The Week of: Sep 15, 2024
Event Types
- Careers / Jobs(150)
- Workshop / Seminar(93)
- Exhibition(69)
- Lecture / Discussion(43)
- Other(41)
- Social / Informal Gathering(32)
- Performance(27)
- Livestream / Virtual(25)
- Exercise / Fitness(13)
- Conference / Symposium(10)
- Meeting(10)
- Film Screening(8)
- Presentation(8)
- Tours(7)
- Reception / Open House(6)
- Sporting Event(6)
- Fair / Festival(5)
- Recreational / Games(5)
- Well-being(4)
- Community Service(3)
- Auditions(2)
- Ceremony / Service(1)
- Class / Instruction(1)
- University Career Center(140)
- Maize Pages Student Organizations(46)
- Sessions @ Michigan(35)
- International Institute(23)
- Institute for Social Research(22)
- University Library(20)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(20)
- ICPSR at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research(19)
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research(19)
- Penny W Stamps School of Art & Design(19)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(17)
- Rackham Graduate School(15)
- Department of Mathematics(14)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(12)
- Arts Initiative(11)
- Museum of Natural History(10)
- Department of Afroamerican and African Studies(9)
- African Studies Center(8)
- Department of Political Science(8)
- Donia Human Rights Center(7)
- Industrial & Operations Engineering(7)
- Institute for the Humanities(7)
- Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)(7)
- Society of Women Engineers(7)
- Wallenberg Lecture(7)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(7)
- Germanic Languages & Literatures(6)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(6)
- Residential College(6)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(6)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(5)
- Department of Linguistics(5)
- Department of Physics(5)
- Keene Theater(5)
- Michigan Athletics(5)
- Prison Creative Arts Project(5)
- Slavic Languages & Literatures(5)
- U-M Arts & Culture(5)
- Center for Entrepreneurship(4)
- Engineering Career Resource Center(4)
- Ginsberg Center(4)
- Michigan Yoga Club(4)
- Turn Up Turnout(4)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(4)
- Bentley Historical Library(3)
- Department of Astronomy(3)
- Department of English Language and Literature(3)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(3)
- Department of Sociology(3)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(3)
- Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy(3)
- LSA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion(3)
- LSA Opportunity Hub(3)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum(3)
- Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA(3)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(3)
- Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships (ONSF)(3)
- Organizational Learning(3)
- Palmer Commons(3)
- Science Learning Center(3)
- Spectrum Center(3)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(3)
- University Musical Society (UMS)(3)
- Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry(3)
- Alumni Association(2)
- Archaeology at Michigan(2)
- Black Graduate Student Association(2)
- CEW+(2)
- Center for Campus Involvement CCI(2)
- Center for Educational Outreach(2)
- Center for Japanese Studies(2)
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies(2)
- Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies(2)
- Chemical Engineering(2)
- Comparative Literature(2)
- Department of Anthropology(2)
- Department of Economics(2)
- Department of Economics Seminars(2)
- Department of History(2)
- Department of Recreational Sports (Rec Sports)(2)
- Engineering Education Research(2)
- Equity Civil Rights and Title IX Office(2)
- Graduate Society of Women Engineers(2)
- Graham Sustainability Institute(2)
- HSSP(2)
- Institute for Research on Women and Gender(2)
- International Programs in Engineering(2)
- Judaic Studies(2)
- LSA Honors Program(2)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(2)
- Michigan Law Environmental and Energy Law Program(2)
- Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP)(2)
- Nam Center for Korean Studies(2)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(2)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Law(2)
- Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion(2)
- Organizational Studies Program (OS)(2)
- Puentes(2)
- School of Social Work, Community Action Social Change Undergraduate Minor(2)
- Student Sustainability Coalition(2)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(2)
- University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program(2)
- Weiser Center for Real Estate(2)
- Wolverine Wellness(2)
- Women's and Gender Studies Department(2)
- A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning(1)
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Applied Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM) Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- ArtsEngine(1)
- Biological Chemistry(1)
- Biomedical Engineering(1)
- Business+Impact at Michigan Ross(1)
- Business+Tech at Michigan Ross(1)
- CM-AMO Seminars(1)
- Campus Farm(1)
- Center for Armenian Studies(1)
- Center for Political Studies - Institute for Social Research(1)
- Center for Socially Engaged Design(1)
- Center for South Asian Studies(1)
- Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering(1)
- Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Communication and Media(1)
- Copernicus Center for Polish Studies(1)
- DCMB Seminar Series(1)
- DCMB Tools and Technology Seminar(1)
- Department Colloquia(1)
- Department of American Culture(1)
- Department of Human Genetics(1)
- Department of Middle East Studies(1)
- Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology(1)
- Department of Philosophy(1)
- Department of Psychiatry(1)
- Department of Statistics(1)
- Department of Statistics Seminar Series(1)
- Developmental Psychology(1)
- Disability Equity Office(1)
- Duderstadt Center(1)
- EEB Thursday Seminars(1)
- EEB Tuesday Lunch Seminars(1)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences(1)
- Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies(1)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering(1)
- Engineering Honors & Engagement Programs(1)
- Engineering Office of Student Affairs OSA(1)
- English Language & Literature - MFA Program in Creative Writing(1)
- English Language Institute(1)
- Environment, Health & Safety EHS(1)
- Frankel Center for Judaic Studies(1)
- Futures in Research, Science, Teaching - FIRST(1)
- Global CO2 Initiative(1)
- Global Islamic Studies Center(1)
- Group, Lie and Number Theory Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- HEP - Astro Seminars(1)
- HET Seminars(1)
- History of Art(1)
- Hopwood Awards Program(1)
- ISR-Zwerdling Seminar in Labor Economics(1)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(1)
- Interdepartmental Program in Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology(1)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies - ICOS(1)
- Judo at the Univeristy of Michigan(1)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(1)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Lectures(1)
- LSA AEM(1)
- Language Resource Center(1)
- Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics High Energy Theory Seminars(1)
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Seminars(1)
- MCAIM - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Mark Webster Reading Series(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Michael Beauregard Seminar in Macroeconomics(1)
- Michigan Aeronautical Science Association(1)
- Michigan Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics(1)
- Michigan Computer Graphics(1)
- Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering(1)
- Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering (MIPSE)(1)
- Michigan Institute for Research in Astrophysics(1)
- Michigan Medicine(1)
- Midnight Book Club(1)
- Multidisciplinary Design Program(1)
- Museum of Anthropological Archaeology(1)
- National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID)(1)
- OVPR Office of Research Development(1)
- Office of Research School of Dentistry(1)
- Program in Philosophy, Politics & Economics(1)
- Program in Transcultural Studies(1)
- Psychology Undergraduates(1)
- Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS)(1)
- RTG Seminar on Geometry, Dynamics and Topology - Department of Mathematics(1)
- RTG Seminar on Number Theory - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD)(1)
- Ross School of Business(1)
- STAR Scholars Program(1)
- School of Information(1)
- School of Social Work(1)
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)(1)
- Sierra Club at the University of Michigan(1)
- Special Events - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Astronomical Society(1)
- Student Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Commutative Algebra Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Dynamics/Geometry/Topology Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Student Life(1)
- Student Logic and History of Math Seminar - Department of Mathematics(1)
- Sweetland Center for Writing(1)
- Tau Beta Pi(1)
- The American Red Cross Club at the University of Michigan(1)
- U-M Interfaith(1)
- U-M Office of Research(1)
- UM Addiction Center(1)
- UMICH Votes(1)
- University of Michigan Law School(1)
- University of Michigan Sustainable Food Program (UMSFP)(1)
- William L. Clements Library(1)
- Zell Lurie Institute(1)
- connect@michiganengineering(1)
- See All Groups (219 total)
- Off Campus Location(90)
- Weiser Hall(21)
- Museum of Art(19)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(18)
- East Hall(15)
- Museum of Natural History(10)
- LSA Building(9)
- East Quadrangle(8)
- West Hall(8)
- Burton Memorial Tower(7)
- Biological Sciences Building(6)
- Duderstadt Center(6)
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building(6)
- Michigan Union(6)
- Haven Hall(5)
- Industrial and Operations Engineering Building(5)
- North Quad(5)
- Palmer Commons(5)
- Thayer Academic Building(5)
- Herbert H. Dow Building(4)
- Institute For Social Research(4)
- Intramural Sports Building(4)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(4)
- Mason Hall(4)
- Michigan League(4)
- Modern Languages Building(4)
- The Connector(4)
- Angell Hall(3)
- Jeffries Hall(3)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens(3)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(3)
- 1027 E. Huron Building(2)
- BBB(2)
- Central Campus Classroom Building(2)
- Detroit Observatory(2)
- Earl V. Moore Building(2)
- GG Brown Laboratory(2)
- Hill Auditorium(2)
- Lorch Hall(2)
- Michigan Stadium(2)
- Ross School of Business(2)
- Shapiro Library(2)
- South Quad(2)
- Student Activities Building(2)
- The Grove(2)
- Walgreen Drama Center(2)
- Weill Hall (Ford School)(2)
- 1100 North University Building(1)
- Alumni Center(1)
- Burnham House(1)
- Center for the Education of Women(1)
- Chrysler Center(1)
- Couzens Hall(1)
- Dental & W.K. Kellogg Institute(1)
- Diag - Central Campus(1)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(1)
- Lane Hall(1)
- Lurie Biomedical Engineering (formerly ATL)(1)
- Lurie Robert H. Engin. Ctr(1)
- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Mary Markley Hall(1)
- Medical Science Unit I(1)
- Medical Science Unit II(1)
- North Campus Recreation Building(1)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(1)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 32(1)
- Oxford Housing(1)
- Palmer Field Temporary Facility(1)
- Pierpont Commons(1)
- School of Social Work Building(1)
- Stockwell Hall(1)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(1)
- Tisch Hall(1)
- U-M Soccer Stadium(1)
- UMSI Engagement Center(1)
- See All Locations (76 total)
August 30th, 2024
Fall 2024 Introduction to Motivational Interviewing, 20 hours
In Person: This program is offered twice a year for U-M Student Life staff free of charge. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a terrific tool...
September 15th, 2024
Big10 Crossover Tournament at The Ohio State University
Location: Columbus, Ohio Dates of Travel: 9/13 - 9/15
USA Cycling Collegiate Track Nationals
Track cycling national championships
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
BOEM @ 2024 National HBCU Week-Raising the Bar: Where Excellence and Opportunity Meet
🚀✨ Get Ready for the 2024 National HBCU Week Conference! ✨🚀The Department of the Interior (DOI) is excited to participate in the...
2024 SIAM Student Mini-Symposium in Applied Mathematics
The SIAM student chapter at the University of Michigan is hosting the 2024 SIAM Student Mini-Symposium in Applied Mathematics on September...
Art Exhibition by Keenan Mack Mayberry
Join us in the 4th floor Atrium to see an art exhibition by Keenan Mack Mayberry. In the words of the artist, "Peer into the art of my...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Match vs Marquette
1pm kickoff in neutral location
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
H2O Sunday Service
Come join us for praise and worship with students and alumni from UoM at the Rackham Building (4th floor).
Cow Eye Dissection
Have you ever wondered how we see? To take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world– by dissecting a cow’s eye. How is it...
