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Music City Head Race
The team tries not to lose a skeg on the Vandy goalpost.
October Movie Night
Take a break from the whirlwind of midterms with a movie night at Vicky Barner! Come join our showing of Everything Everywhere All At Once,...
Transfer Student Week 2024
The University of Michigan celebrates transfer students and their journeys October 21-25, 2024 in honor of National Transfer Student Week!...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
WCEE Exhibition. Verses from a Nation in Transition. Ukraine in Photographs by Joseph Sywenkyj
Joseph Sywenkyj, 2024-25 WCEE Distinguished Fellow and Knight-Wallace Fellow, U-M
Joseph Sywenkyj is the 2024-25 Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia’s Distinguished Fellow, and a Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University...
2024 Evercore Freshman & Sophomore Diversity Networking Breakfast - Michigan
Evercore is hosting a diversity breakfast for Freshmen and Sophomores. This is an opportunity for students to network with Evercore...
A Spoon Theory Experience
Join us in an opportunity to understand how individuals with or without disabilities manage their energy in their daily lives, including...
ELO | Theme Year Case Study Competition
Join us for a case study competition!...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Steve Glazer Art Exhibition
Motor City Griots
Steve Glazer earned his BFA in art with a concentration in ceramics from Eastern Michigan University, a master’s degree in art from...
Susan Moran Exhibition
"Observed & Collected"
Susan Moran’s work is inspired by the natural world and our place in it. She collects and arranges images, builds and subtracts, and uses...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Boston University College of Communication: Master's Programs Admission Q&A
Boost Your Storytelling Power: Master's Programs inCommunication & Media at Boston UniversityFuel your passion for...
Community Engaged Course Design Workshop Information Session
Community Engaged Course Design Workshop - Information Session
This information session is an opportunity for graduate students to ask questions and learn more about the Community Engaged Course Design...
Community Engaged Course Design Workshop Information Session
This information session is an opportunity for graduate students to ask questions and learn more about the Community Engaged Course Design...
Craft Lecture: Crowded Characters
Zell Visiting Writers Series
Login here (no pre-registration needed):
GalleryDAAS Exhibition: "Hip Hop @ 50"
It's Back! Now–December 20
It's back! Brought to you by the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS), GalleryDAAS celebrates the 50th anniversary of...
Statistics Department Seminar Series: Gongjun Xu, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan
"Identifiability and Inference for Generalized Latent Factor Models"
Abstract: Generalized latent factor analysis not only provides a useful latent embedding approach in statistics and machine learning, but...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
[Race, Gender, and Feminist Philosophy] Oct 25: Simone de Beauvoir’s Analogical Approach
[Race, Gender and Feminist Philosophy] Oct 25: Simone de Beauvoir’s Analogical Approach
Hi all, ...
2026 Summer Analyst Recruiting - Michigan Sophomore Diversity Lunch
We would like to invite current Michigan Undergraduate Sophomores who identify as who identify as Female, Black, Hispanic/LatinX, Native...
Arbor Glyph
An exhibition presented by the Stamps Student-led Exhibition Committee
Arbor Glyph is an installation centered around a collective painting of trees, created by Stamps students and activated by a colorful...
Critical Conversations
Critical Conversations is a monthly lunch series organized by the English Department Associate Chair’s Office. Each Critical Conversations...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Student Portfolio & Network Building Group Session
The NEBDHub invites undergraduate and graduate students from around the world with an interest in data science to the StudentPortfolio...
Study Abroad in Brazil - 2025
Info Session
Join Professor Frieda Ekotto and CGIS Advisor, Juliana Mesa, to learn more about the CGIS: Global Course Connections (GCC) in Sao Paulo,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Adult ASD Workshop
Have you wondered if you have an undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? This workshop, presented by the Mary A. Rackham Institute...
Becoming elands’ people: Neoglacial subsistence and spiritual transformations in southern Africa's Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains
Brian Stewart: Associate Professor of Anthropology, and Associate Curator, UMMAA
Recent improvements in dating rock art offer unprecedented opportunities to integrate it with the excavated record. Deeply contextualized...
Big 10 Championship
CWPA Big 10 Championship at Michigan State University
Heartfulness Guided Meditation
Pushyami Gundala
Heartfulness Guided Meditation is a weekly, drop-in program designed to help you Mental well-being....
Inclusive Leadership: Creating an Inclusive Environment
Inclusive Leadership - Creating an Inclusive Environment
Having diverse individuals on a team or in an organization does not make that space automatically inclusive. Inclusive leaders create...
Inclusive Leadership: Creating an Inclusive Environment
Having diverse individuals on a team or in an organization does not make that space automatically inclusive. Inclusive leaders create...
IOE 101: Engineering Your Career: A 24-Year Journey In Consulting
Ilka Vazquez with
About the speaker: Ilka Vázquez is a Partner with PwC’s Technology & Transformation practice specializing in Finance Transformation....
Living on the Edge: How economic insecurity harms children and families
Real-World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions Speaker Series
Living on the Edge: How economic insecurity harms children and families...
Museum Studies Program, Museums at Noon
“A Museum Fit For A President”
Presentation by Albert Cavallaro, PhD Candidate, History; Museum Studies Program...