Connector Study Tables
Come study with the Connector Community Assistants each Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Connector (West Quad).
Michigan Yoga Club
Free Yoga Classes + Mass Meetings
Join the Michigan Yoga Club for an All-Levels Vinyasa yoga practice at Polarity Fitness. Pre-register for a session now on Mindbody using...
Star Wars Padawan Training
Join us to learn some lightsaber choreography, play fight, and practice your saber swings at the Union. Bring a lightsaber if you have one,...
Field Hockey vs Central Michigan
Field Hockey vs Central Michigan
Tour: Walking with Whales
Discover a world where prehistoric whales had four limbs and walked on land! Learn about how whales and dolphins made the transition from...
Discovery Demo: How to Become a Fossil
Explore how fossils form and what parts of animals can become fossilized. How old are the earliest fossils? How old does something have to...
Michigan Yoga Club
Free Yoga Classes + Mass Meetings
Join the Michigan Yoga Club for an All-Levels Vinyasa yoga practice at Polarity Fitness. Pre-register for a session now on Mindbody using...
Nature Play Pop-Ups
Based in Gaffield Children’s Garden at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Nature Play Pop-ups are opportunities for children across ages and...
NCKS Chuseok Party 2024
A Korean fall harvest celebration for all ages.
The Chuseok Party 2024 is the Nam Center's fourteenth annual celebration of Korean Fall Harvest. Featuring an afternoon of Korean...
Discovery Demo: All About Owls
Join us in the Science Forum for a 15-20 minute engaging science demonstration that will help you see the world in a whole new way....
Karate Practice
"True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in...
Ben Wulfman, French horn
Graduate student Ben Wulfman performs a recital.
Free Lessons!
No experience or partner required! We will teach you everything you need to know. There will be showcases towards the end where you can see...
Go Blue Career Jam: Suit Up
Suit Up: Sponsored by the University Career Center The University Career Center is partnering with JCPenney to offer career gear of up to...
JCPenney Suit-Up September 15th (IN PERSON)- Sponsored by the University Career Center
The University Career Center is partnering with JCPenney to offer career gear of up to 50% off items. Everything you need to finish your...
Project WriteOn Soccer Tournament
Join us for Project WriteOn's first big fundraiser of the year! Everyone of all skill levels are welcome to join. The money from this...
Michigan Pole Dance Society
Free Classes + Mass Meetings
Join the Michigan Pole Dance Society for a beginner pole fitness class at Polarity Fitness (all levels are welcome!). Pre-register for a...
"Lifetime Guarantee: Phranc's Adventure in Plastic"
Phranc and filmaker Lisa Udelson
This award-winning documentary follows Phranc, a Jewish, lesbian folk singer who reached notable fame in the 1980s, in her escapades as a...
Michigan Pole Dance Society
Free Classes + Mass Meetings
Join the Michigan Pole Dance Society for a beginner pole fitness class at Polarity Fitness (all levels are welcome!). Pre-register for a...
Dinner and Worship
Come by the Wesley Foundation for worship and a free meal each Sunday evening of the academic year.
Open Dance Practice
Workshop open to all members and nonmembers. All skill levels welcome - people with no previous experience are encouraged to attend! We will...
The Tannahill Weavers
Presented by The Ark
Born of a session in Paisley, Scotland, and named for the town's historic weaving industry and local poet laureate Robert Tannahill,...
Arthur Greene, piano
Arthur Greene, Professor of Music in the SMTD Department of Piano, performs a recital. BIO:
September 16th, 2024
Big10 Crossover Tournament at The Ohio State University
Location: Columbus, Ohio Dates of Travel: 9/13 - 9/15
USA Cycling Collegiate Track Nationals
Track cycling national championships
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
Art Exhibition by Keenan Mack Mayberry
Join us in the 4th floor Atrium to see an art exhibition by Keenan Mack Mayberry. In the words of the artist, "Peer into the art of my...
EY-Parthenon Coffee Chats, Sponsored by the Pan-Asian Business Resource Group
The Pan Asian Business Resource Group at EY-Parthenon is excited to offer coffee chats during the week of September 16! Please join us to...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Pre-Law Drop-Ins
During pre-law drop-in hours, pre-law advisors are available to answer quick questions from all U-M Ann Arbor students and alumni....
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
University of Michigan Virtual Coffee Chats
Thank you for your interest in EY-Parthenon! Our Coffee Chats are an opportunity for you to connect with some of our EY-Parthenon...
2024 ICPSR Data Fair - September 16-20
Anchored in Data Reality
Ahoy! Set sail on a voyage of discovery during the 2024 Data Fair brought to you by ICPSR. This year's theme is 'Anchored in Data...
Data Brunch Live - State of the Consortium with Maggie Levenstein
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Ahoy, data explorers! ICPSR Director Maggie Levenstein and the Data Brunch hosts present an exciting voyage into the future of ICPSR. This...
NE ScribeAmerica Virtual Information Session 9/16/24
Are you looking at a future career in healthcare and need clinical experience? If so, join us for our upcoming virtual info session to...
NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program - General Information Session
Register in advance for this webinar: Are you a curious...
Seminar Series in Human Genetics
“Cohesin and Chromosome Segregation in Oocytes: A Goldilocks Scenario” by Neil Hunter, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, University of California, Davis
Please join us for the Fall Seminar Series in Human Genetics on Monday for “Cohesin and Chromosome Segregation in Oocytes: A Goldilocks...
Perot Jain TechLab Info Session
The Perot Jain TechLab (PJTL) Series – a set of special programs tailored for ambitious students ready to elevate their aspirations to new...
U.S. Job Search for International Students
International students bring valuable talents to the U.S. job market, from cross-cultural insights and language skills to a global outlook...
Ask Admissions
Join us for an information session as we kick off our recruitment season for 2025 programs! Our information session will cover Girls Who...
CarMax's 6th Annual Analytics Showcase
Are you looking for opportunities to flex your analytical skillset? Do you want to learn more about how organizations use their data to make...
CMENAS 2024 Fall Colloquium Series. The Walls Have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Petra Molnar, Associate Director, Refugee Lab York University
From robo-dogs to drones to biometrics, high-risk technologies now impact every aspect of migration. Based on years of researching...
CommuniTea with Joe Galura
Please join us for our first CommuniTea of the semester with CASC Advisor and Lecturer, Joe Galura! An graduate of the MSW program, Joe is...
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Gender and Politics
The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Gender and Politics (IGAP) is a Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop for scholars interested in studying the...
Jenna Moon, carillon
SMTD doctoral alumna Jenna Moon performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the Burton Memorial...
Practice Job Talk Series
Most Mondays at noon, the Political Science Graduate Students on the market will be holding Practice Job Talks. All talks will be held in...
Ross 2025 Short-Term Global Programs Information Session- Hong Kong May Program
Come learn about our donor-funded program to Hong Kong for May 2025!
Deep Dive into the Child and Family Data Archive (CFData): Exploring Early Care and Education Data Resources from CFData
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Join staff from the Child and Family Data Archive (CFData) at ICPSR as they dive into the data and resources available at...
Asia Library Open House
You are cordially invited to an Asia Library open house, held one day before the Mid-Autumn Festival (Chinese) / Otsukimi (Japanese) /...
Humana IT Opportunities Virtual Information Session
Join Humana Monday, September 16th 1-2PM ET to learn aboutall of the incredible IT opportunities available to current college students and...
Pre-Law Drop-Ins
During pre-law drop-in hours, pre-law advisors are available to answer quick questions from all U-M Ann Arbor students and alumni....
Science Success Series- Mindful Mondays
Mindful Monday 2
Give your brain some rejuvenation by taking a mindful study break. Come join us for an hour of connection, conversation, and crafts with...
Student Logic and History of Math Seminar: An Introduction to Modal Logic
Johnson He
Through the early and mid-20th century, modal logics were developed as a syntactic extension of propositional logic to more faithfully...
Latine Heritage Month Kickoff
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng performs a special carilllon recital in celebration of the beginning of Latine Heritage Month. The Ann...
DSDR: 20 Years of Sharing Population Health Research Data and Resources
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Participants will learn how to (1) discover, access, and share research data on maternal and child health, the human lifecycle, and health...
Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday...
Student Caregivers: Navigating Washtenaw County as a Caregiver
Join us for this virtual presentation as we learn about resources available to student caregivers on the U-M Ann Arbor campus and in...
Student Caregivers: Navigating Washtenaw County as a Caregiver
Student Caregivers on Campus
Join us for this virtual presentation as we learn about resources available to student caregivers on the U-M Ann Arbor campus and in...
Go Blue Career Jam 2024
Join the University Career Center and our employer partners for a series of events to help you make the most of the Fall Job &...
Go Blue Career Jam: Resume Night
Join the UCC to have your resume reviewed before the CareerFairs! Resume Nights are a drop in event to get your resume reviewed by aUCC...
HEP-Astro Seminar | Redshifts by Breakfast but what is for lunch? From DESI to Stage-5 Spectroscopy
Claire Poppett (UC Berkeley / LBL)
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is an ultra-efficient multi-object spectrograph installed on the Mayall telescope. DESI...
RTG Number Theory Seminar: Introduction to Hecke algebras
Elad Zelingher
Abstract: I will explain the notions of the spherical and the Iwahori Hecke algebras and discuss their properties, with an emphasis on the...
Intro to Tech & Ops
Connect with Technology and Operations representatives and recruiters at Bank of America! We welcome you to join our information session as...
Invalid with Any Code
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Running complex analyses has become easier with the ability to Google commands or even use ChatGPT for writing code. People now grab data...
Lamb Weston Bite-Sized Meeting | Virtual | Summer Internship & JobOpportunities
Discover your next career move at Lamb Weston Bite-Sized Meeting 🍟, our summer internship and early career virtual info session! This...
RCGD Fall Seminar Series: The Social Psychology of Systemic Racism (Nick Camp)
Institutional Interactions: What everyday encounters reveal about the psychology of policing and being policed
The first seminar in the series will be given by series organizer Nick Camp....
State Proposals for Single Payer Health Insurance Systems: Policy Visions and Challenges
Carrie Rheingans, Michele Grim, Robin Lunge, John Ayanian, Paula Lantz
The United States is the only high-income country without some form of universal health insurance. In addition to national proposals for...
Student Combinatorics: Symmetric Functions and the Skein of the Annulus
Amanda Schwartz
In this talk, we'll explore a connection between symmetric functions and skein theory. We'll begin by reviewing the necessary...
USA - Campus - EY Careers in Assurance: Government & Public Sector (GPS)
We imagine a future in which our country and all of its people are protected and prosperous. Government reaches new heights of innovation,...
GLNT: Categorical equivalences in Local Geometric Langlands
Jianqiao Xia (Chicago)
Abstract: Let F be an equal characteristic local field and G a reductive group. It is known that by type theory that representations of G(F)...
Administrative Fellowship Webinar - Join us Sept. 16th!
The administrative fellowship offers an unparalleled opportunity to work side-by-side with senior leaders, gain immersive hands-on...
Anduril Information Session @ Michigan
Anduril is coming to Michigan's campus this fall, and we hope to see you there! Update on Location: we will now be at EECS 1500Thank...
Dialoguing with Yesterday, or Un-doctrinating
Art Making Workshop with Nick Azzaro
In partnership with U-M Library, local artist and educator Nick Azzaro will lead participants to create layered statement pieces using the...
Mass Meeting!
Sapphic Reads will be hosting 2 Mass Meetings for any previous or newly interested/prospective members! Join us for some fun social time,...
Mastering Technical Interviews and Case Studies
Do you want to learn how to master your technical interviews and case studies? In this session, we’ll review some questions you can expect...
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program Fall 2024 Q&A Online Session
Join Prof. Emerita Kate Barald, Biomedical Engineering, and a panel of previous NSF-GRFP recipients for a virtual Zoom Q&A session on...
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program Fall 2024 Q&A Online Session
Professor Kate Barald
Join Prof. Emerita Kate Barald, Biomedical Engineering, and a panel of previous NSF-GRFP recipients for a virtual Q&A session on the NSF...
Transfer Transitions: Set Up for Success
Welcome, fall 2024 transfer students! Join us for Transfer Transitions: Set Up for Success, an event for you to connect with the academic...
MHESA + HPSA Internship Bootcamp Session #2: Networking 101 & Leveraging Alumni
MHESA + HPSA Internship Bootcamp Session #2: Networking 101
This is the second installment of the HMP professional organization internship bootcamp, designed for first-year students. We recommend...
TSMC Company Corporate Information Session
Majors: Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science,...
Turner Construction Corporate Information Session
Majors: All Engineering Majors, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering...
Latine Heritage Month Opening Ceremony
Latine Heritage Month 2024
The Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs and the Latine Heritage Month planning committee invite you to the Latine Heritage Month 2024...
TSMC 2024 Information Session - Together We Grow
Dear UMich Students,We are excited to invite you to an exclusive TSMC info session. Food will be served! (First come, first served, so be...
Zouk Dance Lessons
Hey zoukers! I'm excited to announce that our lessons are back!Zouk is a Brazilian social partner dance. Our beginner's lesson...
Three Ways of Queering Jewish and Israeli History
Iris Rachamimov
MJSA Conference Keynote Lecture: “Three Ways of Queering Jewish and Israeli History”...
Game Nights @ the TSC
Transfer students, join us for game nights at the Transfer Student Center! Come enjoy board & card games, food, mingling, & a...
Klaviyo Company CIS Session
Hybrid Option: [Zoom]( (password: swe-cis)...
University of Southern California - Viterbi School of Engineering
Hybrid Option: [Zoom]( (password: swe-cis)...
Book Talk: Megan Kimble
Journalist Megan Kimble’s book City Limits: Infrastructure, Inequality, and the Future of America's Highways weaves together the...
Men's Soccer vs Washington
Men's Soccer vs Washington
Wayfair Fall 2024 Virtual Event Series: Information Session
Join us for an interactive info session and panel discussion to learn more about how you can find your home at Wayfair! The informative...
Rachel Childers, French horn / SMTD Alumni Award Winner
Rachel Childers, recipient of the 2024 Hall of Fame Award from the SMTD Alumni Board, performs a guest recital on French horn. Her program...
September 17th, 2024
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
ChE 2024 Graduate Symposium
Keynote speaker: Danielle J. Mai, Stanford University
The annual University of Michigan Chemical Engineering Graduate Symposium brings together graduate students, faculty, and industry...
Art Exhibition by Keenan Mack Mayberry
Join us in the 4th floor Atrium to see an art exhibition by Keenan Mack Mayberry. In the words of the artist, "Peer into the art of my...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
National Voter Registration Day
Time to make sure you’re registered!
Students from U-M’s Turn Up Turnout (TUT) are trained to help you register to vote. Find them September 17th, 9am to 5pm, outside U-M...
Society of American Foresters 2024
Connect with the Forest Service at the Society of American Foresters! The convention will be held from September 17–20, 2024, at the...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
WISE & Shine with Emily Johnson
WISE and Shine offers an informal opportunity to ask questions, hear about life in industry, and explore the unconventional places a degree...
Grant Office Hours for Student Sustainability Coalition: Planet Blue Student Innovation Fund & Social and Environmental Grants
The Student Sustainability Coalition manages $200,000 worth of grant money that we allocate to student groups who are working on projects...
Hilton Virtual Office Hours
Do you want to learn more about Hilton? Do you have questions about our different early talent opportunities and the applications? Then sign...
Internship Lab
RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: you ready to...
Student Feedback Opportunities Regarding Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator and ECRT Director of Gender Equity Elizabeth Seney is hosting public student drop-in meetings to hear from students....
2024 ICPSR Data Fair - September 16-20
Anchored in Data Reality
Ahoy! Set sail on a voyage of discovery during the 2024 Data Fair brought to you by ICPSR. This year's theme is 'Anchored in Data...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
A celebration of religious and spiritual diversity at U-M! 20 organizations will be present to share with students the variety of ways to...
ICPSR Summer Program 2025 and Beyond!
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Set sail with us for a webinar about the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods! Dive into the latest introductory to advanced...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Chartis Company Presentation
Join us for the Chartis Company Presentation! Hear from Chartis consultants as they speak about healthcare consulting, the consulting...
Weekly gathering for students, staff, and faculty to build community with the Trotter Team and discuss the week’s events....
EEB Tuesday Seminar Series - Keystone Predator and Keystone Intransitivity: The Potential Chaos of Competitive Coexistence
John Vandermeer, Asa Gray Distinguished University Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
This event is part of our ongoing Tuesday Seminar Series....
How to Upskill: Developing Yourself While Maximizing Your Time
Mariana Akasheh
Upskilling is key to lifelong learning and professional mobility. According to Gallup, workers who participate in upskilling earn, on...
Julie Zhu & Tiffany Ng, carillon
Julie Zhu & University Carillonist Tiffany Ng performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside...
LRCCS Noon Lecture Series | The War for Chinese Talent in America
David Zweig, Professor Emeritus, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Attend in person or via Zoom:
Neurodivergent Student and Students with Disabilities Support through SSD and ASAP
Affinity Community Resource Week - Students with Disabilities
There are many different support services for graduate students who are navigating their studies with a disability. For this workshop,...
Neurodivergent Student and Students with Disabilities Support through SSD and ASAP
There are many different support services for graduate students who are navigating their studies with a disability. For this workshop,...
Non-Apparent Conditions and Self-Advocacy for Employees with Disabilities
Lunch and Learn Series
Requesting workplace accommodations can seem daunting, especially for non-apparent disabilities - given societal stigmas, personal...
Northern Trust 2024 Fall Learning Series: Part 1 - Former Intern Panel
Overview:We will be hosting a set of 4 webinars/panels to learn more about Northern Trust called our Fall Learning Series. From this, you...
Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Journey
Calling all first year and transfer pre-health students!Through this program, students will learn how to navigate their Pre-Health journey...
Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Journey
Gerald Murphy Jr., Jen Oza Grysko & Nick Vanderpool
Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Pre-Health Journey
Join us for "Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Pre-Health Journey!" This informative presentation delves into the process of...
Sentara Registered Nurse Lunch & Learn
Let's have lunch together! I'm Christina Berry, Sentara's RN Student Liaison and I am hosting live lunch & learn...
Understanding and Engineering RNA-guided DNA transposons for clinical genome-editing-Department of Biological Chemistry Jourdian Lecture
Dr. Elizabeth Kellogg, St. Judes Children's Research Hospital
Dr. Elizabeth Kellogg will present the 2024 George William Jourdian Lecture on Tuesday 09/17/2024 at 12:00pm in 5330 MS I
Using AI to Secure the Job
Need to update your resume or CV for the year? Want to improve your LinkedIn profile? Try using AI to make it easier!...
Lime Connect’s guide to navigating fall recruitment with a disability
Between career fairs and hiring events, tight application deadlines, and high-pressure interviews, the physical and mental demandsof fall...
Electrical and Computer Engineering Career Fair
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Career Fair will be held on September 17, 2024 from 1-4 PM ET. This event is intended to help...
IOE Community Event: Barry's Bagels and Coffee
Join the U-M IOE Department for snacks, conversation and community building!
Meet Huron's LatinX iMatter Team!
Come celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Huron by meeting our LatinX iMatter Team! During this webinar, panelists will share their...
Resume Lab
*RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: Just getting...
Sign Up for an Ann Arbor District Library Card
Stop by the Shapiro lobby to sign up for an Ann Arbor District Library card. All U-M employees are eligible for an AADL card, whether you...
Transitioning from Peer to Supervisor
Presenter: Amanda Ruud
Course details and registration are available on the Organizational Learning website.
Wayfair Fall 2024 Virtual Event Series: Case Prep Session (Option 1)
Case Prep sessions are informative and interactive opportunities to learn more about Wayfair's case interviews. Throughout the session,...
🚀BOEM/BSEE's Monthly USAjobs/Federal Hiring Q&A (Sep 2024)🚀
🚀 BOEM/BSEE's Monthly USAjobs/Federal Hiring Q&A 🚀Hey future federal rockstars! 🌟 Ready to kick-start your journey...
Eva Albalghiti, carillon
Graduate student Eva Albalghiti performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell (bourdon)...
All About Boulay
Join our webinar to learn all about Boulay! This session isintended for freshman - senior accounting and finance students interestedin...
AmeriCorps-Healthy Minds Alliance Info Session-988 Crisis Counselor
Are you passionate about mental health advocacy and interested in making a meaningful difference in your community? Join us for an info...
Introducing ICPSR's New Metadata Export API
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
ICPSR has built a new API to share our metadata. This Webinar will demonstrate the benefits of this new service, including how to query the...
German Lecturer, Silvia Grzeskowiak (, brings German chocolate to snack on and games to play (e.g. Tabu), all while...
Discover PGIM Operations & Innovation
PGIM Operations & Innovation will be hosting a virtualevent on September 17th focused on learning how PGIM Operations and...
French Conversation Hour: Pause - Café
Enjoy coffee, tea, and snacks while improving your French skills! Chat for 10 minutes or the whole hour! All language levels welcome.
CAS Lecture. Nagorno-Karabakh: The Next Chapter
Dr. Philip Gamaghelyan, University of San Diego
The Center for Armenian Studies at the University of Michigan is honored to host Dr. Philip Gamaghelyan, a leading scholar and practitioner...
International Students Career Series: How to Build Your Network
You can’t start networking unless you know where to begin! As an international student, it can be intimidating when thinking aboutthe idea...
Quality Engineer Development Program Information Session
Do you enjoy finding creative solutions to problems? Are you looking for an exciting opportunity to make an impact in a dynamic role after...
Student CA Seminar - Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
Zhi Zheng
Abstract: The Cartan-Serre-Grothendieck theorem implies that all the cohomological subtleties associated to a coherent sheaf on a projective...
Transfer Student Info Session
Join us for an hour long virtual info session for undergraduate students interested in transferring to the University of Michigan Stamps...
Undergrad Market Access Strategy & Analytics Internship Information Session
Company Overview Who We Are: Lilly is a global healthcare leader that unitescaring with discovery to make life better for people around...
USA - Campus - EY Upskilling Series: Virtual Interviewing
Come join our EY Campus Recruiters to uncover the "do's, don'ts and don't worry abouts" of virtual interviewing. We...