PhD Application Panel
Join us for our PhD Application Panel!
Master's students interested in pursuing a doctorate are invited for a Q & A and discussion with a panel of faculty and current PhD...
Vinson Lam, carillon
Vinson Lam performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the Burton Memorial Tower. The largest...
We Are Stars
What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins. Connect life on...
Coral Reef Tank Visit
Join Professor Jim Bardwell for a peek behind the scenes at his large coral reef tank featuring many species of coral, anemone, and fish....
Resume Drop-Ins for Transfer Students
Join the UCC to have your resume reviewed! Join us to get individual feedback on your resume and tips to make it stand out!
Stamps In-Person Tour & Info Session
Visit Stamps and join us for a tour of our facilities, info session, and Q&A panel on undergraduate programs at the University of...
Michigan Aerospace Engineering Wind Tunnel Tours
Michigan IT Community Technology Tours
Register today to tour the U-M Aerospace Engineering Wind Tunnel facility at the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Building. Tours will showcase...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Adam Lenhart & Vinson Lam, carillon: Celebrating the life, legacy & music of CASS ELLIOT
Adam Lenhart & Vinson Lam perform a 30 minute recital on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the...
BLM in the Boardroom: How did Large Corporations Respond to Racial Justice Protests?
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, University of Massachusetts
Did U.S. corporations embrace racial justice in reaction to the murder of George Floyd and mass Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests? Drawing...
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Comparative Politics & The Social Sciences
The Interdisciplinary Workshop in Comparative Politics & The Social Sciences (IWCP) provides a platform for sharing and improving...
IPE Friday Free Passport Photos for Engineering Students
Need a passport photo for a passport or visa application? International Programs in Engineering (IPE) has got you covered!...
CoE Student Portrait Sessions
Do you need a professional looking headshot for networking or other communication? The ECRC is offering FREE portrait style headshots to...
Discussion Group
HistLing is devoted to discussions of language change. Group members include interested faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates from...
Political Theory Workshop
Political Theory Workshop Winter 2025 Details:...
Tales of the Maya Skies
Tales of the Maya Skies immerses viewers in the wonders of Maya science, cosmology and myth. This beautifully illustrated story takes us...
Ahead of the Curve with Amir Dan Rubin
The landscape of healthcare is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead requires insights from those at the forefront of innovation and...
AIM Seminar: Collective dynamics of swarmalators with time-delayed interaction
Oleg Kogan, Queens College, City University of New York, Dept. of Physics
Abstract: Swarmalators are active particles that have internal phases and also swarm through space. Phase synchronization is affected by...
Arctic Curves of T-system with Slanted Initial Data (combinatorics seminar)
Trung Vu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne
We study the T-system of type 𝐴∞, also known as the octahedron recurrence/equation, viewed as a 2 + 1-dimensional discrete evolution...
Discussion Group
The DocDi Group is a collaborative forum, open to both students and faculty, who share an interest in the areas of Field Linguistics,...
GCC France: Paris on Film Information Session
Want to learn more about GCC France: Paris on Film? Attend this session with CGIS Advisor Will Clancy and GCC Faculty Lead Victor...
HET Seminar | Cosmic Colliders: High Energy Physics with First Order Phase Transitions
Bibhushan Shakya (DESY)
Vacuum decay through runaway first order phase transitions (FOPTs) presents a unique opportunity for particle physics and cosmology:...
LACS Indigenous Traditions of Resistance to Extractivism Series. Lecture and Workshop with Lorena Kab'nal
Lecture (Oct. 24) & Workshop (Oct. 25)
Lecture (October 24, 4-6 PM, MLB 4th Floor Commons): Ancestral and Indigenous Epistemologies: Principles for Living with Dignity in Times of...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Student Algebraic Geometry: Faltings’ Theorem
Zander Hill
One of the most famous results of 20th century mathematics is Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, which states that the only...
Interdisciplinary Workshop on American Politics
The Interdisciplinary Workshop in American Politics hosts weekly research workshops, where graduate students present their research and...
Smith Lecture, Jill VanTongeren, Tufts University
Crystallization and Cooling of the Dufek Layered Mafic Intrusion, Antarctica
Layered mafic intrusions, such as the Dufek Intrusion of Antarctica, represent fossilized mafic magma chambers formed in the shallow crust...
Visible Mending
Art Making Workshop with Leah Crosby
In partnership with U-M Library, this hands-on workshop will guide you through basic techniques of visible mending, an eco-conscious fashion...
EXCEL Talk: Connecting with SMTD Alumni
Alumni Roundtable on Mentorship 3:45pm - 4:30pm | EXCEL Lab SMTD Alumni Board Members Daniel Gwirtzman, Christina Reynolds, and Amy K....
Field Hockey vs Northwestern
Field Hockey vs Northwestern
Linguistics Colloquium
Shota Momma, University of Massachusetts
Shota Momma (Negishi) is an assistant professor in linguistics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He specializes in...
NERS Colloquium: Glenn Knoll Lecture
Speaker: Simon R. Cherry, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Opening Reception: Arbor Glyph
Join us from 4-6 p.m. on Friday, October 25, 2024 for the opening reception of Arbor Glyph....