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education
"All Progress is Precarious"
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles and practices are known to have individual and collective benefits as supported by years...
FREE CycleBarre
Cycle & Barre Fusion is a dynamic class where the exhilaration of indoor cycling meets the power of barre. Start with 30 minutes of...
PEERS Data Hub Presents Navigating the Waters of Education Data: Finding and Using Data from Public Access Websites
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Join the staff of the PEERS Data Hub for a demonstration of how to find and get access to educational data from public access websites....
USA - Campus - EY Careers in Assurance: Audit
How can a career in building trust build a better working world? Our Audit teammates understand the factors that drive business performance,...
AmeriCorps NCCC: Preparing to Be a Team Leader Webinar
Are you ready to lead? Challenge yourself? Make a difference? Join us for an interactive webinar about AmeriCorps NCCC'sTeam Leader...
Brighter Way to Real Estate - JLL Capital Markets
Join us for, 'A Brighter Way to Real Estate,' where we invite talented and ambitious individuals to uncover the limitless...
CM-AMO Seminar | Berry Phase Enforced Spinor Pairing Order
Yi Li (Johns Hopkins University)
We introduce a class of topological pairing orders characterized by a half-integer pair monopole charge, leading to Berry phase enforced...
DAAS Africa Workshop with Samar Al-Bulushi, Anthropology (UC-Irvine)
'War-Making as Worldmaking: Kenya, the United States, and the Rise of ‘Entangled Pacifications’
Abstract: In 2023, the Kenyan state announced that it was prepared to lead a US-backed multinational police intervention in Haiti,...
Forté Career Ready Information Session
Do you want to be career ready this fall semester? Join us and learn about a few key things you can do this fall to position yourselffor the...
Mercer | Optimizing your Resume & LinkedIn Profile
Are you ready to level up your professional game? Join us for an exclusive virtual event on September 17th, where we will teach you the...
Pronouns 101
Spectrum Center's Pronouns 101 workshop is for U-M faculty, staff, and students interested in creating a culture of LGBTQIA2S+...
Wells Fargo - Quantitative Analytics Business Showcase with SeniorLeaders VIRTUAL
Join us virtually to learn more about internship and full-time opportunities with the 2025 Quantitative Analytics Program. You'll hear...
WiSTEM2D Resume & Elevator Pitch Workshop
Learn best practices from J&J scientists for creating effective resumes and elevator pitches. This event is being hosted by...
Funding Workshop
Join the EXCEL Team to learn more about funding opportunities that can bring your artistic vision to life!!! You will gain skills in...
Presidential Accountability after Trump v. United States
Commemorating Constitution Day
Jack Goldsmith is the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University, a non-resident Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise...
Reading Group & Reception (Rummage: Museums, Exhibitions, and Representation RIW)
Rummage: Museums, Exhibitions, and Representation RIW
Reading Group & Reception (Rummage RIW)
Rummage is a Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop focused on the nexus of exhibition, collection, curation, display, and representation within...
Climate Voters for Harris: A Conversation with Jane Fonda
Please join us for a special event with Climate Voters for Harris and Award-winning actor and activist, Jane Fonda. You'll hear from...
Go Blue Career Jam: Landing a Role in E-Commerce: Tips, Tricks & Insights w/ Wayfair
During this event, we will provide insights into the e-commerce industry and why Wayfair is a leader in the space. You will also have the...
How to Flourish: Environmental Wellness
Workshop Series designed to help first-year students flourish throughout their time at U-M. Rooted in the 8 dimensions of wellness...
Lane Hall Exhibit Opening Reception
Rafael Neis & Anne Vetter
In Fall 2024, the Lane Hall exhibit space will feature works by two exciting visual artists: Rafael Neis and Anne Vetter....
Mass Meeting!
Sapphic Reads will be hosting 2 Mass Meetings for any previous or newly interested/prospective members! Join us for some fun social time,...
New York Times Summer 2025 Product Design Internship Information Session
New York Times Summer 2025 Internship - Product Design The New York Times is looking for Product Design Interns to help us design...
Phranc's Bow-Tie Making Workshop
Phranc Bow-Tie Making Workshop
Visit LA-based multimedia artist Phranc's exhibition "The Butch Closet" at the Institute for the Humanities and make paper...
Scientific Computing Student Club General Meeting
Hey Everyone! Starting this semester, we will begin to work on club projects as well as host workshops during our club meetings. For this...
Wells Fargo - Human Resources Development Program Virtual Spotlight Session
Please join us to learn more about 2025 opportunities within the Human Resources Development Program (Full-Time Analyst) and summer...
Career Insights - Meet the business : Markets (Citi Asia)
Have you ever wondered about what a career in Markets couldlook like for you? Are you interested in exploring an internship to...
Flag Football practice!
Flag Football practice!
SPH First-Gen Student Community Welcome Dinner
SPH First-Gen Student Community Welcome Dinner 2024
Enjoy a delicious free dinner, an opportunity to connect with friends in the First-Gen student community, and a space to learn more about...
UUWeekly: Trivia Tuesday
Come with friends and form a trivia team to compete for blue bucks! The event will be held in the Rogel Ballroom from 5:30-7:00pm.
Breaking into Investment Banking Panel
Are you recruiting for investment banking and hoping to land a top internship / full-time role?Leland is hosting a 100% free workshop for...
CFPB Navigating Your Path: Insights for Interns and Recent Graduates 9/17
Come experience all the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has to offer student and recent grads by joining us for a webinar to discuss...
Grad School in the Biosciences
A panel on applying to grad school in the sciences
Graduate student and postdoctoral panelists will discuss how to apply to graduate school and what to expect with graduate classes, research,...
Inside The Trade Desk: A Day in the Life of a Client Services Associate
Join us for an inside look at The Trade Desk, the world of programmatic advertising and Client Services! You'll hear from a Client...
Accenture Corporate Information Session
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024...
Interview with Confidence!
To register:
Slow Dance Survival
WHAT:Come join Sarah and Steve for a 4-week series exploring Blues on the social dance floor. This series will cover Blues pulse,...
Riso Amaro Film Screening
II Cineforum: Italian Classics on Campus
Francesca and Walter are two-bit criminals in Northern Italy, and, in an effort to avoid the police, Francesca joins a group of women rice...
Ask a GWI Alum
Join us to hear from our alumni. These Community Conversations cover your initial path to investment management, your experience...
Building Healthy Habits
Join us on Tuesday 9/17 to discuss healthy study habits and ways for you to really lock in and prepare for the semester. Also, meet...
Diversity and Inclusion Workshop Series: Voter Registration
Diversity Peer Educators
Are you registered or interested in registering to vote? Join your Diversity Peer Educators in collaboration with Turn Up TurnOut—a member...
That Tuesday Thing: Christmas and Advent Celebration
That Tuesday Thing is a community gathering to engage in various study opportunities or fun activities....
The Connector Game Night
Join the Connector Community Assistants for a trivia and game night featuring all of your favorite games such as life-size Connect 4, jumbo...
David Zerkel, tuba and Liz Ames, piano
David Zerkel, Professor of Music and head of the SMTD Tuba & Euhponium Studio, performs a tuba recital with pianist Liz Ames....
Full Moon Festival
Mid-Autumn Harvest Moon Celebration
For many cultures across East Asia, family and friends come together for the mid-autumn Full Moon with festivities, delicious food, and good...
Harvest Gathering co-bill with Rachael Davis and Anne Heaton w/ Frank Marotta, Jr.
A musical preview leading up to this year’s Earthwork Harvest Gathering...
Pride Movie Night in East Quad
Don’t miss this chance to connect, celebrate, and enjoy a fantastic movie with your college community. See you there for a night of joy,...
Tesla | Supercharging Your Resume Workshop
Join Tesla recruiters for a one-hour resume workshop! The workshop will provide tips on how to make your resume stand out amongst...
September 18th, 2024
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
National Ground Intelligence Center September Hiring Event
Elevate Your Career at the National Ground Intelligence Center’s 2024 Hiring EventExplore Diverse Career PathsNGIC offers a wide array of...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
Welcome Wednesdays with the Alumni Association
The Alumni Association of the University of Michigan hosts Welcome Wednesdays for U-M students most Wednesday mornings throughout the fall...
FBI Intelligence Analyst Virtual Info Session
Hosted by FBI Portland, this virtual information session will go over the FBI Intelligence Analyst position, including qualifications, the...
German Convo on the Go
Meet at Burton Tower for a 1-hour walk and talk in German with Mary Gell ( This event happens 'rain or shine.'...
U.S. EPA Region 8, 9, and 10 Federal Careers Virtual Workshop
Come learn about Federal Employment at Region 8 (Denver), Region 9 (San Francisco), and Region 10 (Seattle) of the EPA! Entry level, early...
Navigating Internships as an International Graduate Student
Are you an international graduate student interested in pursuing an internship? We’re here to help! This informal information session will...
Navigating Internships as an International Graduate Student
Are you an international graduate student interested in pursuing an internship? We’re here to help! This informal information session will...
2024 ICPSR Data Fair - September 16-20
Anchored in Data Reality
Ahoy! Set sail on a voyage of discovery during the 2024 Data Fair brought to you by ICPSR. This year's theme is 'Anchored in Data...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
CAREERS & the disABLED VC Fair - September 18 2024 - for The University of Michigan
Employers from Fortune 500 companies and government agencies interested in recruiting people with disabilities (including veterans),ranging...
Defining Preprints and Their Role in the ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Participants will learn about the ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature and the guidelines Bibliography staff use to populate it....
Engineering Immersed Fair 2024
Are you an engineering student looking for ways to find your niche, connect with people who share your passion, and gain hands-on experience...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
U-M EHS Campus Fire Safety Month - Live Burn Trailer
Learn how to properly use a Fire Extinguisher
The U-M Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Annual Campus Fire Safety Month event will take place Wednesday, September 18th in East...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Exploring Your Future: Summer Associate Program at the Institute for Defense Analyses
Please tune in on September 18th for our latest student-focused event – Exploring Your Future: Summer Associate Program at the Institute...
Hub Donuts 2024!
Hey LSA students, let’s kick off the new academic year together with Hub Donuts! Join us for an afternoon packed with FREE donuts, coffee,...
MCMC, variational inference, and reverse diffusion Monte Carlo
Yian Ma, Assistant Professor at the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, UC San Diego
SAPAC Wellness Wednesdays Fall 2024
Wellness Wednesdays is an informal drop-in series for self-care practices including coloring, journaling, crafting, reading, gentle music...
SC2 Coffee Hour
Stop By for a Free Coffee. Just find us in the coffee shop, and we will order it for you. Coffee Hour also provides an opportunity to ask...
Stearns Collection Lunchtime Concert
Qingyun Chinese Music Ensemble and Eurostar Baroque Ensemble
The Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments hosts the first in a series of free lunchtime concerts at the North Campus Research Complex....
Tiffany Ng, carillon
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the Burton...
Cool career spotlight: balancing dual careers in marketing and clinical counseling
Ever wondered what it'd be like to work in two completely different fields you're passionate about at once? On September 18 at...
Coral Reef Tank Visit
Join Professor Jim Bardwell for a peek behind the scenes at his large coral reef tank featuring many species of coral, anemone, and fish....
COVID Data Roundup: Exploring COVID-Related Data from ICPSR's Archives
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
What COVID mitigation policies were most crucial to preventing job loss? What was the impact on school and daycare closures for young...
IOE Community Dialogue Series
The Ergonomic Challenges Faced by Pregnant Surgical Team Members
The IOE Community Dialogue Series is a series of facilitated discussions between members of the IOE community that surround a speaker and...
IOE Community Dialogue Series: The Ergonomic Challenges Faced by Pregnant Surgical Team Members
Dr. Kristin Chrouser, MD, MPH, University of Michigan and the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Associate Professor in Urology and the S. Matthew Berge Research Professor
About the speaker: This dialogue will lie at the intersection of human factors and surgical team dynamics, focusing specifically on the...
Amazon Operations Information Session (Non-Tech)
Are you ready to unlock a world of opportunities with Amazon's operations in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Indiana? 🚀 Join us for an...
Disrupting Everyday Bias For Leaders
Presenters: Byron Roberts, Liam Bailey
Course details and registration are available on the Organizational Learning website.
Jenna Moon & Mitty Ma, carillon
SMTD doctoral alumna Jenna Moon & Graduate student Mitty Ma performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60...
Navigating Crime Data: Unlocking the Treasures of NACJD
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Join us for an exciting webinar where we dive into the depths of the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). Discover how this...
NSA Language Analysis Info Session
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work as a Language Analyst for the National Security Agency? Join a NSA language...
Rackham Consultation Services: Virtual Office Hours
If you have a quick question or have a time sensitive matter, attend the Rackham Consultation Services open office hours weekly on Monday...
M&T Bank Information Blitz! - 9/18/2024
Come join the Early Talent Team at M&T Bank for a fun and fast session to learn about what it's like to work at a Community...
A Career Worth Examining/ How to Build your Federal Resume
Please join the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) for Panel Discussions titled “A Career Worth Examining/ How to Build your...
Department Colloquium | Geometry, Elasticity, and Other Catastrophes
Christian Santangelo (Syracuse University)
Advances in the ability to fabricate complex structures stands to revolutionize our understanding of how a material’s mechanical response...
Go Blue Career Jam 2024
Join the University Career Center and our employer partners for a series of events to help you make the most of the Fall Job &...
Go Blue Career Jam: Finding an International Internship
In advance of the upcoming International Opportunities Fair(part of the Fall Job and Internship Fair), learn about the types of...
JPMorgan Chase Human Resources Analyst Development Program - Info Session
Your Journey to JPMorgan Chase Human Resources Analyst Development Program!Interested in learning about a career in Human Resources at...
Chat in German and express yourself creatively. Crafting, coloring, painting, drawing, knitting, sewing, crochet, embroidery, origami? You...
Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics: Matroids
Katie Waddle
In this talk, we will discuss the definition of matroids and their properties. As alluded to in previous talks, matroids generalize the...
Manufacturing Leadership Development Program (MLDP) Fall Information Session
The Manufacturing Leadership Development Program (MLDP) is our flagship global manufacturing graduate program at Merck. Kick-start...
MIPSE Seminar | Solar Energetic Particles and Space Weather: Causes and Consequences
Dr. Christina Cohen, California Institute of Technology
MTR Unveiled: Hear it Straight from the Teachers - Panel and Interactive Q&A
MTR provides support for anyone interested in the residencyprogram. Register to hear from our residents and grads through a panel style...
NIH Data Sharing Guidelines: Charting the Course for Compliance
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Join us on a voyage through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy. This webinar will serve as...
Pathways Into Teaching-Marshall Teacher Residency
The Pathways Into Teaching workshop is an overview of the various pathways into teaching, including Master's programs, Intern Programs...
2024 Fall Webinar Series: Blackstone Overview I
Please see below for details surrounding our upcoming webinar series! We hope to see you register. Blackstone is excited to share that...
Advantage Capital Summer 2025 Internship & Full-Time Roles Presentation
Are you ready to apply your skills in a unique and personalized way? A job with Advantage Capital means that you'll collaborate with...
Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Stability conditions on surface root stacks
Yeqin Liu (University of Michigan)
Compared to varieties, vector bundles and derived categories on stacks are less understood. (Bridgeland) stability conditions are effective...
Ares | Campus Recruiting - Virtual Information Session (1)
Ares Management Corporation (NYSE: ARES) is a leading global alternative investment manager offering clients complementary primary and...
Creating Safe Spaces: MEC’s DEI Journey
Join us for a discussion on how Michigan Education Corps (MEC) prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Learnabout the...
Disney Experiences - Industrial Engineering - Info Session (Virtual)
Learn what Industrial Engineers do at Disney Parks and Resorts! We'll share project examples, talk about what opportunities are...
Internship Lab
RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: you ready to...
Interview Essentials: Achieve Interview Success
A job interview can pop up quickly. Be ready and know how to prepare to ensure you achieve success that will lead to a job offer. Learn...
Leveraging your Engineering Degree at MathWorks Panel Discussion
Are you an engineering student curious about a career at a software company? Wonder where your skills fit in? Join MathWorks for an...
Nature Play Pop-Ups
Based in Gaffield Children’s Garden at Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Nature Play Pop-ups are opportunities for children across ages and...
Navigating Graduate School as a First-Generation Student
Navigating Graduate School as a First-Gen
This interactive workshop will focus on connecting with first-generation college students in graduate school and sharing the top...
Navigating Graduate School as a First-Generation Student
This interactive workshop will focus on connecting with first-generation college students in graduate school and sharing the top...
Psychology research - From the lab to real life
STAR Scholars Mentors
What is involved in psychology research? Is it all white rats or investigating psychiatric disorders? How do we use it in “real life”?...
Resume Lab
*RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: Just getting...
RTG Seminar Geometry, Dynamics, Topology: Proper affine deformations of positive representations
Neza Sager Korenjak
We show that every positive representation of a free group into SO(2n,2n-1) admits R^{4n-1}-valued cocycles giving rise to proper affine...
Self Love September in Oxford Houses
Join us in the Mahatma Gandhi Minority Culture Lounge for a beginning of semester event. We will be writing affirmations about ourselves and...
Student Machine Learning Seminar and Reading Group Planning Meeting
Machine learning/AI has become a crucial tool in research. Regardless of whether you’re from a more theoretical or applied research...
The Energy Transition in Rural America
Ft. Sarah Mills and Tony Pipa
Contemporary differences between rural and urban areas in America have their roots in long-term demographic, economic, technological, and...
Truman: In Person Kickoff
ONSF Director, Melissa Vert
The Truman Scholarship provides up to $30,000 for graduate education and professional development for future leaders committed to public...
Wayfair Fall 2024 Virtual Event Series: Case Prep Session (Option 2)
Case Prep sessions are informative and interactive opportunities to learn more about Wayfair's case interviews. Throughout the session,...
Weekly DCMB / CCMB Seminar featuring Euisik Yoon, PhD
"Linking phenotypic behavior to genotypic profile at single cell resolution"
Research Areas:...
Ask ZS Anything
We’re excited to invite you to an upcoming event hosted by our ZS Early Talent Team: "Ask ZS Anything!" This informal session...
DIA Analysis Career Field Info Sessions
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is pleased to announce the Analysis Career Field (ACF) Entry-Level Vacancy Announcements will soon...
Discover Strats: PhD Spotlight
Pursuing a PhD? Join the Morgan Stanley Strats Division to learn what you can do with a PhD degree at our Firm! You will hear from current...
A panel by current EEB grad students
Join current EEB graduate students to hear more about their experiences exploring EEB grad programs and the application process!
Meet Our Raymond James Associates: Former Interns Panel
Wondering what it's like to intern at Raymond James? Want to hear more from associates that have been in your...
FREE Desi Groove: Dance & Fitness
Get set for an exciting experience of Indian culture! This fusion dance and fitness class defines "east-meets-west" by offering a...
Dinner for Democracy: Immigration
Turn Up Turnout
Note: this is a virtual event open to all three University of Michigan campuses....
First BIndx Meeting
Please join us for the first BIndx Meeting of the semester! There will be food, games, and conversation. All majors are welcome....
SPH International Student Community Welcome Dinner
SPH International Student Community Welcome Dinner 2024
Enjoy a delicious free dinner, an opportunity to connect with friends in the international community, and a space to learn more about what...
Analysis Group EngAGement Series: Information Session - U Michigan
Are you interested in contributing meaningfully to teams working on interesting and relevant business problems? Would you like to work in a...
Deutschtisch im Max Kade Haus
Deutschtisch is a weekly event in the North Quad dining hall for Max Kade residents and visitors from outside of Max Kade Haus to speak...
Hertz Fellowship Information Session
Hertz Fellowship Information Session!
The Hertz Fellowship provides 5 years of funding (valued at up to $250,000) for students intending to pursue a PhD in applied physical and...
Hertz Fellowship Information Session
Derek Haseltine, Hertz Foundation
The Hertz Fellowship provides 5 years of funding (valued at up to $250,000) for students intending to pursue a PhD in applied physical and...
Michigan Computer Graphics - General Meeting
At Michigan Computer Graphics (MCG), our goal is to offer all interested campus members a unique platform to explore, learn, discuss, and...
Resume-Building Workshop ft. Data Skills
Join the Quantitative Methods in the Social Science (QMSS) Program for a resume-building workshop with a special focus on highlighting &...
Sustainable Food Panel
The sustainable food panel will be held in West Hall 240 from 6-7:30pm on September 18th, 2024. Kim Korona (VegMichigan), Brece Clark (New...
Trotter Distinguished Leadership Series: Information
Trotter Distinguished Leadership Series
The Trotter Distinguished Leadership Series is designed to increase healthy discourse and learning throughout the University of Michigan by...
Writing in "Academic Style
Trisha Dowling, ELI Lecturer
Whether you are writing a research article, class assignment, conference abstract or dissertation, the words, grammatical structures, and...
Between the Sun and the Sidewalk: Screening, Q&A, and Reception
Celebrate Latine Heritage Month at the University of Michigan with an interactive night of film, food, discussion, and community! Together,...
Between the Sun and the Sidewalk: Screening, Q&A, and Reception
Between the Sun and the Sidewalk: Screening
Celebrate Latine Heritage Month at the University of Michigan with an interactive night of film, food, discussion, and community! Together,...
Karate Practice
"True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in...
Swing Ann Arbor: Weekly Beginner Lesson + Social Dance
Swing Ann Arbor hosts a beginner drop-in lesson and social dance every Wednesday! No partner or experience needed. You do not need to be...
Swing I Series
WHAT: Build your Lindy Hop on a solid foundation! In this series, we’ll be working toward swingouts from the ground up. Learn classic...
Alvarez & Marsal: Auto & Industrial | Company Presentation
Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global management consulting firm. A&M leverages its operational heritage to provide...
CSAS South Asian Film Series | Girls Will Be Girls
First of our Spotlight On Women Directors series...
Mind Matters: Understanding the Recovery Journey through Science and Personal Stories
The Department of Psychiatry and the U-M Addiction Center are pleased to present Mind Matters: Understanding the Recovery Journey through...
Q+A (Queer and Affirming)
A discussion group for LGBTQIA2S+ Christians and Allies
We'll gather for discussion, Bible or book studies, and discover the intersection of faith and identity. This group is for the...