Field Hockey vs Northwestern
Field Hockey vs Northwestern
Kaffeestunde im Max Kade Haus
Kaffeestunde is a weekly opportunity to mingle and unwind "auf Deutsch". It is a place to connect with other Max Kade residents,...
Field Hockey vs Northwestern
Field Hockey vs Northwestern
La Salud Dia de Los Muertos
La Salud Día de los Muertos
La Salud invites you to our annual Dia de Los Muertos event, which will take place on Friday, October 25th, from 6 pm to 8 pm, at...
A2-SF6 Halloween Tournament
Love Street Fighter? Hate it? Doesn't even matter, the A2 FGC wants YOU to come over and enjoy our wonderful tournament, taking place...
Ice Hockey vs USNTDP (ex)
Ice Hockey vs USNTDP (ex)
Movie "Discussion"- Ready Player One
Join us for a lively discussion centered around the world of Ready Player One and its fascinating take on virtual reality and gaming...
Men's Basketball vs Toledo (ex)
Men's Basketball vs Toledo (ex)
Please join us at Pierpont Commons for a fun evening full of multiple activities! Activities include a live-voting costume contest, a...
October Astronomy Night
Experience History and Astronomy at the Judy & Stanley Frankel Detroit Observatory!...
Steve Poltz
Presented by The Ark
Steve Poltz is not normal. He was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, but has lived most of his life in southern California, and those geographic...
Valorant Community 10-Mans
Come join us for Valorant custom games!There is no rank requirement, all are welcome! Matches are in the Michigan Esports Discord server...
October 26th, 2024
Big 10 Championship
CWPA Big 10 Championship at Michigan State University
Check Out the P4P Public Calendar Here
Music City Head Race
The team tries not to lose a skeg on the Vandy goalpost.
9 Days of Painting Early Voting with Ayla Soofi
Join to create a collaborative window painting for everyone to encourage voting early. By displaying basic information about where and when...
Culinary Throwdown
Get ready for the ULTIMATE Culinary Throwdown this Saturday at South Quad Dining Hall starting at 9 am 🔥! See Michigan vs. Michigan State...
ELO | Theme Year Case Study Competition
Join us for a case study competition!...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Arbor Glyph
An exhibition presented by the Stamps Student-led Exhibition Committee
Arbor Glyph is an installation centered around a collective painting of trees, created by Stamps students and activated by a colorful...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Cow Eye Dissection
Have you ever wondered how we see? To take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world– by dissecting a cow’s eye. How is it...
Star Wars Padawan Training
Join us to learn some lightsaber choreography, play fight, and practice your saber swings at the Union. Bring a lightsaber if you have one,...
We Are Stars
What are we made of? Where did it all come from? Explore the secrets of our cosmic chemistry and our explosive origins. Connect life on...
Tour: Museum Highlights
Learn about some of our exciting exhibits and galleries like the Exploring Michigan gallery and Evolution: Life Through Time. Along with...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Discovery Demo: How to Become a Fossil
Explore how fossils form and what parts of animals can become fossilized. How old are the earliest fossils? How old does something have to...
Saturday Sampler Tour | Spooky, Weird, and Magical: Halloween with the Kelsey
Robin Little
This tour explores a variety of objects in the Kelsey through the modern lens of Halloween. We’ll look at animals, mummies, funerary...
Tales of the Maya Skies
Tales of the Maya Skies immerses viewers in the wonders of Maya science, cosmology and myth. This beautifully illustrated story takes us...
Cow Eye Dissection
Have you ever wondered how we see? To take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world– by dissecting a cow’s eye. How is it...
The Origins of the Law Quadrangle: A Walking Tour
This walking tour meets at the corner of S. University Ave. and State St., on the outer northwest corner of the Law Quad....
Ace Crafting
Ace Week 2024
Join us in celebrating the asexual community at U-M. Kicking off Ace Week with "What is Asexuality Week?" on Sunday, October 20th,...
Judo Training
Judo at the University of Michigan will hold the first practice of the semester on Saturday August, 31 in the Michigan League at 3 pm...
Sky Tonight
A live presentation on what to find in the sky tonight and for the coming few weeks. This presentation includes how to find the cardinal...
Game Day @ The Union
Let's get ready for UMich to beat MSU. Join us for free food, music, games, swag, and more!
Football vs Michigan State
Football vs Michigan State
Harmonies from Hell
A Very Scary Show
Harmonies from Hell is a Halloween-themed collaboration concert featuring University of Michigan School of Music (SMTD) students,...
Rowing vs Michigan State
Rowing vs Michigan State
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan | 13 Tongues
(Presented by UMS)
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre returns to Ann Arbor for the first time since 2011 with a “sensationally big, indulgent, and visually arresting...
Football vs Michigan State
Football vs Michigan State
Yasmin Williams
Presented by The Ark
Based in Alexandria, VA, Yasmin Williams is an acoustic fingerstyle guitarist and film composer. She has an unorthodox, modern style of...
Post Game Bite
Come down to the Michigan Union at 10:30 for a post game pizza party!