Refugee and Immigrant Success Establishment (RISE) Mass Meeting
Join the Refugee and Immigration Success Establishment (RISE), which aims to empower and establish success among immigrants and refugees...
Unlock Your Future: Explore Exciting Career Opportunities at Dow
Hello classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027,Are you curious about what life is like after graduation? Want to know how to navigate the transition...
Between the Sun and the Sidewalk: Screening, Q&A, and Reception
Between Sun and the Sidewalk: Q&A and Reception
Celebrate Latine Heritage Month at the University of Michigan with an interactive night of film, food, discussion, and community! Together,...
Bob Mould Solo Electric
w/ special guest J Robbins
A solo performance from the former frontman of Hüsker Dü...
Bujinkan Budo Training Session
During the Fall 2024 semester, Bujinkan Budo Club training will be held on Wednesdays from 20:00 - 21:30 (8-9:30pm) at the Intramural...
Couzens Multicultural Music Night
Don’t miss the second annual Couzens Multicultural Music Night! Join Couzens’ DPE Lucas and HSSP RA Faith from the SIA Committee for a...
Equity Talks: From Passion to Action - Unleashing the Power of Collective Impact
Feeling all the feels about the state of the world? Whethersomething on campus needs fixing, climate change has you heated, or social...
September 19th, 2024
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
Understanding the Administrative Services Offered by the Shared Services Center
Presenter: Varied
Course details and registration are available on the Organizational Learning website.
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
SF Fed Info Session: Start Your Career in Economic Research
Are you a motivated college graduate looking for a chance to make a difference? The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is looking for...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Effective & Inclusive Alt Text for Images
LSA Disability Navigators
Images and graphics can be powerful tools to communicate information and enhance text content. But some individuals—such as those who are...
2024 ICPSR Data Fair - September 16-20
Anchored in Data Reality
Ahoy! Set sail on a voyage of discovery during the 2024 Data Fair brought to you by ICPSR. This year's theme is 'Anchored in Data...
Harnessing AI for Metadata - The TurboCurator Story
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Efficiently curating metadata with controlled terminology is a critical yet time-consuming task in social science data management. Data...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Summer Program Series — Epic Summer: Review & Recap
Celebrate engaging peer presentations, diverse outreach initiatives, and network opportunities with CEO's Summer Program Series recap...
UM Red Cross Club September Blood Drive
Sign up to donate at UM Red Cross Club's first blood drive of the school year! The drive will be held on Thursday, September 19th from...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
CEW+ Fall 2024 Open House
The CEW+ Open House is your chance to meet our staff, tour the Center, enjoy a light lunch, and find out how CEW+ supports women+ and...
2024 Actuarial Career Expo - 2024 Actuarial Career Expo
Actuarial Career Expo: In PersonSeptember 19, 12noon - 3pm /Michigan LeagueCo-sponsored with Student Actuaries at MichiganWhat to Expect at...
CJS Noon Lecture Series | Japanese English: Weird English or Creative Japanese? How Understanding Language Can Change Your Perspective
Anne Crescini, Associate Professor, University of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan
Please note: This lecture will be held in person in room 555 Weiser Hall and virtually via Zoom. This webinar is free and open to the...
DCM&B Tools and Technology Seminar
Azam Hussain, “High-Throughput Machine Learning and Modeling for Protein Function Landscapes”
This presentation will be held in 2036 Palmer Commons. There will also be a remote viewing option via Zoom.
EY AI & Data Masters Virtual Information Session
EY Consulting professionals within our AI and Data practice collaboratively work with our clients to manage engagements and lead data...
EY-Parthenon Emerging Leaders (sophomore internship) Virtual Information Session
EY-Parthenon will be hosting a series of virtual info sessions to share details about our Emerging Leaders (sophomore internship)...
Northern Trust 2024 Fall Learning Series: Part 2 - Redefining the FinTech Space
We will be hosting a set of 4 webinars/panels to learn moreabout Northern Trust called our Fall Learning Series. From this, you canlearn...
Postdoc Appreciation Week – Special Presentations
Exploring the Mechanism of REM Sleep Breathing Xingyu Li, MS, Ph.D...
Preparing for an Interview - Career Readiness Series
Career Readiness Series: Session Three!Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the right preparation, you can turn them into an...
School of Information Info Session
Interested in being part of a team that creates innovative tech products? Come learn all about about Business+Tech's Tech Innovation...
The Farm Stand
The Farm Stand is a weekly pop-up market and education project that sells produce grown by students for students. It is held on Thursdays...
Tiffany Ng & Eric Whitmer, carillon
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng & Musicology PhD student Eric Whitmer performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53...
Inequality and Social Demography (ISD) Workshop
Fall 2024 Semester Line-Up:...
SOMAR: Exploring the Innovations of the Social Media Archive at ICPSR, featuring Meta Content Library API
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Join us for a webinar as we explore the groundbreaking innovations of the Social Media Archive (SOMAR) at Discover...
Virtual career planning office hours
Wish you could ask specific questions about your career journey to someone with years of experience as a career advisor and executive?...
Education Info Session: How To Break into the Education Field
Did you know that a New York State Teaching Certification is valid and recognized in every single state! Are you curious about a job in...
Fundamentals of Public Engagement
Public Engagement & Research Impacts Workshop Series
Publicly engaged scholarship can look different depending on the individual scholar, their discipline, and their institution. This session...
Tiffany Ng, carillon
University Carillonist Tiffany Ng performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell...
ChE SEMINAR: Orlin Velev, North Carolina State University
"Hierarchical biopolymer nanostructures for active microplastics remediation and sustainable polymer substitutes"
A reception with light refreshments will be held in the B32 lobby before the seminar from 1-1:30 p.m....
Adapting Traditional Diversity Research to Be Oriented Towards Change: The Example of the Audio for Inclusion Project
Stephen Secules / Florida International University
Abstract: This talk examines our typical practices for research on diversity, equity, and inclusion and the researcher’s role in...
Adapting Traditional Diversity Research to Be Oriented Towards Change: The Example of the Audio for Inclusion Project
Stephen Secules / Florida International University
Abstract: This talk examines our typical practices for research on diversity, equity, and inclusion and the researcher’s role in...
BUILD YOUR CAREER: LinkedIn & Resume Tips from White Cap's Recruiting Team
This skill-building session will provide a number of tips and tricks for building your own professional brand - from boosting your LinkedIn...
Career Exploration Day: Government & Nonprofit
Are you an LSA student interested in pursuing a career in the nonprofit or government industries? Join the LSA Opportunity Hub for our...
Data Use in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
The abundance of AI tools and uses has not gone unnoticed in the world of research data! You might have heard a student or colleague wonder...
Exploring the Future of Carbon Capture and Utilization
Ft. Volker Sick, Jennifer Haverkamp, Jerry Davis
Join us for an insightful event on Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), where we’ll discuss the opportunities and challenges in scaling...
Inside the Brokers World: Exploring the career of a Commercial Real Estate Broker
Join us for an exclusive online event where we dive deep into the exciting world of commercial real estate. Our panel discussion willfeature...
Breaking News, Building Democracy, Part 1: How Media Track Who is "Winning"
Kathleen Searles (Univ of South Carolina), David Wilson (UC Berkeley), Chris Jackson (Senior Vice President at IPSOS, lead of US Polling), Josh Pasek (Univ of Michigan)
How do media track who is “winning” in the race for the presidency? Experts on political communication, public opinion, and election...
EEB Thursday Seminar Series - Trait data resources for mammalogy and conservation in the temperate zone
Bryan McLean, UNC-Greensboro
This event is part of our ongoing Thursday Seminar Series....
Hearst Television Nationwide Connect
About The Event“The story is YOURS” at Hearst Television. We are opening our doors to students nationwideto connect with top company...
Hopwood Tea
All are welcome to tea, coffee, light refreshments, and conviviality in a beautiful, historic setting.
IOE 899: Generative diffusion models: optimization, generalization, and fine-tuning
Renyuan Xu
About the speaker: Renyuan Xu is an assistant professor at the Department of Finance and Risk Engineering at New York University....
So Cool, So Just Fair
Recruitment Opportunity for Campus Organizations and Students!
Want to create change in your community but don't know where to start? The So Cool, So Just Fair is an opportunity for students to...
USA - Campus - EY Upskilling Series: Resume Writing
Learn how to give the "write" impression at our Resume Writing Session! Join EY Campus Recruiters as they cover the fundamentals...
Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series
"Promoting tissue healing and regeneration using proteoglycan mimetics," featuring Alyssa Panitch, Ph.D.
North of 49: An Introduction to Canadian Data
2024 ICPSR Data Fair
Statistical data is collected and disseminated by many agencies and organizations in Canada, including the national statistical agency,...
The Department of Astronomy 2024-2025 Colloquium Series Presents:
Post Doc Colloquium
Dr. Rachel Bowens-Rubin presenting on:...
Transcultural Studies Program Virtual Information Session
The Program in Transcultural Studies is offering two virtual information sessions this fall. LSA students in any department are welcome to...
2025 Evergy Internship Virtual Information Session
Want to know what it's like to be an intern at Evergy?Join us during our Fall 2024 virtual information sessions to learn about our...
Ace the Case
To attend and receive the virtual link for this event, youMUST RSVP using the link below: time tackling a...
Early Western Map Printing (1450-1850)
Take a trip through time and explore historical book printing techniques adapted for producing and reproducing maps, from woodblock prints...
Former Summer Business Analyst Intern Panel I Be a Kearney Original Webinar
Connect with our Former Summer Business Analysts to talk about their experiences as an intern. We will also talk about how to apply for a...
Grow Your Career Series: Analytics at Whole Foods Market
At Whole Foods Market your growth matters. Join us for our weekly Grow your Career Series where you can learn more about career growth and...
Mercer | How to Rock a Digital HireVue Interview
Are you ready to ace your next digital interview? Join us for an exclusive virtual event on September 19th, where we will teach you the best...
Merrill Campus Recruitement Team 2024 Colleges and Universities
Join Bank of America for a virtual information session to learn about our Summer 2025 internship opportunities in Merrill Wealth...
Navigating the Ginsberg Center for Master’s Students
The Ginsberg Center is a community and civic engagement center at the University of Michigan with a mission to cultivate and steward...
Navigating the Ginsberg Center for Master’s Students
The Ginsberg Center is a community and civic engagement center at the University of Michigan with a mission to cultivate and steward...
PPE Lecture
Akhil Reed Amar (Yale University)
Title: The Constitution and the Presidency: Questions and Answers...
Professor Jim Burnstein, Endowed Professorship in Entertainment, Inaugural Lecture
LSA Endowed Professorship
Student DGT: Poincaré's Last Geometric Theorem (Poincaré-Birkhoff Theorem)
Reebhu Bhattacharyya
In this talk, we aim to outline a proof of the Poincaré-Birkhoff fixed point theorem which states that any area preserving diffeomorphism...
Third Thursdays at the Library: Spotlight on Conservation
Chat with the folks from the library’s conservation department who will be showcasing some of their recent projects, which include a...
Our Clean Energy Future
2024 Environmental and Energy Law Conference
The Our Clean Energy Future conference will convene students, professors, lawyers, government representatives, and industry leaders to...
Election 2024 and U.S. climate policy
A Ford School-Brookings Institution partnership
Climate policy has been a significant focal area at the federal level over the past three years, notably with the passage of legislation...
Job and Internship Fair Prep for Transfer Students
Wondering whether you should attend the Fall Job and Internship Fairs? Not sure how to prepare? It is an important opportunity to connect...
South Quad/West Quad Game Night with the MLCAs and DPEs
Come enjoy some free pizza and cookies while playing PS5, Monopoly, Uno and getting to know your South and West Quad MLCAs and DPEs!
Enterprise Strategy, AMEX Information session for full-time Consulting position
About the team: Enterprise Strategy (ES) is the internal strategy consulting division of American Express. We tackle the most complex and...
Annual Copernicus Lecture. Poland, New Hope for Europe? A Conversation with Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw
Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw
Rafał Trzaskowski was first elected Mayor of Poland’s capital in 2018 and was re-elected in 2024. In 2020, he was the democratic...
Career Insights - Meet the business - Banking (Citi Asia)
Have you ever wondered about what a career in corporate andcommercial banking could look like for you? Are you interested in exploring an...
Dinner for Democracy: Climate Change Effects and Wealth Inequality: National and International Policy
Turn Up Turnout
Note: this is an in-person event on the Ann Arbor campus....
In a Bind? Let's Do It Safely!
Safe binding workshop
Interested in finding ways to make your chest look flatter and feel affirmed in your gender? Come join the Spectrum Center for an...
Penny Stamps Speaker Series - Kelly Church
Sustaining Traditions
Kelly Church is an Ottawa and Pottawatomi artist belonging to the Matchi-be-nash-she-wish tribe in Hopkins, MI. A member of the Gun Lake...
Get The Future You Want with Capgemini Invent - Michigan Info Session
Capgemini is a global leader in consulting, digital transformation, technology and engineering services. The Group is at the forefront of...
Apologetics: Challenge your thinking (over pizza!) with Ratio Christi Thursdays.
Hi everyone,We invite you to join us for Ratio Christi's Thursday Apologetics discussion, where you can immerse yourself in a...
CFPB Director's Financial Analyst Program info session 9/19/2024
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is recruiting this fall for the next cohort of the Director’s Financial Analyst (DFA)...
Digging Deeper: Thursday Night Lecture Series | The So-Called Comitium and the Forum of Pompeii between the Late Republic and the Imperial Period
Johannes Lipps
Since its uncovering at the beginning of the 19th century, the so-called comitium at the southeast corner of the forum of Pompeii has mostly...
Foundations of Community Engagement
Part of Ginsberg's Learning in Community Series
Foundations of Community Engagement (September 19)
Foundations of Community Engagement is an interactive workshop that introduces principles and practices of equitable, ethical community...
Free LSAT Workshop with TestMasters!
The workshop will be conducted by Steve Hayden, a veteran TestMasters instructor with over 12 years of LSAT teaching experience, anofficial...
Please Vote For Me
Cinematic Democracy: Film Screenings for Civic Engagement
This 2007 documentary visits the theme of democracy in practice as students independently organize political campaigns, sometimes mirroring...
Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Journey
Calling all first year and transfer pre-health students!Through this program, students will learn how to navigate their Pre-Health journey...
Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Journey
Gerald Murphy Jr., Jen Oza Grysko & Nick Vanderpool
Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Pre-Health Journey
Join us for "Pre-Health 101: Getting Started On Your Pre-Health Journey!" This informative presentation delves into the process of...
Recruiting Session with Relativity Space
Connect with Relativity Space engineers, learn about Terran R, and chat about intern + new grad job opportunities! Resumes encouraged!
Redefining the Crown
This event features the voices of Black breast cancer survivors and their hair loss journeys....
CONNECT WITH THE UCC ON A TERRIFIC THURSDAY! Stop scrolling and start soaring! Join the University Career Center (UCC) for drop-in...
Deloitte Corporate Information Session
9/19/24 | 6:30pm | BEYST 1670 (food provided)...
Deloitte: Software Engineering Information Session
Deloitte Consulting is excited to introduce you to life at Deloitte. At this information session, you can expect to learn how to apply your...
Opening Reception - Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Join us to celebrate the opening of Kelly Church and Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue. Artists will be in...
Barclays Info Session & Networking Reception
Join us for an exciting opportunity to explore a career with Barclays! .Discover the world of banking and learn about the Summer Analyst...
Connector Movie Night
Join the Connector Community Assistants for TV and movie night every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. in the Connector (West Quad). Free popcorn for...
East Quad - You Belong Here Blitz
Calling all East Quad residents! Stop by the Abeng Multicultural Lounge to connect with the East Quad DPEs, MLCAs, and the Abeng...
Star Wars Acolyte Watch Party
Come join some fellow Star Wars fans and watch some episodes of the new season of Disney+'s Acolyte! Snacks provided: rebellions are...
Pre-Concert Lecture: University Philharmonia Orchestra
This lecture begins at 7:15 pm before the 8:00 pm UPO performance.
Las Guaracheras
UMS at the Ypsilanti Freighthouse
Las Guaracheras is an all-women salsa sextet that started the city of Cali, Colombia in 2017. The ensemble’s cultural and artistic...
NSA Language Analysis Info Session
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work as a Language Analyst for the National Security Agency? Join a NSA language...
Women in Global Markets Asia Pacific (APAC): Exploring Opportunities
Dear students, We are excited to announcea virtual recruitment event that will provide you with aunique opportunity to learn more about...
Donna The Buffalo
Presented by The Ark
Donna The Buffalo is not just a band, rather one might say that Donna The Buffalo has become a lifestyle for its members and audiences....
University Philharmonia Orchestra
Love and Loss
The University Philharmonia plays its season opening concert, in a dramatic program that includes Steven Mackey's joyful and funky...
Free Lessons!
No experience or partner required! We will teach you everything you need to know. There will be showcases towards the end where you can see...
Envision Your Career with Private Wealth Management - 2024 Asia Info Session
At Goldman Sachs, we believe who you are makes you better at what you do. We seek out people withall types of skills, interestsand...
September 20th, 2024
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
Boiler Bash Purdue Tournament
Come play our tournament at Purdue! Sep 20-22.
WCEE Exhibition. Threads of Tradition: The Art of Ukrainian Vyshyvanka
The act of embroidering and weaving designs onto cloth is deeply rooted in Ukrainian traditions. Embellished clothing (sorochky), ritual...
Our Clean Energy Future
2024 Environmental and Energy Law Conference
The Our Clean Energy Future conference will convene students, professors, lawyers, government representatives, and industry leaders to...
Guardians: Spirits of Protection
Ann Savageau
This fall, the Residential College Art Gallery proudly presents Guardians: Spirits of Protection, an exhibition of evocative figurative...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
Recon is Back! Join us September 20th
Join us at the Ross School of Business from 9am-5:30pm
ReCon is back! Join the Weiser Center for Real Estate and the Michigan Real Estate Club for the 38th Annual Real Estate Conference, this...
The Butch Closet
An installation by Phranc
In the multi-media installation The Butch Closet, artist Phranc illustrates her life stories as a queer artist, Jewish lesbian folk...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
AMEX - Enterprise Strategy Virtual Coffee Chats - FT Consulting Positions
Author Conversation with Alex Beringer "Lost Literacies: Experiments in 19th Century US Comic Strip."
Alex Beringer
Over the course of the nineteenth century, figures such as artist Frank Bellew and editor T. W. Strong introduced sequential comic strips...
Bae-Goals: A South Quad Chat on Dating in College
Join us for a discussion with West and South Quad DPEs on dating in college and resources available to Michigan students through CAPS, OSCR,...
Black & Veatch Women in Construction & Engineering Student Day 2024
Are you a female-identifying college student interested in a career in construction or engineering? Then you won't want to miss the...
Botanical Illustrations with Watercolor Monotypes
Art Making Workshop with Sajeev Visweswaran
Visual artist Sajeev Visweswaran will teach participants to develop their own botanical illustration on watercolor monotype while exploring...
Fragel Friday
Did you miss us? FRAGEL FRIDAY IS BACK!...
Statistics Department Seminar Series: Snigdha Panigrahi, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan
"Selective inference using randomized group lasso estimators"
Abstract. Group lasso penalties are commonly used to estimate sparse models by simultaneously setting groups of variables to zero. When...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Weaving Workshop Led by Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish
Artists Kelly Church and Cherish Parrish will guide participants to create a woven mat out of paper and share weaving techniques and stories...
EXCEL Lab Interview Preparation Workshop (DMA Collaborative PIano
Interview Preparation: Making Your Best CaseIf your documents were a hit, now you have an interview! The catches are two-fold: you probably...
Women in Entrepreneurship: Brunch & Learn
Women in Entrepreneurship is a speaking and networking series aimed providing space for women on U-M's campus to come together to hear...
International Students Career Series: Coffee Chat with the University Career Center
Join us for a relaxed coffee hour to chat with Rachel Zhangfrom the University Career Center, to ask any questions about career development,...
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Alum in Residence: Q&A with Dr. Tyler Barrett
Are you interested in a career in medicine? LSA alum Dr. Tyler Barrett joins us to help you think about choosing a healthcare career and how...
American Institutions Group
The American Institutions Group (AIG) is a Rackham interdisciplinary workshop for faculty and graduate students that meets twice a month to...
Building your Early Career at Citi
At Citi, your growth and progress matters, especially in your early career. Come learn about our Early Insight Programs and the...
Capgemini Invent Virtual Coffee Chats - UMich
We appreciate your interest in Capgemini Invent. We invite you to participate in virtual coffee chats with one of our consultants to learn...
Cell-Cell Fusion: Lessons from Flies, Fish and Mice
Elizabeth Chen, Univ. Texas Southwestern
Host: Tzumin Lee
EIHS Symposium: Home and Exile: Exploring a New Theme
Hakem Al-Rustom, Jennifer Dominique Jones, Sanne Ravensbergen, John Carson (moderator)
On first glance, “home” and “exile” appear to be polar opposites, the one suggesting sanctuary and belonging, the other displacement...
GroupM Launchpad Info Session
An opportunity for prospective candidates to learn more about our media, marketing, and advertising entry-level opportunities, summer...
Heartfulness Guided Meditation
Pushyami Gundala
Heartfulness Guided Meditation is a weekly, drop-in program designed to help you Mental well-being.... - Sales Associate Opportunities in Richmond, VA is the fastest-growing real estate portal in the industry, and we are driven to be#1. CoStar Group has 20+ years'...
IOE 101: Learning to See Muri, Mura, and Muda
Dave Ostreicher
About the speaker: Dave Ostreicher is a Purchasing Supplier Development Division Manager at Toyota’s North American Research &...
Julie Zhu, carillon
Julie Zhu, President's Postdoctoral Fellow, performs on the Charles Baird Carillon, an instrument of 53 bronze bells located inside the...
LACS Event. Indigenous Traditions of Resistance to Extractivism (Lecture & Workshop)
Glen Coulthard, Associate Professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia
Friday, September 20, 2024 (Room 555, Weiser Hall)...
Making the Most of 'Hot Moments': Election Edition
Part of Promoting Democracy Teaching Series
Workshop Description: Teaching and learning centers use the term 'hot moments' to describe a sudden eruption of tension, conflict,...
Mock Case Lab
Join our September Consulting Case Lab to kickstart your journey into the consulting world. This introductory workshop is tailored...
Seminar Series: Grant Prix
Join the Office of Research Development for a seminar series on research proposal development, featuring a range of topics designed to boost...
Sparty Invite
Location: Michigan State UniversityDates: 9/20-21No overnight lodging
Coral Reef Tank Visit
Join Professor Jim Bardwell for a peek behind the scenes at his large coral reef tank featuring many species of coral, anemone, and fish....
Early Careers - EY Next Steps: EY Career Path Accelerator
Are you an accounting major interested in pursuing your CPAbut unsure how you would obtain the requirements for CPA licensure within4 years...
Stamps In-Person Tour & Info Session
Visit Stamps and join us for a tour of our facilities, info session, and Q&A panel on undergraduate programs at the University of...
Anti-Racism Collaborative Open House
Anti-Racism Collaborative (ARC) Open House
Join us at the Anti-Racism Collaborative (ARC) Open House, an exciting opportunity for members of the University of Michigan community to...
General Motors | Finance Ops Internship & Entry-Level Rotational Program Coffee Chats
Please drop-in for casual coffee chats to discuss the Finance Operations Summer Internship and full-time Entry-Level Finance Operations...
Rackham/Sweetland Workshop: What’s Reading Got to Do with It? Reading to Support Writing in Graduate School
This workshop will address how you can read strategically to support your work as a writer in your academic field and discipline....
Virtual Forté National Campus to Business Leadership Conference
Business is not limited to a specific field or career path; it serves as a universal language that opens doors to leadership roles. No...
What’s Reading Got to Do with It?: Reading to Support Writing in Graduate School
How to Grad Student: Becoming an Effective Writer in Graduate School
Rackham / Sweetland Workshops, co-sponsored by the Rackham Graduate School, cover a host of topics designed to help graduate students in...
Jessi Grieser, carillon
LSA faculty member Jessi Grieser performs on the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Carillon, an instrument of 60 bells with the lowest bell...
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Comparative Politics & The Social Sciences
The Interdisciplinary Workshop in Comparative Politics & The Social Sciences (IWCP) provides a platform for sharing and improving...
IPE Friday Free Passport Photos for Engineering Students
Need a passport photo for a passport or visa application? International Programs in Engineering (IPE) has got you covered!...
Racialized Gendered Organizations: A Research Primer
Melissa Abad
With the rise of research on racialized gendered organizations, I draw on two distinct industry case studies to outline theoretical and...
International Students Career Series: How to Navigate Small Talk
In the United States, many people participate in what is called "small talk", where you make conversation with strangers or...
North American Stainless Info Session
North American Stainless (NAS) NAS is located in Ghent, Kentucky which is about halfway between Louisville and Cincinnati. NAS is the...
PCC History and Career Opportunities
Curious about what it’s like to launch your career with Precision Castparts Corp.? Join us to discover how you can be part of our exciting...
Discussion Group
The Prosody Group consists of researchers interested in any aspect of prosody. We meet biweekly throughout the year to present our work in...
Resume Lab
*RSVP required to attend. Click "Join Event" here: Just getting...
Student Sustainability Coalition Coffee Chats
Navigating the variety of avenues to engage in sustainability work on campus can be daunting and confusing! Come talk with the Student...
AIM Seminar: Harnessing Structural Periodicity for Wave Control Toward Sensing, Harvesting, and Space Applications
Serife Tol, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
The study of structural periodicity in engineered materials, such as metamaterials, phononic crystals, and metasurfaces, has opened new...
Dream Big with Your Degree: Virtual University Information Session
BE THE FUTURE. GROW WITH US.At Booz Allen, we believe that great ideas can come from anyone—which is why we give everyone aseat at the...
Forks and their uses (combinatorics seminar)
Tucker Ervin, University of Alabama
Mutation-finite quivers --- those mutation-equivalent to only a finite number of quivers --- are relatively well-understood objects....
HET Seminar | Fivebrane Stars
Emil Martinec (UChicago)
We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals...
LGBTQIA2S+ Grad Panel and Resource Fair
Are you a graduate student in the LGBTQIA2S+ community? Do you want to hear from other students’ experiences in the community at the...
LGBTQIA2S+ Grad Student Panel and Resource Fair
In person and virtual
Join Spectrum Center and Rackham Graduate School for an resource fair and panel for LGBTQIA2S+ graduate students....
Roy A. Rappaport Lecture Series: "From Fossils to the Forest"
Rescheduled Dates, U-M Anthropology | Professor Laura MacLatchy
The University of Michigan Department of Anthropology presents its Roy A. Rappaport Lecture Series, "From Fossils to the Forest."...
Discussion Group
The SoConDi group is both a discussion platform and a study group for students and faculty members who are interested in sociolinguistics,...
Student Algebraic Geometry: Multiplier Ideals
Shend Zhjeqi
Multiplier ideals are an important tool in studying singularities. We will briefly introduce them and provide several geometric...
Interdisciplinary Workshop on American Politics
The Interdisciplinary Workshop in American Politics hosts weekly research workshops, where graduate students present their research and...
LGBTQIA2S+ Grad Panel and Resource Fair
LGBTQIA2S+ Grad Panel (Virtual Access to Panel)
Are you a graduate student in the LGBTQIA2S+ community? Do you want to hear from other students’ experiences in the community at the...
Smith Lecture - Renée Tamblyn, Universität Bern
Water Cycling in the Archean: Implications for Continent Formation
Much of the surviving Archean continental crust is comprised of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites, leading to the question –...
LACS Event. Indigenous Traditions of Resistance to Extractivism (Lecture & Workshop)
Glen Coulthard, Associate Professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia
Friday, September 20, 2024 (Room 555, Weiser Hall)...
Linguistics Colloquium
Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan
Rada Mihalcea is the Janice M. Jenkins Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan and the Director of the...
Political Theory Workshop
Political Theory Workshop Winter 2025 Details:...
Come and learn what it takes to be a part of SLB! Learn about our commitment to the community and our experience within our...
Kaffeestunde im Max Kade Haus
Kaffeestunde is a weekly opportunity to mingle and unwind "auf Deutsch". It is a place to connect with other Max Kade residents,...
Painting for a Piece of Mind in Markley
Hey Markey! Come brush away your stress with the Markley DPEs. Please join us for free food, music, and painting to relax and learn about...
Join us for a fun-filled evening for Barn Party!
Join us for a fun-filled evening at Sanders Farm for Barn Party!Date: Friday, September 20th Time: 6:00 PM Location: Sanders Farm...
Outreach Orientation Meeting
Are you passionate about STEM, and looking to make a real impact on young minds?...
Stockwell Soul Food Shindig
Stockwell residents are invited to come to the Rosa Parks Multicultural Lounge and get to know your DPE, and learn about the Dreams...
SOLD OUT - GISC Film Screening. Where Olive Trees Weep
Documentary | Run time: 104 mins | 2024 | Director: Zaya Benazzo, Maurizio Benazzo
Event Update: We have SOLD OUT of free tickets!...
FREE Comedy Show: MBC
Midnight Book Club: The Wizard of Ozempic
A completely FREE improv comedy show presented by Midnight Book Club!
Mark Webster Reading Series
Showcasing the work of second-year MFA poets and fiction writers
Organized by the Helen Zell Writers' Program and presented in partnership with the University of Michigan Museum of Art, the Mark...
Open Mic Night
UMS at the Ypsilanti Freighthouse
Calling all singers, poets, jugglers, storytellers, and rappers of Ypsilanti! Open Mic Night at the Freighthouse is back for the fourth...
September Astronomy Nights
Experience History and Astronomy at the Judy & Stanley Frankel Detroit Observatory!...
The Ark's 28th Fall Fundraiser
An Evening with Vienna Teng
In 2002, Vienna released her debut album Waking Hour, landing her on NPR’s Weekend Edition, The Late Show with David Letterman, and the...
SAS Open House
Open houses are free, inclusive opportunities to learn more about astronomy and experience the universe firsthand. At each open house,...
September 21st, 2024
Boiler Bash Purdue Tournament
Come play our tournament at Purdue! Sep 20-22.
Sparty Invite
Location: Michigan State UniversityDates: 9/20-21No overnight lodging
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
Let the Earth Breathe. Photo Exhibition
Nnimmo Bassey, 2024 Wallenberg Medalist, Architect, Poet, and African Environmental Activist; and Omolade Adunbi, African Studies Center Director
Sponsored and presented by the Wallenberg Medal and Lecture, the African Studies Center, and the Department of Afroamerican and African...
Mrs. Dalloway and WWI: Home Front and War Front
This exhibit explores the characters of Mrs. Dalloway through the lens of WWI and its aftershocks. It looks at those who fought in the...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Kelly Church & Cherish Parrish: In Our Words, An Intergenerational Dialogue
Exhibition Dates: September 13 – December 7, 2024Opening Reception: September 19, 2024...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...
Cow Eye Dissection
Have you ever wondered how we see? To take a closer look at the organ that helps us see the world– by dissecting a cow’s eye. How is it...
Tour: Museum Highlights
Learn about some of our exciting exhibits and galleries like the Exploring Michigan gallery and Evolution: Life Through Time. Along with...
Discovery Demo: How to Become a Fossil
Explore how fossils form and what parts of animals can become fossilized. How old are the earliest fossils? How old does something have to...
Game Day @ The Union
Celebrate on your way to the game with the Michigan Union! Free food, giveaways and games will be provided on the front lawn.
Discovery Demo: All About Owls
Join us in the Science Forum for a 15-20 minute engaging science demonstration that will help you see the world in a whole new way....
Empowering Women’s Health: A Comprehensive Workshop Series on Hormones and Well-being
We propose a series of virtual workshops titled "EmpoweringWomen’s Health: A Comprehensive Workshop Series on Hormones and...
Walking Tour: Romantic Life at U of M
The Romantic Life at U of M Walking Tour takes you through some of the beautiful and notable portions of the Nichols Arboretum starting at...
Judo Training
Judo at the University of Michigan will hold the first practice of the semester on Saturday August, 31 in the Michigan League at 3 pm...
🏀 Basketball Game!!!
Calling all U-M faculty, students, and community members!Join us for a FREE and fun 🏀 basketball game this Saturday at 3 PM at St. Luke...
Soccer with LISWA
Come join us for a fun-filled soccer game. Bring a reusable water bottle, comfy shoes, and a friend for this action-packed event!...
House of Jit
UMS at the Ypsilanti Freighthouse
Come see Detroit Jit at its finest, up close and personal in Rhythm of the Feet, an evening-length dance piece written by House of Jit...
Nathan Graham
Presented by The Ark
“A powerhouse singer with a deep drive to connect” –No Depression...
Overwatch 2 Community 10-Mans
Come join us for Overwatch 2 custom games! There is no rank requirement, all are welcome! Matches are in the Michigan Esports Discord...
Valorant Community 10-Mans
Come join us for Valorant custom games! There is no rank requirement, all are welcome! Matches are in the Michigan Esports Discord server...